Title: Attosecond Physics:
1Attosecond Physics the Frontier in
Time-Microscopy (and what computations can do for
Jeremie Caillat, Dmytro Luzhbin, Olga Smirnova,
Vladislav Yakovlev and Armin Scrinzi
2Preface Time-microscopy
3How to observe a fast process ?
Slow motion movie take snapshots at well-known
time intervals (Eadweard Muybridge 1878)
- Need
- - Fast shutter (or flashlight), faster than what
we want to observe - Precise control over the time intervals between
exposures - - A medium to record the images (e.g.
photographic film)
4Very slow motion movies
The fastest flashlight - attosecond XUV
pulses Most precise timing - femtosecond
laser pulses Recording medium - electron
energy distributions How exactly do electrons do
their quantum leaps ?
5SFB ADLIS Advanced Light Sources
Inst. f. Photonik (TU Wien) - Inst. f.
Festkörperelektronik (TU) - Inst. f.
Theoretische Physik (TU Wien) -
Mikrostrukturzentrum (TU Wien) Uni Würzburg -
Inst. f. Theoretische Chemie (Uni Wien) Uni
Short pulses in a wide frequency spectrum
Terahertz radiation
High harmonics
Electron dynamics in quantum wells and -dots
Control and accelerate electrons
Electron dynamics in atoms and molecules
6I Pulses and time scales
7Short powerful light pulses
- Full control over the laser electric field
8Short the time scales
Ghz Electronics
Laser pulses
XUV pulses
9Short laser pulse its measured image
Measurement of the electric field of a
femtosecond laser pulse Stroboscopic image using
attosecond XUV pulses Recorded in electron energy
2 femtosceconds
Laser electric potential
Electron energy
10Powerful pulse what it does to an atom
The hydrogen electron density in a strong field
Time (femtoseconds) -2.6 -1.3 0 1.3 2.6
4 x 1014 W/cm2 5 fs FWHM (simulation) Total
explosion during a few femtoseconds
11Full control pulse shape and electric
Electric field of a 7 femtosecond laser pulse
We can Control the overall shape Choose the
phase (red or blue curve, or anything between)
Electric field strength
Blue-red phase shifted by 90o
12II High powers Electron accelerator
13A laser pulse plows through a plasma
Plasma-wave behind the pulse (like the water wave
behind a fast boat) Electrons accelerate on
plasma wave (like a surfer on an ocean wave)
Simulation by Pukhov Meyer-ter-Vehn
14Accelerate electrons to MeV energies
Focus very high power laser pulse into a thin
15Maxwells equations with movable charges
Self consistent solution of Maxwells equations
plus relativistic equation of motion of particles
16III Generation of attosecond pulses
17Not just destruction high frequency radiation
is generated
Measurement and simulations
When a strong pulse hits an atom during the
destruction process high frequency (XUV)
radiation is generated
Frequency (multiples of laser frequency)
18Time-structure in high frequency radiation
Time-frequency analysis of the emitted
radiation (hydrogen, laser _at_ 800 nm, peak
intensity 4 x 1014 W/cm2)
Very short (attosecond) time structures
19Attosecond pulses - isolated bursts of high
frequency radiation
Extract highest frequencies, propagate through
gas volume
A clean, single pulse
Numerical simulation of a pulse generated in a
3-d volume
apresentation by Vlad Yakovlev
20IV Attosecond measurements
21- Attosecond measurements
- the streak camera principle
How to convert time distributions into electron
velocity distributions ?
Xuv ionization in a laser field Initial electron
Acceleration in the field E(t)
The laser maps time into velocity distribution
22An experimental streaking image
The first attosecond streaking image
Xuv pulse duration 650 as
M. Hentschel et al., 2001,Nature, 414, 509.
23 and a much clearer image
Measurement of the electric field of a
femtosecond laser pulse
2 femtosceconds
Laser electric potential
Electron energy
Kienberger et al., submitted to Nature
24V Time-resolved atomic physics
25Time-resolved Auger measurement
A quantum leap in an atom
Electron energy
Quantum states
Binding pot of the atom
26Auger streaking image measured data
Drescher et al., Nature, October 2002
27Lots of excitement !
In the community More than 220 citations of 3
articles since November 2001
28VI Challenges for Theory and Computations
29Tasks for theory
I) Control and measure XUV pulse parameters -
help to improve the new experimental
tools Influence of laser parameters
(time-structure, intensity etc.) ? Alternative
diagnostic methods other than streaking ?
II) Electron wave-packet dynamics and
acceleration - X-ray lasers and compact electron
accelerators Control excitations of matter by
laser generated electron packets ? Momenta and
time-structure of laser-accelerated electrons ?
III) Time-dependent atomic physics - what will
we see inside the atom ? Time-domain vs.
traditional spectroscopy what is new ? Develop
time-dependent analytical and numerical methods.
30Computations I Non-linear wave propagation
Solve simultaneously Laser pulse - propagation
with strong ionization
Free electron generation and energy loss due to
Harmonic pulse - linear propagtion equation with
source term
Absorption and atomic dipole source term
talk by Vlad Yakovlev
31Computations II PIC Particle-In-Cell code
Solve Maxwells equation in a (thin) plasma 3-d
lowest order finite difference method on a
rectangular grid Solution on a large parallel
1 field cell
1 macro particle
- Could there be a substantial gain by higher
order methods ? - Optimal algorithms for load-balancing
- Minimize communication
32Compuations III MCTDHF
Multi-Configuration Time-Dependent Hartree-Fock
Describe the motion and interaction of several (4
8) electrons (Which quantum leaps
should we expect ?)
Why is it hard ?
High-dimensional problem 4 8 times 3
dimensional space Suppose each direction is
represented by only 10 points 1012 1024
floating numbers to represent the system !!!
! IMPOSSIBLE ! (not just hard)
- Make the MCTDHF approximation
- 3-dimensional, but more complicated system of
equations - FEASIBLE (still not
33The equations of motion
- Problem size
- For each time step
- n4 (n 10) integrations in 3-dimensional space
- vector length for j(x) 1000 100 000
- Time steps 10 000 for one simulation
34Numerics and computations
- Numerical tasks
- General properties of the ansatz (convergence,
stability) - Discretization of 3-dimensional space
- Integration in time
- Computational tasks
- Parallelization strategies
- Visualization
- Real time code timing / performance prediction
Talks by Othmar Koch and Wolfgang Kreuzer
35The Photonics Institute Theory Group (nice photo,
slightly outdated)
Ulrich and Christian have left Jeremie Caillat
and Dmytro Luzhbin have joined us in fall 2003
Thank you for your attention !