Title: National Trends in Curriculum: Implications for Pathology Education
1National Trends in CurriculumImplications for
Pathology Education
- Ilene Harris, PhD
- University of Illinois College of Medicine at
Chicago - Department of Medical Education
- Department of Pathology
- Current curriculum issues in pathology education
GRIPE issues? - Curriculum studies The basics and the options
- National curriculum trends
- Implications for pathology education
3Current Curriculum Issues for - GRIPERs?
4Curriculum Issues The Basics
- Needs Assessment?
- Goals and Objectives?
- Educational Strategies and Methods?
- Content Organization, sequence, departmental
and faculty responsibilities - Educational strategies
- Teaching methods
- Assessment of Performance?
- Evaluation of Programs?
5National TrendsGoals and Objectives MSOP
- Knowledgeable
- Normal structure and function
- Molecular, biomedical and cellular mechanisms
- Altered structure and function - pathology and
pathophysiology - Scientific method
- Lifelong learning
- Medical School Objectives Writing Group, 1999
6National TrendsGoals and Objectives MSOP
- Altruistic
- Ethical decision-making
- Compassionate treatment
- Honesty and integrity
- Collaboration with other health professionals
- Advocacy for patients
- Commitment to continuous improvement
7National TrendsGoals and Objectives MSOP
- Skillful
- Communication
- History-taking
- Physical examination
- Perform routine procedures
- Interpret results of common dx texts
- Reason deductively to solve clinical problems
- Management strategies
- Relieving pain and suffering
8National TrendsGoals and Objectives MSOP
- Dutiful Applied knowledge of -
- Non-biological determinants of poor health
- Epidemiology of common maladies in a population,
and approaches to reduce - Risk factor identification and reduction
- Retrieval of biomedical information and use in
care of individuals and populations - Approaches to organization, financing and
delivery of health care - Advocacy for access to care
9National Trends Goals and ObjectivesACGME
- Extension of ACGME competencies to UGME, to
comprise a continuum - Knowledge
- Patient Care
- Interpersonal and Communication Skills
- Professionalism
- Practice-based Learning
- Systems-based Practice
10National Trends Goals and ObjectivesImplication
s for Pathology Education
- Consider What should be the core pathology
curriculum for UGME? - Consider Role of pathology education in
developing MSOP or ACGME competencies, such as - Professionalism
- Communication skills
- Practice-based learning
- Systems-based practice
11Educational Strategies Major IssuesEach on a
- S-P-I-C-E-S (Harden, 1986)
- Student-centered/teacher-centered
- Problem-solving/information-gathering
- Integration (Organization) Multidisciplinary/disc
ipline-based - Community-based/hospital-based
- Electives/standard program
- Systematic/apprenticeship
12Education Strategies Options
- Student-Centered
- Students decide on objectives content
learning methods, resources, sequence, pace
timing of assessment. - Support for -
- Emphasis on student
- Increased student motivation
- Preparation for continuing education
- Teacher-Centered
- Teachers make all curricular decisions and are
central, with emphasis on formal lectures and
labs. - Support for -
- Faculty experience and resources
- Student experience
13Education Strategies Options
- Information gathering
- Students acquire knowledge of facts and concepts
- Support for -
- Learn fundamentals of a discipline
- Resource availability
- Teacher expertise
- Student security
- Problem-based learning
- Students tackle problems that provide stimulus to
learn basic and clinical sciences - Support for -
- Develop problem-solving skills
- Develop integrated body of knowledge
- Facilitate motivation through active
participation, feedback, and relevance
14Education Strategies Options
- Multidisciplinary
- Inter-relate subjects taught in separate
courses/departments around organ systems, cases,
problems - Support for -
- Student motivation
- Student problem-solving skills
- Faculty communication
- Collaboration and sharing of teaching resources
- Discipline-based
- Support for -
- Learn fundamentals of a discipline
- Faculty enthusiasm and excitement about teaching
in their own discipline - Less costly
- Faculty comfort
- Student guidance related to career choices
15National Trends in CurriculumEducational
- Student-centered
- Competency-based
- Problem-based learning
- Integrated curricula
- Horizontal Subjects traditionally taught at
same time - Vertical Subjects traditionally taught in
different phases
16National Trends Education StrategiesImplication
s for Pathology Education
- Consider What should be the role of pathology
in the new UGME curricula? - Consider What should be the core base of
pathology knowledge in the new UGME curricula? - Consider How can pathologists achieve and
maintain a meaningful and visible role in the new
UGME curricula?
17Teaching Methods Options and Trends in Student
- Whole class
- Lecture method
- Active learning methods, e.g., team learning
- Small group
- Individual
18Teaching Methods GroupingImplications for
Pathology Education
- To maximize active learning in large group and
small group setting, need - - Faculty resources
- Faculty development
19Teaching Methods Options and Trends in Tools
and Resources
- Printed text
- Slides
- Specimens
- Computer applications
- Simulations
- Models
- Patients
- Chosen, based on Objectives, resources, skills
in use
20Options/Trends in Teaching ResourcesImplications
for Pathology Education
- Expand use of -
- Computer applications
- Simulations
- Patients
- Consider -
- Role of microscope/slides vs computer images
- Pathology educators can -
- Lead the way with use of images
21Assessment Methods Options
- Techniques
- Written MC, Essay, Short-answer
- Oral
- Clinical, e.g., standardized (e.g., OSCE)
- Reports by tutors or supervisors
- Portfolios
- Assessor
- Internal
- External
- Self-assessment
- Timing Continuous end-of-course, mixture
22National Trends in AssessmentImplications for
Pathology Education
- Consider role of pathology in standardized
clinical exams - Increase use of student self-assessment
approaches - Consider role of pathology in use of portfolios
for assessment
23National Trends in CurriculumImplications for
Pathology Education Leaders
- Effective course leadership and instruction
- Motivation, and communication, with other faculty
members - Progress in the field of pathology education
- Requires deliberation about implications of
national curriculum trends for pathology
education - Goals and objectives
- Educational approaches and instructional methods
- Assessment methods