Title: Increasing Tensions
1Increasing Tensions
Between the
United States Germany
2U.S. Neutral Until 1917
? U.S. had no real stake at first
President Wilson was re-elected In 1916 with the
campaign slogan, He kept us out of the war!
3Unrestricted submarine warfare (USW)
? Submarines attack ships with arms supplies ?
Germany did to stop British blockade
German U-boat resumes USW
Would you buy tickets on the Lusitania?
5May 7, 1915 Sinking of the Lusitania
? 128 Americans on board 1,198 killed total
MEDIA REACTIONS The New York Times called the
Germans savages drunk with blood. The German
press "applauded the attack as an 'extraordinary
success,'" The English Daily Mail referred to it
as "The Hun's Most Ghastly Crime."
Sinking of the Lusitania. in 18 minutes
61916 Sussex pledge
- Germany promises to stop USW
- A mistake?
Kaiser Wilhelm II
7USW Moral Dilemma Journal
You are a highly decorated officer of a German
U-boat (submarine). You realize that some
people think the U-boat is a sneaky weapon
and ungentlemanly, but you see its advantages in
stopping the Allied supply line. A ship is in
your sights. You have unconfirmed reports that
the ship is carrying VITAL food and supplies for
the British army. With the Western Front still
at stalemate, unrestricted submarine
warfare may give Germany the upper hand and help
end the war by limiting supplies. However,
sinking the ship will kill some civilians and
might get the United States involved in the
war. JOURNAL Would you resume unrestricted
submarine warfare or not? Explain.
8February 1, 1917 USW resumes
- done to try to end stalemate
- Wilson cuts off relations w/ Germany
9March, 1917 Zimmermann Note leaked to press
?secret telegram of alliance b/t Germany Mexico
with G. promise of NM, TX, and AZ
10Stronger political economic ties w/ Allies
? more trade and loans to Allies ? traditional
political links
1914 United States Trade 824.8 million to
Allies 169.3 million to Central Powers
1916 United States Trade 3.2 billion to Allies
1.2 million to Central Powers
- 1917 Value of U.S. Loans/Investments
- 2.7 billion with Allies
- 27 million with Central Powers
11April 6th, 1917 U.S. declared war on Germany!
The world must be made safe for democracy
President Wilson in his speech to
12Zimmerman Note Cryptogram Directions
- All letters should be grouped together in a
groups of two! - (For example FG)
- Cryptogram
13Zimmerman Note Cryptogram Directions
- All letters should be grouped together in a
groups of two! - (For example FG)
- The first letter is on the vertical axis. (up and
down) on the grid. - (For example FG F)
- The second letter is on the horizontal axis
(across) on the grid.
14Zimmerman Note Cryptogram Directions
- All letters should be grouped together in a
groups of two! - (For example FG)
- The first letter is on the vertical axis (up and
down) on the grid. - (For example FG F)
- The second letter is on the horizontal axis
(across) - on the grid .
- 4. As you locate each letter, write them above
the two letters. - Cryptogram
- F E B R U A R Y
15Zimmerman Note Cryptogram Directions
- All letters should be grouped together in a
groups of two! - (For example FG)
- The first letter is on the vertical axis. (up and
down) - (For example FG F)
- The second letter is on the horizontal axis
(across) - As you locate each letter, write them above the
two letters. - Race to decode the messages as fast as you can.
16Should the U.S. enter World War I?
Complete the following chart in your
notebook (minimum 4 reasons for each)
17Should the U.S. enter World War I?
Should the U.S. enter World War I?
Concluding journal If you were a member of
Congress, what position would you have taken?