Title: Recent%20results%20of%20the%20AAC%20analysis
1Recent results of the AAC analysis
- Masanori Hirai
- TUS, Noda
- (Asymmetry Analysis collaboration)
- Collaborators S. Kumano and N. Saito
- arXiv0808.0413 hep-ph
- 2009 1 10,KEK
- Introduction
- AAC08 analysis
- Global analysis of the polarized PDFs
- Data sets
- Assumptions positivity condition, antiquark
SU(3)f symmetry - Impact of RHIC p0 data
- Discussion about a functional form of Dg(x)
- Impact of E07-011 data
- Relative errors dDG/DG ?
- Summary
- Origin of the nucleon spin 1/2
- 1/2 1/2 DS DG Lq,g
- Quark spin component from polarize DIS DS
0.1-0.3 - Unknown orbital angular moments Lq,g
- Quantitative value from sum rule of GPDFs
- Qualitative understanding ?
- DG is an important piece of the spin puzzle !
- Undetermined DG 0.49 ? 1.27 (AAC03)
- Experimental data from RHIC-Spin
- p0 production RUN05, PRD76, 051106 (2007)
- AAC analysis
- AAC00 PRD62, 0304017 (2000) DIS
- AAC04 PRD69, 054021 (2004) DIS, uncertainty
estimation - AAC06 PRD74, 014015 (2006)DISp0, uncertainty,
DG - AAC08 arXiv0808.0413 hep-ph DISp0,
uncertainty, E07-011(J-Lab)
4Polarized deeply inelastic scattering
- Cross section
- Hadron tensor (asymmetric part)
- Structure function g1
5Spin asymmetry A1(x,Q2)
- L. W. Whitlow et al.,
- Phys. Lett. B 250 (1990) 193
- Polarized DIS experiments
- Proton E130, E143, EMC, SMC, HERMES,
E155,CLAS - Deuteron E143, E155, SMC, HERMES, COMPASS, CLAS
- Neutron E142, E154, HERMES, J-Lab (Hall-A)
- Q2 dependence is obtained by the DGLAP equation
Total data 441 points (Q2gt1GeV2)
6Spin asymmetry of p production
- Cross section
- gg?gg, gg?qq,qg?qg
- qq?qq, qq?qq
- qq?qq, qq?gg, qq?qq
- Consistent with unpolarized data
- Fragmentation functions (FFs)
- Determined by ee- data
- Ambiguity of Dgp (z)
- Sing problem
- gg process dominates at low pT
- ALLp0 ? Dg(x)2, negative or positive ?
7AAC analysis and uncertainty estimation
- Initial distribution of polarized PDF
- Constraint condition
- Positivity condition
- Imposing on positive Dg(x), but not impose on
node type - Antiquark SU(3)f symmetry
- Fixed 1st moments Duv0.926, Ddv ?0.341
- Fixed mq1.0 undetermined small-x behavior
- PDF uncertainty by Hessian method
- Unpol PDFGRV98
- Q02 1 GeV2
8Value of Dc2
- Hessian method
- K(N,s) c2 distribution
- D?2 N (N number of parameters)
- 1s error of normal distribution in
multi-parameter space - Not 1s error for PDF uncertainties
- Correspondence between uncertainties and
variations of experimental data - Dc21 statistically correct
- 1s error for 1 degree of freedom
- Asymmetry A1
- X-sections
9AAC08 analysis
- Added new data
- DIS CLAS(p,d), COMPASS(d, renewal data)
- p0production RHIC Run 5 final data (10 points)
- Data sets
- Set-A DIS data only
- Set-B DIS p0 data
- Set-C DIS fake data of the E07-011 experiment
- Impact on the determination of Dg(x)
- Set-A vs. Set-B effect on the functional form,
node or positive - Set-B vs. Set-C an impact on determination of
the gluon spin - contribution
10Fake data of the E07-011 experiment
- Update experiment of the J-Lab
- Expected errors for g1(x)
- Converted to asymmetry errors
- Expected asymmetry error
Set-A (436 point) Set-A (436 point) Set-B (446 point) Set-B (446 point) Set-C (441 point) Set-C (441 point)
Positive Node Positive Node Positive Node
DIS 381.66 375.87 384.65 381.27 381.66 375.87
p0 ? ? 12.43 11.32 ? ?
Total c2 381.66 375.87 397.08 392.60 381.66 375.87
c2/d.o.f 0.90 0.88 0.91 0.90 0.89 0.87
Set-A Set-A Set-B Set-B Set-C Set-C
Positive Node Positive Node Positive Node
DS 0.24 ? 0.07 0.22 ? 0.08 0.26 ? 0.06 0.25 ? 0.07 0.24 ? 0.05 0.22 ? 0.05
DG 0.63 ? 0.81 0.94 ? 1.66 0.40 ? 0.28 -0.12 ? 1.78 0.63 ? 0.45 0.94 ? 1.09
12Impact of RHIC p0 data
- Insensitive to Duv(x) and Ddv (x)
- Same center values and uncertainties between
Set-A and B - gg process dominates
- Dg(x) becomes small
- Gluon uncertainty is reduced by RHIC data
- RHIC data is sensitive to Dg(x)
- Node type (DISp0)
- Less c2 12.43(DGgt0) , 11.32 (DGlt0)
- Changing sign at x0.1
- Large uncertainty in small-x region
- No data to constraint the behavior
13Impact of E07-011 data
- Converged determination of the valence quark
distributions - No changed these uncertainties
- Assuming SUf(3) symmetry
- Fixed 1st moments for uv and dv
- Significant reducing the uncertainty of Dg(x)
- Error correlation with antiquark distribution via
Q2 evolution - Constraint via NLO gluon term
- Low Q2 data
- Higher twist term ?
14Impact of RHIC p0 and E07-011 data
- Positive type
- DIS large distribution
- p0 small distribution
- Node type
- DIS small negative below x0.02
- p0 large negative at small-x
- Large uncertainty in small-x
- Positive distribution at high-x
- Relative error dDG/DG (xgt0.1)
- Same impact as RHIC Run5 data
Positive Node
Set-B (DISp0) 0.71 0.77
Set-C (E07-011) 0.73 0.54
- Polarized PDF from polarized DIS data
- Well determined valence quark distributions
- Undetermined anti-quark and gluon distributions
- Rather large uncertainties of these
distributions - Reduction gluon uncertainty due to error
correlation with antiquark distribution - NLO gluon term lt statistical errors
- Positive distribution of Dg(x) at medium and
large-x region - E07-011 experiment (precise measurement )
- Constraint on Dg(x) via NLO gluon term
- NLO gluon term gt statistical errors
- Same impact as RHIC run5 p0 data
- Dg(x) from p0 production data
- Node type, changing sign around x0.1
- RHIC data covering narrow x-region
- Undetermined small-x behavior
- No data in the small-x region
- AAC08 numerical library http//spin.riken.bnl.gov
16(No Transcript)
171st moments of Dg(x)
- Full range x01
- 0.1lt X lt1
- CLAS data (x0.175 0.55)
- p0 data (?s200 GeV, pT 1.29 7.79 GeV)
Set-A Set-A Set-B Set-B Set-C Set-C
Positive Node Positive Node Positive Node
DG 0.63 ? 0.81 0.94 ? 1.66 0.40 ? 0.28 -0.12 ? 1.78 0.63 ? 0.45 0.94 ? 1.09
Set-A Set-A Set-B Set-B Set-C Set-C
Positive Node Positive Node Positive Node
DG 0.53 ? 0.72 0.87 ? 0.89 0.36 ? 0.26 0.40 ? 0.31 0.53 ? 0.38 0.87 ? 0.47
dDG/DG 1.36 1.02 0.71 0.77 0.73 0.54
18Comparison of FF for p0 production
- Model dependence of the FF global analysis ?
- Kretzers FFs within LO uncertainty
- KKPs FFs without the uncertainty at large-pT
- Cut of z for 2nd moments of FFs (zgt0.05)
- Heavy quark mass threshold
- Uncertainty from NLO FFs becomes 1/3
19Constraint on large-x behavior of Dg(x)
- Positive Dg(x)/g(x) at large-x
- 0.03 lt xBj lt 0.07, 1.2 lt Q2 lt 1.7
- COMPASS-d 4.5 lt Q2 lt 8.6
- NLO gluon term
- Positive contribution
- Relative increasing for g1D
- euv2 4/9(P) ? 2.5/9(D)
- Positive Dg(x) at large-x
- Other DOF for HERMES-d ?
- Higher Twist effects
- LSS, PRD73(2006)034023
- Antiquark SUf(3) aymmetry
- D. de Florian, et al., PRD71(2005)094018