Synthesis of MRPO and Stakeholder OzonePM2'5 Modeling Results Part III: Findings and Recommendations - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Synthesis of MRPO and Stakeholder OzonePM2'5 Modeling Results Part III: Findings and Recommendations


... precursor controls in the MRPO subdomain, for example, produce greater PM2.5 ... the response may be non-linear; heavy precursor controls in the MRPO subdomain ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Synthesis of MRPO and Stakeholder OzonePM2'5 Modeling Results Part III: Findings and Recommendations

Synthesis of MRPO and Stakeholder Ozone/PM2.5
Modeling Results Part III
Findings and Recommendations
  • T. W. Tesche
  • Dennis McNally
  • Alpine Geophysics, LLC
  • Ft. Wright, KY
  • Ralph Morris
  • Edward Tai
  • ENVIRON International Corp
  • Novato, CA
  • 23 July 2003

Overview of Presentation Part III
  • 8. Prospects for 8-hr Ozone PM2.5 NAAQS
    Attainment in 2010
  • 9. Interim Findings
  • Model Performance Evaluation
  • Need for Fine Grid Modeling
  • Model Response to Emissions Changes
  • Effectiveness of Precursor Controls
  • Influence of Grid Resolution on Model Sensitivity
    to Emissions Changes
  • 10. Conclusions and Recommendations
  • Conclusions
  • Modeling Refinements
  • Emissions Inventory Refinement
  • Attainment Analyses
  • 11. Schedule

8. Prospects for 8-hr Ozone PM2.5 NAAQS
Attainment in 2010
  • Interim Estimates Developed by MRPO
  • No calculations performed yet in Stakeholder

MRPO Estimation of Year 2010 PM2.5 DV Using Proxy
2001 and 2010 Inventories
MRPO Estimation of Year 2010 8-hr O3 DV Using
Proxy 2001 and 2010 Inventories
9. Interim Findings
  • CAMx/M4 Model Performance Evaluation
  • Findings from MRPO and Stakeholder modeling
  • Performance for 8-hr Ozone
  • Performance for 24-hr PM 2.5
  • Need for Fine Grid Modeling
  • Findings from MRPO Flexi-Nesting at 12 km scale
  • Findings from Stakeholder Modeling at 36/12/4 km
  • Model Response to Emissions Changes
  • 8-hr Ozone
  • 24-hr PM 2.5
  • Influence of Grid Resolution on Model Sensitivity
    to Emissions Changes
  • 8-hr Ozone
  • 24-hr PM 2.5

MRPO Findings Model Performance Evaluation
  • Ozone on 36 Km Grid
  • Peaks overestimated.
  • During mid-July in Great Lakes and Ohio Valley
    subregion, afternoon ozone peaks overestimated by
    20-30 ppb.
  • Day-to-day (hour-to-hour) variation considered
  • Spatial patterns both okay and not okay.
  • PM2.5 on 36 Km Grid
  • Agreement between modeled and measured PM 2.5
    judged good but attributed, in part, to
    compensating errors.
  • Model overestimates nitrates and sulfates
    (slightly in summer).
  • Model underestimates organic carbon and sulfates
    (slightly in winter).

Note The MRPO finding that CAMx/M4
overestimates nitrates slightly in summer is
not presently corroborated by Stakeholder
modeling on any of the three grids 36 km, 12 km,
or 4 km. (See the spatial mean nitrate plots for
the Summer 01 episode at the three individual
grid scales.) This may simply be due to
different procedures for judging results (e.g.,
domain-wide maximum concentrations, spatial mean
plots of averaged predictions observations at
all monitors, etc., These differing viewpoints
need to be examined further.
Stakeholder Findings Model Performance Evaluation
  • Ozone on 36 Km Grid (summer 01 episode)
  • Daily 8-hr ozone peaks are overestimated by 30.3
    on average.
  • Daily 8-hr peak ozone concentrations are biased
    high by 17.
  • Distribution of 8-hr ozone concentrations
    systematically biased high for virtually all days
    across entire concentration range (true for all
    grid sizes). That is, Q-Q plots on all grids
    reveal systematic overprediction.
  • Daily 8-hr ozone gross errors (29.1) are
  • Hourly and daily maximum spatial patterns in
    modeled ozone fields exhibit expected mixed
    (good and problematic) behavior.
  • PM2.5 on 36 Km Grid (summer 01 episode)
  • Good agreement between modeled and measured PM2.5
    (e.g., an episode mean bias of 6.4) likely stems
    from compensating biases in component species
    (e.g., sulfate, nitrate, OC, EC).
  • Model systematically overestimates daily-average
    nitrate (all grid scales).
  • Model systematically underestimates daily-average
    organic carbon and elemental carbon (all grid
  • Model overestimates sulfates on a number of days
    (all grid scales).

MRPO Findings Need for Fine Grid Modeling
  • Ozone
  • 36 km results not good enough.
  • 12 km Flexi-Nest results promising. The
    overestimation in afternoon ozone peaks during
    mid-July in the Great Lakes and Ohio Valley
    subregions is reduced to approximately 10-20 ppb.
  • PM2.5
  • Flexi-Nest results on 12 km grid not reported

Stakeholder Findings Need for Fine Grid Modeling
  • 8-hr Ozone
  • Peak Prediction Accuracy improves markedly from
    36 km scale to 4 km scale (30.3 ? 21.7).
  • Bias substantial improvement at 4 km scale
    (17.0 ? 3.7).
  • Gross Error modest improvement at 4 km scale
    (29.1 ? 23.4).
  • 24-hr PM2.5
  • Peak Accuracy Gross Error improve modestly
    from 36 km scale to 4 km scale (47.3 ? 34.9).
    Note Peak Accuracy over all Stations is
    numerically identical to the Gross Error metric
    when considering 24-hour averages.
  • Bias little significant change (6.4 ? -4.9).
  • Summary
  • For 1-hr and 8-hr Ozone finer grid resolution
    significantly improves model accuracy (bias) and
    precision (error) as higher resolution (smaller
    grid spacing) is used.
  • For PM2.5 finer grid resolution appears yield
    smaller gains in model skill compared with ozone
    however, the results of this analysis remain
    tentative, pending further analysis and
    examination of additional episodes.

MRPO Findings Effectiveness of Global Precursor
  • PM2.5
  • Summer SO2 emissions reductions effective
  • Winter NOx emissions reductions effective
  • Year-round NH3 would appear to be most effective
    (although annual modeling not yet reported by
  • Ozone
  • Not reported yet.

Stakeholder Findings Effectiveness of Global
Precursor Controls
  • PM2.5
  • Current findings are based on only two days (25
    Jun 01 8 Jan 00) accordingly, caution is
    needed in generalizing results.
  • SO2 emissions reductions more effective in summer
    than winter
  • NH3 emissions reductions (singly or in
    combination with NOx and/or SO2) are most
    effective, winter summer.
  • Combined NOx/SO2 controls more effective than
    NOx/VOC controls in winter and probably in
  • NOx emissions reductions (singly or in
    combination) appear to be more effective in
    winter than summer.
  • Only very small PM2.5 disbenefits (0.2 to 0.8
    ug/m3) modeled.

Stakeholder Findings Effectiveness of Global
Precursor Controls (concluded).
  • 8-hr Ozone
  • Heavy VOC control (60) yields greatest peak
    ozone reduction on the day intensively
    examined21 July 01.
  • Heavy NOx control (60), with or without other
    precursor reductions, is moderately effective in
    reducing peak ozone.
  • Modest (15-30) NOx controls, with or without
    other precursor reductions, is somewhat effective
    on 21 July 01.
  • NOx controls produce substantial, localized ozone
    disbenefits (25-75 ppb) in the Lower Lake
    Michigan region and elsewhere.

MRPO Findings Effectiveness of Subregional
Precursor Controls
  • PM2.5
  • Not reported yet.
  • Ozone
  • Urban VOC and rural NOx appear to be most

Stakeholder Findings Effectiveness of
Subregional Precursor Controls
  • PM2.5
  • In the MRPO region, adding heavy NH3 controls
    (60) roughly doubles the effectiveness of heavy
    SO2 or NOx/SO2 controls on peak PM2.5 reduction.
  • Wintertime precursor controls less effective in
    MRPO region compared with controls in summer.
  • Wintertime SO2 controls in MRPO region appear
  • In the VISTAS region, heavy NH3 controls (60)
    appears to have a similar, though more
    pronounced, effect as in the MPRO region,
    particularly in winter.
  • Ozone
  • Stakeholder results available but not yet
    examined thoroughly.

MRPO Findings Influence of Grid Resolution on
Model Sensitivity to Emissions Changes
  • Not reported yet.

Stakeholder Findings Influence of Grid
Resolution on Model Sensitivity to Emissions
  • PM2.5
  • Generally, the effects of heavy, combined
    precursor controls (NOx60SOx60Amm60) on reducing
    peak PM2.5 concentrations tends to diminish at
    finer grid scales.
  • There is some indication, though, that the
    response is non-linear.
  • Heavy precursor controls in the MRPO subdomain,
    for example, produce greater PM2.5 reductions on
    the 12 km grid compared with the 36 km grid.
  • Current modeling results need to be examined much
    more extensively to establish a more robust

Stakeholder Findings Influence of Grid
Resolution on Model Sensitivity to Emissions
Changes (concluded).
  • Ozone
  • Generally, the effects of heavy, combined
    precursor controls (NOx60SOx60Amm60) on reducing
    peak 8-hr ozone concentrations tends to diminish
    at finer grid scales
  • As with PM2.5, the response may be non-linear
    heavy precursor controls in the MRPO subdomain
    also yield greater ozone reductions on the 12 km
    grid compared with the 36 km grid.
  • As expected from basic ozone chemistry
    principles, the magnitude of the NOx disbenefit
    effect substantially increases as finer
    horizontal grid scales are used.

10. Conclusions and Recommendations
  • Conclusions
  • The findings of this initial round of Stakeholder
    modeling are preliminary because
  • Potentially significant errors may exist in the
    baseline modeling inventories (e.g., motor
    vehicle emissions in the northeast U.S
    discrepancies in the ammonia source inventory)
  • The analysis has focused largely on only three
    days (25 June 01, 21 July 01, and 8 January
    00) out of two long summer and winter episodes
    in order compare and contrast the many control-
    and model-configuration options currently
  • Additional analysis of the existing CAMx/M4
    modeling results should be guided by a prefatory
    identification of specific hypotheses to be
    tested and specific questions to be answered so
    that the data analysis and reporting efforts are
    properly focused.
  • The PM2.5 and 8-hr ozone results summarized
    herein confirm the fact that substantial
    non-linearities exist in the relationships
    between ozone and fine particulate precursor
    emissions and resultant gas-phase (ozone) and
    secondary aerosol (PM2.5) concentrations in the
    Midwest and eastern U.S. These non-linearities
    also exist with respect to choices among model
    configurations, particularly the selection of
    horizontal grid resolution.
  • These preliminary results appear to confirm the
    need to utilize regional photochemical models at
    high resolution (e.g., 4 km) in order to
    elucidate more clearly the efficacy of VOC
    and/or NOx controls on 1-hr and 8-hr ozone. The
    need for finer grid resolution for PM2.5
    concentrations is less clearly demonstrated
    however, given the inextricable coupling of the
    gas-phase and particulate aerosol chemistries, it
    is likely that high resolution bill prove
    essential for PM2.5 as well.

10. Conclusions and Recommendations (concluded).
  • Recommendations
  • Modeling
  • Continue using CAMx/M4 as the primary model
    corroborate with CMAQ later.
  • Continue diagnostic model performance evaluation,
    focusing on other modeling days, and additional
    species (e.g., particulate nitrates, secondary
    organic aerosols).
  • Strengthen understanding of conditions
    necessitating fine grid (4 km) modeling.
  • Continue to encourage and support cooperative
    modeling among agencies and stakeholders
  • Emissions
  • Implement concerted effort to refine and QA the
    ammonia inventory (given strong response of PM2.5
    concentrations to NH3 reductions).
  • Correct known deficiencies in existing base year
    (00 and/or 01 inventories.
  • Develop future 2010 baseline inventory with best
    available growth/control forecasts
  • Implement vigorous, cooperative QA and inventory
    improvement activity
  • Analysis
  • Develop guidance concerning the selection of
    subsets of modeling days to be used in
    synthesizing overall simulation results.
  • Identify and evaluate candidate control measures

11. MRPO Schedule
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