Title: Quantum Information Technology: Engineering Atoms in Optical Lattices
1Quantum Information TechnologyEngineering Atoms
in Optical Lattices
Queens Graduate Association Scholarship
- Domhnall Murphy
- School of Mathematics Physics
- Queens University Belfast
- Supervisors
- Jim McCann Myungshik Kim
2What is an Optical Lattice ?
- Intersecting laser beams cool and trap atoms
- Nobel prizes in Physics 1997 and 2001
Prof Bill Phillips (Nobel Laureate) at Queens
in 2002 to open International Centre for
Experimental Physics
3Quantum Information Technology
J. S. Bell (Queens graduate) Bells
inequality (1964)
- Single atom divided over many locations
superposition - Atoms share information entanglement
Classical bits of information 3 bits may
encode for 1 of 8 possibilities. Quantum bits
of information ? 8 possibilities are
represented simultaneously. And this is just
for three bits Consider billions of bits
!!!! Quantum Information is exponentially better
for information processing
4Economic Importance of Quantum Information
Ireland (Science Foundation Ireland)
spending 8 million Euro over next 5
years US spending 10 million per
year UK spending 9 million over next
5 years on Quantum
Information Technology
5 Domhnall Murphy Engineering atoms in optical
lattices PhD Project at Queens
Fundamentals quantum states in
lattices Development quantum engineering, atom
waves, beams and
devices Applications quantum information
register and processor Supervisors
McCann and Kim (QUB) are leading experts
in the field .
6Personal Development
- Gain knowledge and understanding of
- this new and exciting field of study.
- Develop the skills of an independent
- research scientist.
- Also, develop some key, and highly
- marketable, transferable skills.
- Opportunity to make a valuable contribution
- to this field of study?
7Thank you for your attention!!
The End