Title: Drinking Water Challenge Grant Project
1 Drinking Water Challenge Grant Project
Advisory Committee Kick-off Conference
Call Project Introduction
2Presentation Purpose
- Provide a background on the Challenge Grant
Project - Identify Challenge Grant Project objectives
relevant to the Advisory Committee - Advisory Committee Roles and Responsibilities
3Project Overview
Implement reliable process of e-Drinking Water
4Phase 1 Project Objectives
- Develop a data standard / data format to use for
the electronic submission of Laboratory Drinking
Water data - Identify and define a data submission model
- Develop best practices to guide States during
development of their lab data submission system - Develop Participation Agreement Template for
States to adopt for lab data submission system
5Objective 1 Develop Data Standard / Data Format
- Goal
- Have 1 data format for laboratory Drinking Water
submissions that can be used as a National
Standard - Although focus is initially on Drinking Water,
National standard will be first step in unifying
laboratory data format for other environmental
data flows (air, wastewater, etc.) - This approach has backing of both States and EPA
6Objective 1 Develop Data Standard / Data Format
- Strategy
- Review all DW forms from 5 states used for
electronic submittal of DW data, compile common
data element inventory, group into logical data
blocks - Compare this list with Laboratory Data Standard
and modify if necessary. This is then a Draft
Data Element Requirements - Send our Data Element Requirements to Advisory
Committee for comment. Revise to create Final
Data Element Requirements. - Submit the Final Data Element Requirements to
EPA Standards Bodies for their consideration - Environmental Data Standards Council
- Technical Resources Group
7Objective 2 Identify and Define Data Submission
- Once Standard Data Format is developed, we then
work to identify how data should get transferred - File Upload vs. Web Form Entry
- XML Data Format vs. Excel Data Format
- Manual/Email File Transfer vs. Automated File
Transfer - One of the most important parts of establishing
the data submission model is understanding the
burden on the potential stakeholders
8Objective 3 Best Practices Development Strategy
- Identify areas that where the data submission
process would benefit from standardization. - Nineteen areas already identified as potential
candidates for development of best practices. - Draft Best Practices document.
- Review Best Practices document with Advisory
Committee. - Revise Best Practices document after
implementation. - Examples How should States handle data resends
from labs?, Should a consistent/standard list
of unit codes be developed?, Whats the best
way to handle sub-contracted labs?, What is
considered sufficient to ensure data submissions
from labs are secure?, etc
9Objective 4 Participation Agreement Template
- Participation Agreement Template (PAT) Document
that Labs and Water Systems will sign to join the
e-Drinking Water Submission program. - Strategy
- Begin development of PAT after identification of
the data submission model - Develop PAT as part of required sign-up
procedure - Design and leverage PATs to reduce burden on
laboratories submitting information to multiple
clients - Review PAT with Advisory committee
- Modify PAT, as necessary, following implementation
10Advisory Committee Purpose
- Purpose Assure that workgroup products and
processes are responsive to stakeholder needs.
11Advisory Committee Member Role
- An Advisory Committee member is expected to
- Review appropriate workgroup products for
accuracy and relevance - Provide feedback to Advisory Committee Co-Chairs
- Participate in Advisory Committee meetings
- Help to ensure the e-Drinking Water Submission
process is useful from a labs/water systems
12Advisory Committee Co-Chair Role
- An Advisory Committee co-chair is expected to
- Review appropriate workgroup products for
accuracy and relevance - Work closely with the project facilitator to
coordinate with the workgroup - Potentially participate in the workgroups
quarterly meeting - Be primarily responsible for disseminating
information, coordinating presenters, and
gathering comments from the Committee members.
13Selecting the Co-Chairs
- One Co-Chair from a private laboratory
- One Co-Chair from a public laboratory
- Please e-mail co-chair nominees to
rob.willis_at_ross-assoc.com by 08/01/03 - Self-nominations encouraged!