Title: Sonic Software
1Sonic Software
- WebSphere MQ Competitive Overview
Bob Trabucchi
- MQSeries 5.2 Competitive Postmortem
- WebSphereMQ 5.3
- Competing against WebSphere MQ 5.3
3IBM MQSeries
- 65 market share
- Over 3,000 international customers
- Integration for 35 platforms
- Considered de facto standard for reliable
messaging - Currently used by most fortune 500 companies
4MQSeries 5.2
- Released in January 2001
- Claim improved performance for persistent
messaging (factor of 5) - Not standards based (proprietary APIs)
- JMS wrapper supplied with product
- Pub/sub not supported on all platforms
- Clustered servers, load balancing and hot
5MQSeries 5.2 Landmines
- Slow performance
- High cost of ownership.
- Limited Pub/Sub queue-based model
- JMS wrapper not integrated
- Limited Internet usefulness
- Mom product at core
- Limited XML support
6Reality Check
- MOM product at the core can be a plus!
- Proven track record
- Fortune 500 have MQSeries expertise
- doesnt matter if its bogus to use.
- MQSeries site licenses hide costs from groups
doing implementation. - Internet use to date is not a big differentiator.
7Reality Check
- Performance is still king!
- Security and guaranteed delivery are extremely
- MQSeries 5.2 Competitive Postmortem
- WebSphereMQ 5.3
- Competing against Websphere MQ 5.3
9Scope of work
- Goals of 6 week effort
- Assume the role of customer and evaluate the
WebSphere MQ 5.3 experience. - Develop test harness to exercise both products on
a level playing field - Produce proof points that give sales force
improved competitive traction
10MQSeries 5.3
- Beta released May 24th, 2002
- Improved JMS specific performance
- Improved security story
- Allows SSL-based encryption vs. 3rd-party only
- JMS fully integrated within product
- Improved support for clustered queue managers
- Workload balancing
- Connection failover
11WebSphere MQ OOBE
- Building point-to-point, queue-based is equally
easy in both SonicMQ and Websphere MQ products. - GUI Explorer tools
- Create, start, stop queue managers
- Create and manage queues
12WebSphere MQ Explorer
13SonicMQ Explorer
14WebSphere MQ 5.3 weakness
- Pub/Sub is still not integrated and frustrating
to use - No tutorials or documentation for Java
- Supplemental download (uses same as 5.2)
- Complete add-on architecture
- Not integrated with admin tools
- Trouble shooting is cryptic
- Using topics is problematic
- No topic heirarchies
- No cluster-wide topics
15Java is an still and afterthought
- Java is a second class citizen
- Only two code samples
- No Java-based tutorials
- Sample Java pub/sub app doesnt work in some
cases (without JNDI) - MQSeries.net JMS newsgroup is useless.
16WebSphere MQ 5.3 weakness
- We still have much better performance
- We still have a better security story
- We still have a better clustering story
17MQSeries Terminology
- Queue Manager creates, manages and maintains
queues - Clusters grouping of queue managers that work
cooperatively. - Participants exchange messages via named queues
- Broker a pub/sub server component that creates,
manages, and maintains topics - Broker network cluster of pub/sub brokers
18WebSphere MQ PTP JMS Architecture
19WebSphere MQ 5.3 Pub/Sub JMS Architecture
Queue Manager
20WebSphere MQ 5.3 Pub/Sub JMS Architecture
Queue Manager
21Pub/Sub Broker responsibilities
- Listen for publishers
- Listen for subscribers
- Maintain list of topics and subscribers
- Maintain links with other brokers
- Maintain links with queue manager
22Pub/Sub Broker vs. Queue manager
- Broker is a MQSeries application
- Depends on Queue manager for all persistent
storage and queue functions.
Massive Overhead !!!
23WebSphere MQ Broker Network
New York
- MQSeries 5.2 Competitive Postmortem
- WebSphereMQ 5.3
- Competing against Websphere MQ 5.3
25Where do we win?
- Prospect needs
- Real-world publish/subscribe capabilities
- Cares about high end performance
- Worries about greater performance for secure
applications. - Wants reliable, pub/sub cluster capabilities
- Lower TCO
26Performance Where do we win?
- High volume
- Lots of concurrently connect clients
- Lots of topics and queues
- 50 is where the differences start to appear
- The larger the message size, the better
27Security Where do we win?
- Security topologies that must be highly
performant - Variety of cipher suites
- Flexible encryption options
- Per message, message-payload
- Prospects with tight firewall restrictions
28Clustering Where do we win?
- Pub/Sub environment
- Broker network is no Queue Manager cluster!
- Topics are not cluster wide.
- No load balancing
- No failover
- Where administration resources are limited
- Inflexible IP address hard coding required
29Where do we lose?
- Prospect has
- MQSeries experts in house
- MQSeries site license
- Unlimited coding resources
- Queue-based point-to-point application
requirements with small message sizes. - Total cost is of no concern
30Where do we lose?
- SonicMQ performance is benchmarked using
- Connection time
- Small numbers of messages
- Small message sizes
31SonicMQ vs. MQSeries win!
- onStar is a actually a subsidiary of IBM, but
they have been successful in going against the
IBM bias in the past
- Replaced 3rd party
- Organization open to 3rd party products
- Primary use for pub/sub domain
- Clustering environment
- topics need to be available cluster-wide
- parallel load balanced queue processing
- C/C client
33From the lab..
- Test Harness
- Modified to run against standard WebSphere MQ 5.3
installation - Test Configuration
- NT Server, 550 mhz, 4CPU
- For QM, Brokers etc.
- 2 NT 886 mhz, 2 CPU
- 1 to Receive/Subscribe
- 1 to Send/Publish
34SonicMQ V4.0 v MQ Series 5.3
Non Persistent
Message Size
Message Size
MQSeries 5.3
SonicMQ 4.0
MQSeries 5.3
SonicMQ 4.0
35SonicMQ V4.0 v MQ Series 5.3
Non Persistent
Message Size
Message Size
MQSeries 5.3
SonicMQ 4.0
MQSeries 5.3
SonicMQ 4.0
36Recap Where we win
- Need highly performant pub/sub with real
clustering capabilities - Performance critical architectures
- Require security were there is currently none.
- Require security with high performance
- TCO matters
37Still to come..
- Competitive info for Websphere MQ is a work in
progress - No durable subscription numbers
- No reliability numbers/data
- Need to test secure configurations
- Need to test clustering capabilities
38Sonic Software
- WebSphere MQ Competitive Overview
Bob Trabucchi