Title: microMEGA presentation
1Media Valle dellOglios Development Agency
a growing area, a global challenge
2Lombardys industrial vocation
- That is why Lombardy is one of the 4 engines of
Europe - Infrastructures
- Research and innovation
- Quality of life
At the crossroad between East and West of
Europe, as a bridge to the Mediterranean area
3Lombardys industrial vocation
- Lombardy complies with the Lisbon Strategy
- A knowledge based economy
- A sustainable growth
- Increased employment
- Stronger social cohesion
4Lombardys industrial vocation
- Brescia, Bergamo and Mantova, centers of
Lombardys industrial vocation, launched an
integration process of the most important
economic players
5microMEGAs Origins
- Micromega Network is a public-private company
founded in 1997 by a network of - 6 towns (Palazzolo sullOglio, Pontoglio,
Erbusco, Bolgare, Castelli Calepio and Grumello
del Monte) - 26 private companies
6microMEGA Today
- 7 Municipalities
- 64 Companies
- From the 11 District
- To the larger area known as Media valle
7From district 11 to the Media Valle dellOglio
8We have been working with
- Berbrand srl
- Corna e Fratus srl
- Rudianese srl
- Metalbottoni srl
- StileUniversal Gritti spa
- Ocean spa
- Raccagni srl
- Ditta Lanfranchi spa
- Vamp srl
- Giemme Filati spa
- Filmar spa
- Filati Mornico spa
- Niggler e Kupfer spa
- Linea Più Spa divisione Cotonificio Ferrari
- Macpi Spa
- Uni Gasket srl
- Manifattura Italiana Colombo spa
- Italian Gasket srl
- SV Gomma srl
- Fluorgomm spa
- Bialetti Industrie spa
- Pirelli R.E. F. M. spa
- Semeraro Casa Famiglia Spa
- Sogeim spa
- Servizi Comunali spa
- Cogeme Spa
- CFS Palazzolo spa
9and for the Local Governments of
Erbusco Grumello del Monte Paderno Franciacorta
Palosco Palazzolo sullOglio Pontoglio Rovato
Bolgare Capriolo Castelli Calepio Cazzago San
Martino Chiari
A growing area A global challenge
11Our mission
- Micromega supports local companies aiming to
attain global competitiveness with a natural
vocation for the key sectors for the East
Lombardy area textile, clothing,
textile-machinery and mechanics sectors.
12Cooperating for growth
- Link between public Authorities and private
Companies - At the crossroad of different competences and
13Our Services
- The objective to stimulate excellence of local
companies is reached by activities in different
fields such as - Research
- Training
- Business management and marketing
- Technical assistance
14Research and innovation
- Local auditing
- Innovation Plans
- Local best practices validation and promotion
- Study visits to foreign countries
- Networking for technology transfer
- Promotion of European projects on regional
- Foreign languages
- Marketing
- Sales
- Life-long learning
- employees qualification
- re-qualification of disabled people
16Business management
- Business plan
- Fund raising
- Quality system control
- Workplace security
- Environment
Technical assistance
- Fund raising
- Project design and management
17Future activities and strategies
- Increasing the participation in international
initiatives and projects - Translating local difficulties into new
18a growing area, a global challenge