Diapositive 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Diapositive 1


Water ingress: Steam Generatorleakage : DBC2. Steam Generator ... with water ingress: ... Large water ingress in the primary circuit (if consequences ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Diapositive 1

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EUROTRANS WP1.5 Technical MeetingTask 1.5.1
ETD Safety approach Safety approach for EFIT
Deliverable 1.21
  • Stockholm, May 22-23 2007

  • D 1.21 progress
  • Main safety objectives
  • Consideration of safety objectives in the design
  • "Dealt with" events
  • "Excluded" events

D 1.21 Progress
  • First draft issued in February 2007
  • Based on D1.20 (XT-ADS)
  • w/o internal review in AREVA
  • Second draft issued in April 2007
  • Internal review in AREVA,
  • Interactions with ANS on EFIT design
  • Review from W. Mascheck
  • Third draft issued mid May 2007
  • Final comments are welcome by end of May
  • Final issue in June 2007

Main safety objectives - 1
  • Application of defense in depth principle
    prevention and mitigation of severe core damage
    are considered
  • Elimination of the technical necessity of off
    site emergency response (Generation IV objective)
  • EFIT is provided with a core loaded with minor
  • Potential consequences of severe core damage
    (i.e. large degradation of the core) are expected
    larger as the amount of minor actinides in the
    core increases (e.g., lower fraction of delayed
    neutrons, lower Doppler effect, lower critical
  • Impact on prevention and mitigation of severe
    core damage

Main safety objectives - 2
  • Definition of the sub-criticality level core
    shall remain sub-critical in any event. This
    concerns severe core damage, for which there is a
    smaller margin between criticality and prompt
    criticality (except if consequences are
    demonstrated acceptable) ,
  • Prevention of severe core damage sequences
    leading to severe core damage shall be extremely
    rare. The confidence in the prevention provisions
    must be very high. This concerns also local
    melting due to the total blockage of a
    sub-assembly, for which design provisions have to
    be implemented in order to avoid the generalised
    core melting. The demonstration should benefit
    from XT-ADS operational feedback, in particular
    concerning corrosion and inspection issues,

Main safety objectives - 3
  • Severe core damage mitigation has to be
    considered. In particular, criticality has to be
    excluded. This could lead to the limitation of
    content of minor actinides and/or to a lowering
    of the sub-criticality level. At the
    pre-conceptual design phase of EFIT, studies
    associated with severe core damage should focus
    on the determination of the main phenomena (e.g.,
    in vessel phenomena as the impact of freezing
    steel on decay heat removal (paths), fuel debris
    floating/settling, decay heat source distribution
    and possible out of vessel phenomena), relevant
    risks and possible design provisions (core and
    mitigating systems),
  • Regarding severe core damage situations which are
    not mitigated by severe core damage provisions
    (not possible or without a sufficient confidence
    level), they must result from a limited number of
    sequences and their exclusion justified with
    practices similar as the ones implemented for
    future nuclear plants such as EPR at least.

Main safety objectives - 4
  • The demonstration that the objectives related to
    severe core damage prevention are met can be
    performed by means of Probabilistic Risk
    Assessment. The cumulative severe core damage
    frequency should be lower than 10-6 per reactor
  • At the early stages of EFIT, the Line Of Defense
    (LOD) method can be used to provide adequate
    prevention of severe core damage at least two
    "strong" lines of defense plus one "medium" LOD
    are requested for each sequence
  • Unique EFIT safety issues have to be considered
    such as the potential radiological impact on the
    public due to minor actinides and spallation
    products and such as the protection of workers
    with respect to target, accelerator and lead

Consideration of safety objectives in the design
- 1
  • Safety functions are reviewed in the document and
    related issues are provided.
  • Focus on
  • Reactivity control function
  • Core sub-critical in any situation (including
    core melting)
  • Absorbing system during shutdown conditions
  • Measurement of sub-criticality level in shutdown
  • Power control function
  • High reliability of proton beam trip (2a b), in
    particular provision of sufficient grace period
    for manual trip or diverse passive means
  • Adequate instrumentation (in particular, for
    local fault detection)
  • Decay heat removal function
  • High reliability of function is requested
    diversity of DRC system
  • Need for reliability study?
  • Risk of freezing
  • Emergency core unloading
  • Severe core damage mitigation

Consideration of safety objectives in the design
- 2
  • Confinement function
  • Design strategy with regard to radiological
    releases management is not yet defined
  • Normal operation
  • Gas, steam, DRC secondary coolant leakage
  • Severe core damage
  • Hazards
  • Spallation target and accelerator confinement
  • Core support function
  • Demonstration of exclusion of large failure
  • Development of methodologies considering
    corrosion and associated technical means control
    of oxide layer, detection of corrosion, leakage
  • ISI with lead (opacity, temperatures, density)
  • Capability of severe core damage provision if
    prevention is not sufficient

"Dealt with" events - 1
  • "Dealt with" events
  • Their consequences are considered in the design
  • A list of initiating faults and associated
    sequences to be studied has been determined
  • Preliminary qualitative criteria on the barriers
    have been defined
  • Water ingress
  • Steam Generatorleakage DBC2
  • Steam Generator tube rupture DBC3
  • Rupture of one tube to the rupture of all Steam
    Generator tubes DBC3 except if it can be
    demonstrated that the rupture of neighbouring
    tubes can be limited (loadings assessment,
    consideration of a possible corrosion). In this
    case, the rupture of all tubes is analysed as a
  • Steam Generator tube failure in case of thermal
    transients in the primary circuit the design
    objective is to avoid tube failure during DBC2
    and DBC3 transients

"Dealt with" events - 2
  • "Dealt with" events
  • Risks associated with water ingress
  • Mechanical transient due to the depressurisation
    into the reactor vessel
  • Water/steam interaction with primary coolant and
    its consequences (e.g. core compaction,
    structures failure)
  • Reactivity insertion (e.g., voiding effect,
    moderator effect, core compaction)
  • Draining of the primary coolant outside the
    reactor vessel
  • Pressurisation of the primary building
  • Overcooling and subsequent freezing due to steam
    generator overflow

"Dealt with" events - 3
  • "Dealt with" events
  • List of limiting events
  • Leakage of main and safety vessels
  • Excessive cooling leading to large lead freezing
  • Large internal failure due to corrosion
    (depending on the consequences and the possible
    mitigating provisions, might be analysed as a
    severe core damage)
  • Large reactor vessel failure due to corrosion
    (depending on the consequences and the possible
    mitigating provisions, might be analysed as a
    severe core damage)
  • Total Instantaneous Blockage

"Excluded" events
  • "Excluded" events their consequences are not
    addressed in the design
  • The exclusion has to be justified
  • Physically impossible
  • Practical elimination by adequate design and
    operating provision
  • Preliminary list
  • Large reactivity insertion due to
  • Core support failure (including corrosion as
  • Core compaction capable to approach criticality
  • Voiding capable to approach criticality (e.g.,
    caused by large gas or steam ingress)
  • Large fuel loading error
  • Primary system damage due to large load drop
    (e.g. during handling operations)
  • Large water ingress in the primary circuit (if
    consequences cannot be mitigated)
  • DBC combined with complete and timely unlimited
    loss of decay heat removal function (i.e.
    Secondary Cooling System, DRC)
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