Particle Physics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Particle Physics


equal magnitude and opposite sign of charge, magnetic moment and strangeness ... Strangeness ... A new law, the conservation of strangeness, was also needed ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Particle Physics

Chapter 31
  • Particle Physics

Atoms as Elementary Particles
  • Atoms
  • From the Greek for indivisible
  • Were once thought to be the elementary particles
  • Atom constituents
  • Proton, neutron, and electron
  • After 1932 these were viewed as elementary
  • All matter was made up of these particles

Discovery of New Particles
  • New particles
  • Beginning in 1945, many new particles were
    discovered in experiments involving high-energy
  • Characteristically unstable with short lifetimes
  • Over 300 have been cataloged
  • A pattern was needed to understand all these new

Elementary Particles Quarks
  • Physicists recognize that most particles are made
    up of quarks
  • Exceptions include photons, electrons and a few
  • The quark model has reduced the array of
    particles to a manageable few
  • Protons and neutrons are not truly elementary,
    but are systems of tightly bound quarks

Fundamental Forces
  • All particles in nature are subject to four
    fundamental forces
  • Strong force
  • Electromagnetic force
  • Weak force
  • Gravitational force
  • This list is in order of decreasing strength

Nuclear Force
  • Holds nucleons together
  • Strongest of all the fundamental forces
  • Very short-ranged
  • Less than 10-15 m
  • Negligible for separations greater than this

Electromagnetic Force
  • Is responsible for the binding of atoms and
  • About 10-2 times the strength of the nuclear
  • A long-range force that decreases in strength as
    the inverse square of the separation between
    interacting particles

Weak Force
  • Is responsible for instability in certain nuclei
  • Is responsible for decay processes
  • Its strength is about 10-5 times that of the
    strong force
  • Scientists now believe the weak and
    electromagnetic forces are two manifestions of a
    single interaction, the electroweak force

Gravitational Force
  • A familiar force that holds the planets, stars
    and galaxies together
  • Its effect on elementary particles is negligible
  • A long-range force
  • It is about 10-41 times the strength of the
    nuclear force
  • Weakest of the four fundamental forces

Explanation of Forces
  • Forces between particles are often described in
    terms of the actions of field particles or
    exchange particles
  • The force is mediated, or carried, by the field

Forces and Mediating Particles
Paul Adrian Maurice Dirac
  • 1902 1984
  • Understanding of antimatter
  • Unification of quantum mechanics and relativity
  • Contributions of quantum physics and cosmology
  • Nobel Prize in 1933

  • Every particle has a corresponding antiparticle
  • From Diracs version of quantum mechanics that
    incorporated special relativity
  • An antiparticle has the same mass as the
    particle, but the opposite charge
  • The positron (electrons antiparticle) was
    discovered by Anderson in 1932
  • Since then, it has been observed in numerous
  • Practically every known elementary particle has a
    distinct antiparticle
  • Among the exceptions are the photon and the
    neutral pi particles

Diracs Explanation
  • The solutions to the relativistic quantum
    mechanic equations required negative energy
  • Dirac postulated that all negative energy states
    were filled
  • These electrons are collectively called the Dirac
  • Electrons in the Dirac sea are not directly
    observable because the exclusion principle does
    not let them react to external forces

Diracs Explanation, cont
  • An interaction may cause the electron to be
    excited to a positive energy state
  • This would leave behind a hole in the Dirac sea
  • The hole can react to external forces and is

Diracs Explanation, final
  • The hole reacts in a way similar to the electron,
    except that it has a positive charge
  • The hole is the antiparticle of the electron
  • The electrons antiparticle is now called a

Pair Production
  • A common source of positrons is pair production
  • A gamma-ray photon with sufficient energy
    interacts with a nucleus and an electron-positron
    pair is created from the photon
  • The photon must have a minimum energy equal to
    2mec2 to create the pair

Pair Production, cont
  • A photograph of pair production produced by 300
    MeV gamma rays striking a lead sheet
  • The minimum energy to create the pair is 1.022
  • The excess energy appears as kinetic energy of
    the two particles

  • The reverse of pair production can also occur
  • Under the proper conditions, an electron and a
    positron can annihilate each other to produce two
    gamma ray photons
  • e- e 2g

Antimatter, final
  • In 1955 a team produced antiprotons and
  • This established the certainty of the existence
    of antiparticles
  • Every particle has a corresponding antiparticle
  • equal mass and spin
  • equal magnitude and opposite sign of charge,
    magnetic moment and strangeness
  • The neutral photon, pion and eta are their own

Hideki Yukawa
  • 1907 1981
  • Nobel Prize in 1949 for predicting the existence
    of mesons
  • Developed the first theory to explain the nature
    of the nuclear force

  • Developed from a theory to explain the nuclear
  • Yukawa used the idea of forces being mediated by
    particles to explain the nuclear force
  • A new particle was introduced whose exchange
    between nucleons causes the nuclear force
  • It was called a meson

Mesons, cont
  • The proposed particle would have a mass about 200
    times that of the electron
  • Efforts to establish the existence of the
    particle were made by studying cosmic rays in the
    late 1930s
  • Actually discovered multiple particles
  • Pi meson (pion)
  • Muon
  • Not a meson

  • There are three varieties of pions
  • ? and ?-
  • Mass of 139.6 MeV/c2
  • ?0
  • Mass of 135.0 MeV/c2
  • Pions are very unstable
  • For example, the ?- decays into a muon and an
    antineutrino with a lifetime of about 2.6 x10-8 s

  • Two muons exist
  • µ- and its antiparticle µ
  • The muon is unstable
  • It has a mean lifetime of 2.2 µs
  • It decays into an electron, a neutrino, and an

Richard Feynman
  • 1918 1988
  • Developed quantum electrodynamics
  • Shared the Noble Prize in 1965
  • Worked on Challenger investigation and
    demonstrated the effects of cold temperatures on
    the rubber O-rings used

Feynman Diagrams
  • A graphical representation of the interaction
    between two particles
  • Feynman diagrams are named for Richard Feynman
    who developed them
  • A Feynman diagram is a qualitative graph of time
    on the vertical axis and space on the horizontal
  • Actual values of time and space are not important
  • The actual paths of the particles are not shown

Feynman Diagram Two Electrons
  • The photon is the field particle that mediates
    the interaction
  • The photon transfers energy and momentum from one
    electron to the other
  • The photon is called a virtual photon
  • It can never be detected directly because it is
    absorbed by the second electron very shortly
    after being emitted by the first electron

The Virtual Photon
  • The existence of the virtual photon seems to
    violate the law of conservation of energy
  • But, due to the uncertainty principle and its
    very short lifetime, the photons excess energy
    is less than the uncertainty in its energy
  • The virtual photon can exist for short time
    intervals, such that ?E ? / 2?t

Feynman Diagram Proton and Neutron (Yukawas
  • The exchange is via the nuclear force
  • The existence of the pion is allowed in spite of
    conservation of energy if this energy is
    surrendered in a short enough time
  • Analysis predicts the rest energy of the pion to
    be 100 MeV / c2
  • This is in close agreement with experimental

Nucleon Interaction More About Yukawas Model
  • The time interval required for the pion to
    transfer from one nucleon to the other is
  • The distance the pion could travel is cDt
  • Using these pieces of information, the rest
    energy of the pion is about 100 MeV

Nucleon Interaction, final
  • This concept says that a system of two nucleons
    can change into two nucleons plus a pion as long
    as it returns to its original state in a very
    short time interval
  • It is often said that the nucleon undergoes
    fluctuations as it emits and absorbs field
  • These fluctuations are a consequence of quantum
    mechanics and special relativity

Nuclear Force
  • The interactions previously described used the
    pion as the particles that mediate the nuclear
  • Current understanding indicate that the nuclear
    force is more fundamentally described as an
    average or residual effect of the force between

Feynman Diagram Weak Interaction
  • An electron and a neutrino are interacting via
    the weak force
  • The Z0 is the mediating particle
  • The weak force can also be mediated by the W
  • The W and Z0 were discovered in 1983 at CERN

Classification of Particles
  • Two broad categories
  • Classified by interactions
  • Hadrons interact through strong force
  • Leptons interact through weak force
  • Note on terminology
  • The strong force is reserved for the force
    between quarks
  • The nuclear force is reserved for the force
    between nucleons
  • The nuclear force is a secondary result of the
    strong force

  • Interact through the strong force
  • Two subclasses distinguished by masses and spins
  • Mesons
  • Decay finally into electrons, positrons,
    neutrinos and photons
  • Integer spins (0 or 1)
  • Baryons
  • Masses equal to or greater than a proton
  • Half integer spin values (1/2 or 3/2)
  • Decay into end products that include a proton
    (except for the proton)
  • Not elementary, but composed of quarks

  • Do not interact through strong force
  • Do participate in electromagnetic (if charged)
    and weak interactions
  • All have spin of ½
  • Leptons appear truly elementary
  • No substructure
  • Point-like particles

Leptons, cont
  • Scientists currently believe only six leptons
    exist, along with their antiparticles
  • Electron and electron neutrino
  • Muon and its neutrino
  • Tau and its neutrino
  • Neutrinos may have a small, but nonzero, mass

Conservation Laws
  • A number of conservation laws are important in
    the study of elementary particles
  • Already have seen conservation of
  • Energy
  • Linear momentum
  • Angular momentum
  • Electric charge
  • Two additional laws are
  • Conservation of Baryon Number
  • Conservation of Lepton Number

Conservation of Baryon Number
  • Whenever a baryon is created in a reaction or a
    decay, an antibaryon is also created
  • B is the Baryon Number
  • B 1 for baryons
  • B -1 for antibaryons
  • B 0 for all other particles
  • Conservation of Baryon Number states the sum of
    the baryon numbers before a reaction or a decay
    must equal the sum of baryon numbers after the

Conservation of Baryon Number and Proton Stability
  • There is a debate over whether the proton decays
    or not
  • If baryon number is absolutely conserved, the
    proton cannot decay
  • Some recent theories predict the proton is
    unstable and so baryon number would not be
    absolutely conserved
  • For now, we can say that the proton has a
    half-life of at least 1033 years

Conservation of Baryon Number, Example
  • Is baryon number conserved in the following
  • Baryon numbers
  • Before 1 1 2
  • After 1 1 1 (-1) 2
  • Baryon number is conserved
  • The reaction can occur as long as energy is

Conservation of Lepton Number
  • There are three conservation laws, one for each
    variety of lepton
  • Law of Conservation of Electron-Lepton Number
    states that the sum of electron-lepton numbers
    before the process must equal the sum of the
    electron-lepton number after the process
  • The process can be a reaction or a decay

Conservation of Lepton Number, cont
  • Assigning electron-lepton numbers
  • Le 1 for the electron and the electron neutrino
  • Le -1 for the positron and the electron
  • Le 0 for all other particles
  • Similarly, when a process involves muons,
    muon-lepton number must be conserved and when a
    process involves tau particles, tau-lepton
    numbers must be conserved
  • Muon- and tau-lepton numbers are assigned
    similarly to electron-lepton numbers

Conservation of Lepton Number, Example
  • Is lepton number conserved in the following
  • Check electron lepton numbers
  • Before Le 0 After Le 1 (-1) 0 0
  • Electron lepton number is conserved
  • Check muon lepton numbers
  • Before Lµ 1 After Lµ 0 0 1 1
  • Muon lepton number is conserved

Strange Particles
  • Some particles discovered in the 1950s were
    found to exhibit unusual properties in their
    production and decay and were given the name
    strange particles
  • Peculiar features include
  • Always produced in pairs
  • Although produced by the strong interaction, they
    do not decay into particles that interact via the
    strong interaction, but instead into particles
    that interact via weak interactions
  • They decay much more slowly than particles
    decaying via strong interactions

  • To explain these unusual properties, a new
    quantum number, S, called strangeness, was
  • A new law, the conservation of strangeness, was
    also needed
  • It states that whenever a reaction or decay
    occurs via the strong force, the sum of
    strangeness numbers before the process must equal
    the sum of the strangeness numbers after the
  • Strong and electromagnetic interactions obey the
    law of conservation of strangeness, but the weak
    interaction does not

Bubble ChamberExample of Strange Particles
  • The dashed lines represent neutral particles
  • At the bottom,
  • ?- p ? ?0 K0
  • Then ?0 ? ?- p and

Creating Particles
  • Most elementary particles are unstable and are
    created in nature only rarely, in cosmic ray
  • In the laboratory, great numbers of particles can
    be created in controlled collisions between
    high-energy particles and a suitable target

Measuring Properties of Particles
  • A magnetic field causes the charged particles to
  • This allows measurement of their charge and
    linear momentum
  • If the mass and momentum of the incident particle
    are known, the product particles mass, kinetic
    energy, and speed can usually be calculated
  • The particles lifetime can be calculated from
    the length of its track and its speed

Resonance Particles
  • Short-lived particles are known as resonance
  • They exist for times around 10-20 s
  • In the lab, times for around 10-16 s can be
  • They cannot be detected directly
  • Their properties can be inferred from data on
    their decay products

Murray Gell-Mann
  • 1929
  • Studies dealing with subatomic particles
  • Named quarks
  • Developed pattern known as eightfold way
  • Nobel Prize in 1969

The Eightfold Way
  • Many classification schemes have been proposed to
    group particles into families
  • These schemes are based on spin, baryon number,
    strangeness, etc.
  • The eightfold way is a symmetric pattern proposed
    by Gell-Mann and Neeman
  • There are many symmetrical patterns that can be
  • The patterns of the eightfold way have much in
    common with the periodic table
  • Including predicting missing particles

An Eightfold Way for Baryons
  • A hexagonal pattern for the eight spin ½ baryons
  • Stangeness vs. charge is plotted on a sloping
    coordinate system
  • Six of the baryons form a hexagon with the other
    two particles at its center

An Eightfold Way for Mesons
  • The mesons with spins of 0 can be plotted
  • Strangeness vs. charge on a sloping coordinate
    system is plotted
  • A hexagonal pattern emerges
  • The particles and their antiparticles are on
    opposite sides on the perimeter of the hexagon
  • The remaining three mesons are at the center

Eightfold Way for Spin 3/2 Baryons
  • The nine particles known at the time were
    arranged as shown
  • An empty spot occurred
  • Gell-Mann predicted the missing particle and its
  • About three years later, the particle was found
    and all its predicted properties were confirmed

  • Hadrons are complex particles with size and
  • Hadrons decay into other hadrons
  • There are many different hadrons
  • Quarks are proposed as the elementary particles
    that constitute the hadrons
  • Originally proposed independently by Gell-Mann
    and Zweig

Original Quark Model
  • Three types or flavors
  • u up
  • d down
  • s strange
  • Associated with each quark is an antiquark
  • The antiquark has opposite charge, baryon number
    and strangeness
  • Quarks have fractional electrical charges
  • 1/3 e and 2/3 e
  • Quarks are fermions
  • Half-integral spins

Original Quark Model Rules
  • All the hadrons at the time of the original
    proposal were explained by three rules
  • Mesons consist of one quark and one antiquark
  • This gives them a baryon number of 0
  • Baryons consist of three quarks
  • Antibaryons consist of three antiquarks

Quark Composition of Particles Examples
  • Mesons are quark-antiquark pairs
  • Baryons are quark triplets

Additions to the Original Quark Model Charm
  • Another quark was needed to account for some
    discrepancies between predictions of the model
    and experimental results
  • A new quantum number, C, was assigned to the
    property of charm
  • Charm would be conserved in strong and
    electromagnetic interactions, but not in weak
  • In 1974, a new meson, the J/? was discovered that
    was shown to be a charm quark and charm antiquark

More Additions Top and Bottom
  • Discovery led to the need for a more elaborate
    quark model
  • This need led to the proposal of two new quarks
  • t top (or truth)
  • b bottom (or beauty)
  • Added quantum numbers of topness and bottomness
  • Verification
  • b quark was found in a Y- meson in 1977
  • t quark was found in 1995 at Fermilab

Numbers of Particles
  • At the present, physicists believe the building
    blocks of matter are complete
  • Six quarks with their antiparticles
  • Six leptons with their antiparticles

Particle Properties
More About Quarks
  • No isolated quark has ever been observed
  • It is believed that at ordinary temperatures,
    quarks are permanently confined inside ordinary
    particles due to the strong force
  • Current efforts are underway to form a
    quark-gluon plasma where quarks would be freed
    from neutrons and protons

  • It was noted that certain particles had quark
    compositions that violated the exclusion
  • Quarks are fermions, with half-integer spins and
    so should obey the exclusion principle
  • The explanation is an additional property called
    the color charge
  • The color has nothing to do with the visual
    sensation from light, it is simply a name

Colored Quarks
  • Color charge occurs in red, blue, or green
  • Antiquarks have colors of antired, antiblue, or
  • These are the quantum numbers of color charge
  • Color obeys the Exclusion Principle
  • A combination of quarks of each color produces
    white (or colorless)
  • Baryons and mesons are always colorless

Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD)
  • QCD gave a new theory of how quarks interact with
    each other by means of color charge
  • The strong force between quarks is often called
    the color force
  • The strong force between quarks is mediated by
  • Gluons are massless particles
  • When a quark emits or absorbs a gluon, its color
    may change

More About Color Charge
  • Particles with like colors repel and those with
    opposite colors attract
  • Different colors attract, but not as strongly as
    a color and its anticolor
  • The color force between color-neutral hadrons is
    negligible at large separations
  • The strong color force between the constituent
    quarks does not exactly cancel at small
  • This residual strong force is the nuclear force
    that binds the protons and neutrons to form nuclei

Quark Structure of a Meson
  • A green quark is attracted to an antigreen quark
  • The quark antiquark pair forms a meson
  • The resulting meson is colorless

Quark Structure of a Baryon
  • Quarks of different colors attract each other
  • The quark triplet forms a baryon
  • Each baryon contains three quarks with three
    different colors
  • The baryon is colorless

QCD Explanation of a Neutron-Proton Interaction
  • Each quark within the proton and neutron is
    continually emitting and absorbing gluons
  • The energy of the gluon can result in the
    creation of quark-antiquark pairs
  • When close enough, these gluons and quarks can be
    exchanged, producing the strong force

Elementary Particles A Current View
  • Scientists now believe there are three
    classifications of truly elementary particles
  • Leptons
  • Quarks
  • Field particles
  • These three particles are further classified as
    fermions or bosons
  • Quarks and leptons are fermions
  • Field particles are bosons

Weak Force
  • The weak force is believed to be mediated by the
    W, W-, and Z0 bosons
  • These particles are said to have weak charge
  • Therefore, each elementary particle can have
  • Mass
  • Electric charge
  • Color charge
  • Weak charge
  • One or more of these charges may be zero

Electroweak Theory
  • The electroweak theory unifies electromagnetic
    and weak interactions
  • The theory postulates that the weak and
    electromagnetic interactions have the same
    strength when the particles involved have very
    high energies
  • Viewed as two different manifestations of a
    single unifying electroweak interaction

The Standard Model
  • A combination of the electroweak theory and QCD
    for the strong interaction form the standard
  • Essential ingredients of the standard model
  • The strong force, mediated by gluons, holds the
    quarks together to form composite particles
  • Leptons participate only in electromagnetic and
    weak interactions
  • The electromagnetic force is mediated by photons
  • The weak force is mediated by W and Z bosons
  • The standard model does not yet include the
    gravitational force

The Standard Model Chart
Mediator Masses
  • Why does the photon have no mass while the W and
    Z bosons do have mass?
  • Not answered by the Standard Model
  • The difference in behavior between low and high
    energies is called symmetry breaking
  • The Higgs boson has been proposed to account for
    the masses
  • Large colliders are necessary to achieve the
    energy needed to find the Higgs boson
  • In a collider, particles with equal masses and
    equal kinetic energies, traveling in opposite
    directions, collide head-on to produce the
    required reaction

Particle Paths After a Collision
The Big Bang
  • This theory states that the universe had a
    beginning, and that it was so cataclysmic that it
    is impossible to look back beyond it
  • Also, during the first few minutes after the
    creation of the universe all four interactions
    were unified
  • All matter was contained in a quark-gluon plasma
  • As time increased and temperature decreased, the
    forces broke apart

A Brief History of the Universe
Hubbles Law
  • The Big Bang theory predicts that the universe is
  • Hubble claimed the whole universe is expanding
  • Furthermore, the speeds at which galaxies are
    receding from the earth is directly proportional
    to their distance from us
  • This is called Hubbles Law

Hubbles Law, cont
  • Hubbles Law can be written as v H R
  • H is called Hubbles constant
  • H 17 x 10-3 m / s ly

Remaining Questions About The Universe
  • Will the universe expand forever?
  • Today, astronomers are trying to determine the
    rate of expansion
  • The universe seems to be expanding more slowly
    than 1 billion years ago
  • It depends on the average mass density of the
    universe compared to a critical density
  • The critical density is about 3 atoms / m3
  • If the actual density is less than the critical
    density, the expansion will slow, but still
  • If the actual density is more than the critical
    density, expansion will stop and contraction will

More Questions
  • Missing mass in the universe
  • The amount of non-luminous (dark) matter seems to
    be much greater than what we can see
  • Various particles have been proposed to make up
    this dark matter
  • Exotic particles such as axions, photinos and
    superstring particles have been suggested
  • Neutrinos have also been suggested
  • It is important to determine the mass of the
    neutrino since it will affect predictions about
    the future of the universe

Another Question
  • Is there mysterious energy in the universe?
  • Observations have led to the idea that the
    expansion of the universe is accelerating
  • To explain this acceleration, dark energy has
    been proposed
  • It is energy possessed by the vacuum of space
  • The dark energy results in an effective repulsive
    force that causes the expansion rate to increase
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