Title: Nuclear Physics Grants and Application Process 08/09
1Nuclear Physics Grants and Application Process
- SG Guidelines and Applications
- TG Guidelines and Applications
- Opportunity for questions and discussion
- S.J.Freeman
- University of Manchester
- Chair of STFC NPGP
2(No Transcript)
3Nuclear Physics Grants Panel
2008 - 2009 Prof Sean Freeman (Manchester) -
Chair - NS/E Prof Alison Bruce (Brighton) -
NS/E Prof Martin Freer (Birmingham) - NS/E Dr
Dave Ireland (Glasgow) - QCD/E Dr Alex Murphy
(Edinburgh) - NA/E Prof Bob Wadsworth (York) -
NS/E Prof Phil Walker (Surrey) -NS/E plus two
new members (one external)
E ExperimentT TheoryQCD Hadron PhysicsNS
Nuclear StructureNA Nuclear Astrophysics
4SG Funding Opportunities/Constraints
Expectation that STFC will award 4-6 SG in
the2008/09 Grant Round.
- compared to rolling exploitation programmes, SG
are generally shorter-term, well-defined
projects. - project-specific equipment, consumables,
academic time, PDRA posts, studentships and TS. - visiting fellows (VF) may be stand alone or part
of a SG - no formal limits on duration, but typically
three years
5- STANDARD GRANTS (SG) continued
- Can be multi-institutional one case, several
JeS. - Can use RG staff or cross-community posts must
be clearly identified and FTE levels given in
case. - No support for running conferences and short
courses via SG (see Katharine for funding
6Application Procedures
In general similar to SG Applications in 07/08,
but some differences and some comments.
- Scientific case within FOUR sides of A4.
- Staff time (academic, PDRA etc.) needs properly
justifying in terms of the specific activity on
the project biographies are not sufficient. ½
side of A4 per post. - Project studentships require proper
justification in terms of their influence on the
potential research outcomes of the grant and a
specific thesis project must be identified. - Non-staff resources need justifying in TWO sides
of A4.
For stand-alone VF requests, a short description
of scientific aims and objectives and
justification of costs is required. For all VF
applications, a CV of the visitor is needed.
7Publication Records
Provide summary statistics, as before, of
peer-reviewed publications and technical reports
no conference proceedings, other than IEEE/NIMS
under Technical Reports.
In addition, for each investigator, a full list
of publications from calendar years (05-08) with
titles, full author lists as appear in journal,
and reference.these are easily compiled using
Web of Science or Nuclear Structure References.
Outreach and KE
Plans need demonstrating, as in 07/08 Round.
8STFC Assessment Criteria
CATEGORY 1 Absolute pre-requisite, without which
an application will not be considered for
funding Scientific Excellence
International Competitiveness
Strategic value within STFC programme
CATEGORY 2 Supporting evidence which increases
the confidence in a successful outcome Productivi
ty of investigators
Productivity of grant supported staff Quality of
leadership/management Suitability of
CATEGORY 3 Important additional criteria the
opportunities and plans for which must be
addressed in the application Potential for
knowledge exchange Quality of outreach
STRATEGY INPUT STFC strategy will develop during
the Grant Round NPGP will to react to this.
Community strategy and consultation report
exist.Scientific excellence AND international
competitiveness are still absolute demands on a
successful proposal, whether an application is
high or low priority in the Strategy.
NB Advisory Board nominations close 30th
9Submission and post-submission processes
Deadline Thursday 13th November 4pm
Referees Electronic process with opportunity to
Clarification No formal meetings, but Panel
members may solicit more information via the
Office by email.
Approval Process NPGP recommendations are
submitted for approval by the Executive.
Outcomes ALL communication on results of process
will done through the Office. Feedback will be
given in consultation with the NPGP, but
individual NPGP members will not enter into
discussion of grant outcomes.
Announcements Likely in May/June 2009.
Earliest start dates likely
June/July 2009.
10TG Funding Opportunities/Constraints
Expectation that sufficient funding to cover the
TS estimatefrom community consultation. Reduced
costs may increase availability of TG or SG
- to provide essential short-term travel and
related support for experimental and theoretical
programmes, where funding does not currently
exist elsewhere. - for experimental travel, only experiments which
have been peer-reviewed by PAC, or similar
committee, will be accepted. - for theoretical travel, analogous support is
available for time-critical research activity. - applications will be considered up to November
2009, in the first instance, after which the
operation will be reviewed.
11TG Funding Opportunities/Constraints
- TRAVEL GRANTS (TG) continued
- Themes funded in the 07/08 round will not be
considered. - Experimental applications should be made as soon
as the experiment is scheduled. - Any essential costs will be considered.
- Could include TS, consumables, running costs,
academic time and fEC costs (but see note on
previous slide). - Expectation that all requested costs will be
very close to actual expense. - PDRA posts and studentships will not be
supported. - All academics requesting travel funds must
normally be named on the PAC proposal. - Any unusual circumstances/issues inquiries via
the Office
12TG Applications
The experimental proposal to the relevant PAC
should be provided as the Case for Support.For
theoretical travel, a short case (two sides A4)
should be submitted describing the work
undertaken and why it is time critical and
essential to travel. Applicants should justify
all requested resources within one side of
A4. Evidence of scheduling (e.g. relevant email)
should be submitted with the application.
13TG Process and Time Scales
Light-touch peer-review will be carried out,
making judgments on the basisof the Category 1
STFC Assessment Criteria, but cost effectiveness
will be an important additional factor. Level of
resources may be adjusted. Every effort will be
made to make decisions as quickly as possible,
normally on a two/three week timescale. But
travel made prior to a decisionis at the
applicants risk.
14Questions and Comments on RG, SG and TG
15Subsequent Questions and Queries via the STFC
Dr Katharine Schofield Nuclear Physics
Programme The Science and Technology Facilities
Council Polaris House North Star
Avenue Swindon SN2 1SZ, UK Tel (44)1793 413171