Title: Extreme Light Infrastructure ELI
1Extreme Light InfrastructureELI
- Autumn 2008 NuPECC
- Glasgow
- 3-4/10/2008
Gérard A. MOUROU Laboratoire dOptique Appliquée
LOA ENSTA Ecole Polytechnique
CNRS PALAISEAU, France gerard.mourou_at_ensta.fr
2The different Epochs of Laser Physics
ELI Nonlinear QED and Epoch
Coulombic Epoch
3Optics Horizon
This field does not seem to have natural limits,
only horizon.
4Why should we build an Extreme Light
5Science (1 july 2005)100 questions spanning the
- 1) Is ours the only universe?
- 2) What drove cosmic inflation?
- 3) When and how did the first stars and galaxies
form? - 4) Where do ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays come
from? - 5) What powers quasars?
- 6) What is the nature of black holes?
- 7) Why is there more matter than antimatter?
- 8) Does the proton decay?
- 9)What is the nature of gravity?
- 10) Why is time different from other dimensions?
- 11) Are there smaller building blocks than
quarks? - 12) Are neutrinos their own antiparticles?
- 13) Is there a unified theory explaining all
correlated electron systems? - 14) What is the most powerful laser researchers
can build? Theorists say an intense enough laser
field would rip photons into electron-positron
pairs, dousing the beam. But no one knows whether
it's possible to reach that point. - 15) Can researchers make a perfect optical lens?
- 16) Is it possible to create magnetic
semiconductors that work at room temperature?
- ELIs Bricks
- The Peak Power-Pulse Duration conjecture
- Relativistic Rectification(wake-field) the key to
High energy electron beam - Generation of Coherent x and ?-ray, by Coherent
Thomson, radiation reaction, X-Ray laser, - Source of attosecond photon and electron pulses
- ELIs Science Study of the structure of matter
from atoms to vacuum -
7Peak Power -Pulse Duration Conjecture
- To get high peak power you must decrease the
pulse duration. - To get short pulses you must increase the
8Laser Pulse Duration vs. Intensity
Q-Switch, Dye IkW/cm2
Modelocking, Dye IMW/cm2
Mode-Locking KLM IGW/cm2
MPI Igt1013W/cm2
Relativistic and Ultra R Atto, zepto.?
9Scalable Isolated Attosecond Pulses
n0 n/ncr
Amplitude, a
NL Optics
Ultra-relativistic intensity is defined with
respect to the proton EQmpc2,
11The ELIs Scientific Goal from the atom to the
Vacuum Structure
- The advent of ultra-intense laser light pulses
(ELI) reaching within a decade towards a critical
field strength will allow us to probe the Vacuum
in a new way, and at a new "macroscopic" scale.
12Relativistic Optics
13Relativistic Optics
b) Relativistic optics vc
a)Classical optics vltltc,
a0gtgt1, a0ltlta02
a0ltlt1, a0gtgta02
14Relativistic Rectification(Wake-Field Tajima,
- pushes the electrons.
- The charge separation generates an electrostatic
longitudinal field. (Tajima and Dawson Wake
Fields or Snow Plough) - The electrostatic field
15Relativistic Rectification
-Ultrahigh Intensity Laser is associated with
Extremely large E field.
Laser Intensity
Medium Impedance
16Laser Acceleration
At 1023W/cm2 , E 0.6PV/m, it is SLAC (50GeV, 3km
long) on 10?m The size of the Fermi accelerator
will only be one meter (PeV accelerator that will
go around the globe, based on conventional
Relativistic Microelectronics
17(No Transcript)
19 e-beam
The Dream Beam
J. Faure et al., C. Geddes et al., S. Mangles et
al. , in Nature 30 septembre 2004
20Tunable monoenergetic bunches
V. Malka and J. Faure
21Front and back acceleration mechanisms
Peak energy scales as EM (IL?)1/2
22The Ultra relativisticRelativistic Ions
Non relativistic ions
Ep I1/2
Vp 0
Relativistic ions gt1024
Vp C
Ep I
23High Energy Radiation Radiation
- Betatron oscillation
- Radiation reaction
- X-ray laser
24The structure of the ion cavity
Longitudinal acceleration
25Radiation Reaction Compton-Thomson Cooling
N. Naumova, I, Sokolov
- Charge separation.
- E-field Creation
b)e- move backwards, scattered on the incoming
field, cooling the e-
26Attosecond Generationfrom Overdense plasma
27Relativistic Self-focusing
A.G.Litvak (1969), C.Max, J.Arons, A.B.Langdon
282-D PIC simulation
292-D PIC simulation
30Scalable Isolated Attosecond Pulses
n0 n/ncr
Amplitude, a
NL Optics
Ultra-relativistic intensity is defined with
respect to the proton EQmpc2,
32Attosecond Generation(electron)
33Attosecond Electron Bunches
a010, t15fs, f/1, n025ncr
Attosecond pulse train
2530 MeV
Attosecond bunch train
N. Naumova, I. Sokolov, J. Nees, A. Maksimchuk,
V. Yanovsky, and G. Mourou, Attosecond Electron
Bunches, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 195003 (2004).
34Coherent Thomson Scattering
a010, t15fs, f/1, n025ncr
Attosecond pulse train
2530 MeV
Attosecond bunch train
N. Naumova, I. Sokolov, J. Nees, A. Maksimchuk,
V. Yanovsky, and G. Mourou, Attosecond Electron
Bunches, Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 195003 (2004).
35ELI A Unique Infrastructure that offers
- Ultra high Intensity 1026W/cm2
- High Energy particles 100GeV
- High Fluxes of X and ? rays
- With femtosecond time structures
- Highly synchronized
- (We could possibly get beams equivalent to
- 1036 W/cm2)
36Nuclear Physics
37Nuclear Physics
- Exploring the Structure of the Nucleon
- Ralph Kaiser
- Gamma ray Spectroscopy Study of Exotic Nuclei
Mike Bentley - Relativistic Heavy ions Peter Jones
38 Possibilité de fission nucléaire par impulsion
laser Fission duranium 238 réacteurs sous
critiques?T. Cowan et al. LLNL 1999, Phys. News,
USA (238U)In experiments conducted recently at
Lawrence Livemore National Lab, an intense laser
beam (from the Petawatt laser, the most powerful
in the world) strikes a gold foil (backed with a
layer of lead). This results in (1) the highest
energy electrons (up to 100 MeV) ever to emerge
from a laser-solid interaction, (2) the first
laser-induced fission, and (3) the first creation
of antimatter (positrons) using lasers. (Tom
Cowan LLNL 1999)
238U matière fertile0,7 238U dans U naturel
Bilan énergétique? Fission duranium 238
200MeVSection efficace?Rendement?
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44Transmutation des déchets fission par
impulsion laser
- Transmutation de liode 129 (fission)
- K. Ledingham et al. J. Phys. D Appl. Phys.
36, L79 (2003), UK - JRC Karlsruhe, Univ. Jena, Univ. Strathclyde,
Imperial College, Rutherford Appleton Lab. - Laser 1020W/cm2 ? champ élect. 1011V/cm ? champ
mag. 105T - Impulsion plasma ? électrons 1,6 . 1024m/s2
e- lt100MeV - ? gamma par freinage dans Pb ou Ta lt10MeV
- ? fission 129I (15,7 . 106ans) ? 128I (25mn)
46High-resolution g-Spectroscopy in hyperdeformed
actinide nuclei
- Motivation
- explore the multiple-humped potential energy
landscape - of hyperdeformed heavy actinide nuclei with
unprecedented resolution
Experimental approach
- photofission (g,f) using brilliant photon beams
of 3-10 MeV - individually resolve resonances in prompt
fission cross section - laser-generated high-energy photon flux exceeds
conventional - facilities by 104-108
hyperdeformed 3rd potential minimum has not yet
been studied at all
47Nuclear transitions and parity-violating
meson-nucleon coupling
- study mirror asymmetries in the nuclear
resonance - fluorescence process (NRF)
- parity non-conservation as indication of
fundamental - role of exchange processes of weakly
interacting - bosons in nucleon-nucleon interaction
Experimental approach
- use ultra-brilliant, (circular) polarized,
- monochromatic g ray beams (typ. 102-103 keV)
- switch polarization ? measure NRF g asymmetry
Example 19F (parity doublet DE109.9 keV)
48Nonlinear QED
NL Optics
Ultra-relativistic intensity is defined with
respect to the proton EQmpc2,
50Laser-induced Nonlinear QED
G. Mourou, S. Bulanov, T. Tajima Review of
Modern Physics (2006)
GeV electrons
You can enhance the laser field by the electron
51Laser-induced Nonlinear QED
G. Mourou, S. Bulanov, T. Tajima Review of
Modern Physics (2006)
GeV electrons
Gas Jet
1023 cm2
52Ultra-high Intensity General Relativity and
Black Holes
53Laboratory Black Hole
T. Tajima and G. Mourou Review of Modern Physics
Equivalent to be near a Black Hole of
Dimension? Temperature?
54Is Optics in General Relativity?
Using the gravitational shift near a black hole
As we increase a0 the Swartzschild radius can
become equal to the Compton wavelength.
55Optics and General RelativityHawking Radiation
In order to have Hawking radiation You need the
gravitational field strong enough to break pairs
56Finite Horizon and extra-dimensions
The distance to finite horizon is
N. Arkani-Hamed et al. (1999)
Up to n4 extra-dimensions could be tested.
T. Tajima phone 81 90 34 96 64 21
57ELI from the Atomic Structure to the Vacuum
Vacuum structure
58The Extreme Light Infrastructure exploded view
100 m
59ELI Infrastructure
60Thank you
- Become an ELI enthusiast
- You can register _at_
- WWW.eli-laser.eu
- Eli_at_eli-laser.eu
61Control 4D imaging of valence core electrons
with sub-atomic resolution
4D imaging of electronic motion in
atoms, molecules and solids by means of
attosecond electron or X-ray diffraction
Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany
62The ELI facilty could be used to produce real
X-ray lasers
Shorter wavelengths lasers than never obtained
lt nm range
How investigate new schemes - inner-shell
of heavy ions - transitions in nuclear
63HHG and Subfemtosecond Pulses from Surfaces of
Overdense Plasmas
- S.V. Bulanov, Naumova N M and Pegoraro F, Phys.
Plasmas - 1 745(1994)
- D. Von der linde et al Phys. Rev. A52 R 25, 1995
- L. Plaja et al. JOSA B, 15, 1904 (1998)
- S. Gordienko et al PRL 93, 115002 (2004)
- N.M. Naumova et.al., PRL 92, 063902 (2004)
- Tsakiris, G., et al., New Journal of Physics, 8,
19 (2006)
64Reflected radiation spectra the slow power-law
1D simulation
Gordienko, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 2004
The Gaussian laser pulse aa0exp-(t/t)2cosw0t
is incident onto an overdense plasma layer with
n30nc. The color lines correspond to laser
amplitudes a05,10,20.The broken line marks the
analytical scaling I w-8/3.
Possibility to produce zeptosecond pulses!!!
65Multi-keV Harmonics
B. Dromey, M. Zepf et. al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 99,
085001 (2007)
66Relativistic High Harmonics Train of Attosecond
- Yet some applications require single attosecond
pulses!Can we extract one pulse from the train?
67Two large Laser Infrastructures Have Been
Selected to be on the ESFRI (European Strategic
Forum on Research Infrastructures) Roadmap
- a - HIPER, civilian laser fusion research (using
the - fast ignition scheme) and all applications of
ultra - high energy laser
- b - ELI, reaching highest intensities (Exawatt)
and - applications
- ELI has been the first Infrastructure launched by
- Brussels November 1st 2007
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69Towards the Critical Field
For I1022W/cm2 a02 104 The pulse duration t
600 /a0 6as The wavelength l/1000 The
Focal volume decreases 10-8 The Efficiency
10 Intensity I1022W/cm2
70Extreme Light InfrastructureELI
- ELI Workshop on
- Fundamental Physics with Ultra-High Fields
- Frauenworth
- Sept.28-Oct.2,2008
Gérard A. MOUROU Laboratoire dOptique Appliquée
LOA ENSTA Ecole Polytechnique
CNRS PALAISEAU, France gerard.mourou_at_ensta.fr