Major Outcomes in HighRisk Hypertensive Patients Randomized to AngiotensinConverting Enzyme Inhibito - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Major Outcomes in HighRisk Hypertensive Patients Randomized to AngiotensinConverting Enzyme Inhibito


... Channel Blocker vs Diuretic: The Antihypertensive and Lipid-Lowering Treatment ... 60 per 1000 pt yrs in the diuretic group ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Major Outcomes in HighRisk Hypertensive Patients Randomized to AngiotensinConverting Enzyme Inhibito

Major Outcomes in High-Risk Hypertensive Patients
Randomized to Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme
Inhibitor or Calcium Channel Blocker vs Diuretic
The Antihypertensive and Lipid-Lowering Treatment
to Prevent Heart Attack Trial (ALLHAT)
  • JAMA. 2002 288 2981-2997
  • EBM Journal Club
  • Allegra Melillo, MD
  • April 16, 2003

  • 58 yo Latino Male, with PMH significant for HTN,
    prior history of CVA in 1999, and currently
  • Had been seen by Neurology 2 weeks ago who
    started him on Enalapril for his HTN, ASA, and a
    statin and was referred to me to be his PMD.
  • BP 180/90, HgBA1c 6.1, FBS 88, Tchol 230, LDL
    198, Cr 1.0

  • Population high-risk hypertensive patients
  • Intervention treatment with ACE-Inhibitors
  • Comparison thiazides
  • Outcomes decrease morbidity and mortality,
    particularly CHD, CVD
  • Question In high-risk hypertensive patients,
    does treatment with an ACE-I lower the incidence
    of CHD or CVD events compared to treatment with a

  • 50-60 million people in US with hypertension
  • Rx and complications are costly 37 billion/yr
  • Rx reduces HTN-related MM
  • B-blockers and thiazides proven beneficial
  • Unclear how newer, more costly drugs (CCB,
    ACE-Is) compare to older drugs
  • Optimal first-line therapy is uncertain

Importance of Trial
  • Very recent, large clinical trial
  • Examines relative benefits of various agents in
    high-risk hypertensives and diverse population
  • Classes of drugs compared in the study are widely
  • Outcomes evaluated are clinically relevant CHD,
  • Results may change practice and reduce costs

Objective of the ALLHAT Trial
  • To determine whether treatment of hypertension in
    high-risk patients with a calcium channel blocker
    (amlodipine), an angiotensin-converting enzyme
    inhibitor (lisinopril), or an alpha-blocker
    (doxazosin) lowers the incidence of coronary
    heart disease (CHD) or other cardiovascular
    disease (CVD) events compared with diuretic
    treatment (chlorthalidone).

  • Randomized, double-blind, active-controlled
    clinical trial conducted from February 1994
    through March 2002
  • The doxazosin arm was terminated in 2000 because
    of a high incidence of congestive heart failure.

Setting and Participants
  • N 33,357 participants
  • Age gt 55 yrs
  • Included white, hispanic, and black subgroups
  • Equal female male
  • Recruited at 623 centers in North America

  • All had hypertension and at least 1 other CHD
    risk factor
  • previous (gt6 mos) MI or stroke
  • LVH, type II DM, current cigarette smoking, HDL lt
    35 mg/dl, documentation of other atherosclerotic
  • Exclusion criteria history of hospitalized or
    treated symptomatic heart failure (HF) and/or
    known LV EF lt35

  • Participants were randomly assigned to
  • chlorthalidone, 12.5-25 mg/d, (n 15,255)
  • amlodipine, 10- 40 mg/d, (n 9048)
  • lisinopril, 10-40 mg/d,.(n9054)
  • Step 2 Rx atenolol, reserpine, clonidine
  • Step 3 Rx hydralazine
  • Low doses of open-label step 1 drug classes, were
    permitted if clinically indicated
  • Planned follow- up of approximately 4 to 8 yrs

  • Primary fatal CHD or nonfatal myocardial
    infarction combined
  • Secondary
  • all-cause mortality
  • fatal and nonfatal stroke,
  • combined CHD (including, coronary
    revascularization, hospitalized angina)
  • combined CVD (combined CHD, stroke, HF, PVD,
    other Rxd angina)

Summary of Major Results
  • Average follow-up of 5 yrs
  • no significant differences among groups in the
    primary outcome (fatal CHD or nonfatal MI) or in
    all-cause mortality
  • Amlodipine group compared to chlorthalidone had a
    significantly higher 6-yr cumulative incidence of
    heart failure (10.2 vs. 7.7 RR, 1.38 95 CI,

Summary of Major Results
  • Lisinopril group compared to chlorthalidone group
    had higher 6-year incidences of
  • combined CVD (33.3 vs 30.9 RR, 1.10 95 CI,
  • heart failure (8.7 vs 7.7 RR 1.19, 95 CI,
    1.07-1.31 ),
  • stroke ( 6.3 vs 5.6 RR, 1.15, 95 CI,

Are the results valid? Did experimental and
control groups begin the study with a similar
  • Patients were randomized and blinded
  • Patients were analyzed in the groups to which
    they were randomized (intention to treat) (Fig.
  • Patients in the treatment and control groups were
    similar with respect to known prognostic factors
    (see Table 1)

Are the Results Valid?Did experimental and
control groups retain a similar prognosis after
the study started?
  • Patients were not aware of group allocation
  • Clinicians may have been made aware of group
    allocation since in certain instances it was
    permitted to use open-label step 1 drugs of other
  • Outcome assessors may have been aware of group
    allocation since they noted early on the high
    incidence of HF in the doxazosin arm

Are the Results Valid?Did experimental and
control groups retain a similar prognosis after
the study started?
  • See Table 2
  • Visit adherence decreased over time from about
    92 at 1 yr to 84 to 87 at 5 years in all three
    treatment arms
  • 2 lost-to- follow-up in all arms

What are the Results?
  • See Table 5
  • Fig 3-6

What are the results?6 Year Rate of Heart
Failure with Amlodipine
What are the Results?6 yr rate of Outcomes with
Lisinopril Compared to Chlorthalidone
What are the Results? Risks of Biochemical
Changes between Chlorthalidone and Amlodipine
What are the Results? Risks of Biochemical
Changes between Chlorthalidone and Lisinopril
  • Is chlorthalidone equivalent to the more widely
    used hydrochlorothiazide?
  • How do B-blockers compare to these newer classes
    of antihypertension therapy?
  • Some of the step II/III drugs are not typically
    used as second and third-line agents
  • Partial and full crossovers lead to more
    conservative results gt there may be a
    significant difference in outcomes.

Comparison Trial
  • A Comparison of Outcomes with Angiotensin-Converti
    ng Enzyme Inhibitors and Diuretics for
    Hypertension in the Elderly. NEJM
  • Open-label, randomized trial in Australia
  • 6083 hypertensive patients received either a
    diuretic or an ACE inhibitor as initial therapy
    (no mandatory specific drug)

Comparison Trial
  • Additional drugs were given when monotherapy was
  • Age range was 65-84
  • Predominantly white,
  • Few with diabetes or known CHD

Comparison Trial
  • During 4 year follow-up, the frequency of the
    primary outcome -- all cardiovascular events or
    all-cause mortality (P0.05)
  • 56 per 1000 pt yrs in the ACE I group
  • 60 per 1000 pt yrs in the diuretic group
  • ACE I grouop had a lower rate of first-event MI
    with a hazard ratio of 0.68 95 CI (0.47-0.98)
  • No decrease rate of stroke or overall mortality

Can I apply the ALLHAT results to patient care?
  • Patient population diverse, similar to FHC
  • High-risk hypertensive patients
  • Multiple important clinical outcomes were
    considered CHD, CVD, all-cause mortality
  • With thiazide, increased long-term risk of
    raising cholesterol, new diabetes and hypokalemia
    gt Rx and lifestyle changes
  • Overall no increase in new cardiovascular events
    or into higher all-cause mortality

Return to Patient Case
  • 58 yo Latino male smoker w/ HTN and h/o CVA,
    recently started on Enalapril
  • If we can generalize that thiazides compared to
    ACE inhibitors have a lower risk of stroke, HF
    and combined CVD
  • Would have started him on a thiazide first!
  • Remember to monitor chol, FBS, and K
  • May reduce morbidity and health care costs!

Summary and Conclusions
  • The ALLHAT trial is overall robust and
    generalizable to a diverse, high risk population
  • No differences in fatal coronary disease or
    nonfatal MI among three groups
  • Compared to chlorthalidone, lisinopril had a
    increased 6 year incidence of heart failure,
    stroke and combined CVD
  • Compared to chlorthalidone, amlodipine had a
    increased 6 year incidence of HF

Summary and Conclusions
  • Cautious about higher risk of elevated
    cholesterol, new-onset diabetes, and hypokalemia
    with thiazide
  • Unfortunately no comparison to Beta-blockers in
  • ? Generalizability to all thiazides,
    ACE-inhibitors and CCBs
  • ALLHAT more relevant to CHN population than
    Australian trial

Clinical Bottom-Line
  • Thiazides should be considered initial treatment
    choice for most hypertensive patients.
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