Title: Gibb's free energy
2most abstract of thermodynamic state functions
3w1 ?w reversible
work w2
4Definition G w PV w reversible work PV
pressure/volume work isothermal, reversible path
5?G ?w P?V V?P at constant P ?P 0 so
V?P 0 ?G ?w P?V
6?G ?w P?V V?P at constant P ?G ?w
P?V at constant V ?V 0 so P?V 0 ?G ?w
useful work
7G cannot be measured
- must measure ?G over a process
8ZERO REFERENCE ?G 0 for elements in stable form
under Standard Thermodynamic Conditions T
25oC P 1 atm
9?Gf0 standard Free Energy of Formation from the
elements Appendix L, text
10?G follows Hess Law ?G0 (rxn) ?n?Gf0(p) -
11Summary of Laws of Thermodynamics Zeroth
Law Heat Gain Heat Loss
12Summary of Laws of Thermodynamics First Law Law
of Conservation of Energy
13Summary of Laws of Thermodynamics Second
Law Defines Entropy
14Summary of Laws of Thermodynamics Third
Law Defines Absolute Zero
17?G -aT ?H ?G, ?H are state functions, thus
a must be a state function ?G -?S(T) ?H
18Gibbs Helmholtz Equation ?G ?H - T?S
19Units on the State Functions
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23thus, a process is spontaneous if and only if ?G
is negative
24Spontaneity controlled by enthalpy (minimum
25Sponaneity controlled by enthalpy entropy (maximu
m disorder)
26Sponaneity controlled by enthalpy entropy both
27Predict Spontaneity IF ?H(-) and ?S() ?G -?H
- T(?S) ?G lt 0, gt spontaneous
28Predict Spontaneity IF ?H() and ?S(-) ?G ?H
- T(-?S) ?G gt 0, gt NOT spontan
29Summary of Spontaneity ?H ?S ?G
Spont. - - yes
- no or -
? - - or - ?
30Uses of the Gibbs Helmholtz Equation
311. Find the molar entropy of formation
for ammonia.
322. Elemental boron, in thin fibers, can be
made from a boron halide BCl3(g) 3/2
H2(g) -----gt B(s) 3 HCl(g)
33Calculate ?H0, ?S0 and ?G0.
- Spontaneous?
- Driving force?
343. Using thermodynamic information, determine
the boiling point of bromine.