Title: Repetition
2By Brian Starr
3repetition is everywhere
4at home
5in our cars
6in our food
7 On T.V.
8The average American is exposed to 245
advertisements a day
9(No Transcript)
10Repetition is why its easy to remember These
Stupa Chaitya (prayer hall)
Vihara (monastery)
Circumambulation (clockwise)
and not this
Sanchi (250 BCE 250 CE
11We learn by repeating things
12repetition doesnt help everyone
13It's the repetition of affirmations that leads to
belief. And once that belief becomes a deep
conviction, things begin to happen. Muhammad Ali
14What if we change just one thing?
15 take a break
16Change Colors.
17Bend the rules
18Find a different point of view.
19Then we could create something truly unique
20If you don't like something change it if you
can't change it, change the way you think about
it. Mary Engelbreit
21Credits Brian Starr Archeology
magazine www.rcwilley.com Bill Miller www.
Coke.com www.apple.com Bush Green day