Title: Diapositive 1
1Heating Current Drive Topical
Group Preparation of the 2008-2009 Work
Programme A. Bécoulet T. Goodman T. Hellsten
T. Jones R. Koch ML Mayoral J. Ongena ACC
Sips B. Weyssow. http//www.tpg.efda.org/hcd/
2The HCD Topical Group
According to its terms of reference (EFDA(08)
36/4.5), the Heating and Current Drive Topical
Group is, within the European Fusion Development
Agreement, in charge of i. generating a
consensus of the EU fusion community in the field
of HCD in support of ITER physics, in
preparation for ITER operation (e.g. scenario
development) and in view of DEMO ii. developing
an annual EU recommendation of RD priorities to
the EFDA Leader, supporting in the elaboration of
a long term programme and of the annual Work
Programme iii. promoting the execution of
experiments on the EU devices in support of this
programme iv. proposing RD on specific aspects
of HCD system performance (eg RF sheath
performance, coupling, current drive,
conditioning etc) v. identifying when EU
expertise needs to be concentrated on the
resolution of specific issues vi. providing
advice to the EFDA leader on training vii. promot
ing cooperative activities in the area of HCD
among the European Research Institutes, in
particular with the participation of new member
states and universities viii. providing advice
and expertise on the development, benchmarking
and validation of relevant modelling codes in
liaison with the EU Integrated Tokamak Modelling
TF ix. maintaining an EU expert knowledge base
in the relevant HCD physics and
technology x. providing advice to EFDA on HCD
matters when required by the EFDA Leadership
xi. providing support to the EFDA Leader in the
development of RD activities for potential ITER
HCD upgrades (eg LHCD) to the point at which
such activities can be transferred to
F4E xii. coordinating the Physics and Technology
aspects of Long Pulse and Steady State Operation
programme under EFDA in close collaboration with
the JET Task Force Leaders for Scenario 2 (S2)
and Heating (H).
3Structure of the Topical Group
- The Topical Group is composed with all members
of the EURATOM Associations interested in Heating
and Current Drive issues in magnetic fusion
devices. - It is coordinated by a Scientific and Technical
Board, consisting in - - The Topical Group Chairman, nominated by the
EFDA Steering Committee - The EFDA HCD Responsible Officer
- A coordinator in charge of the Neutral Beam
Injection aspects - A coordinator in charge of the Ion Cyclotron
Resonant Heating aspects - A coordinator in charge of the Lower Hybrid
Current Drive aspects - A coordinator in charge of the Electron
Cyclotron Resonant Heating aspects - A coordinator for the EFDA mission 4 "Long
Pulse and Steady State" - The EFDA-JET Task Force H Leader
- The EFDA-ITM Task Force IMP5 Project Leader
(HCD Modeling) - (a representative of F4E)
- The Topical Group connects to Associations
through Contact Persons
4The S/T Board
- - The Topical Group Chairman (Alain Bécoulet)
- The EFDA HCD Responsible Officer (Boris
Weyssow) - A coordinator in charge of the Neutral Beam
Injection aspects (Tim Jones) - A coordinator in charge of the Ion Cyclotron
Resonant Heating aspects (Raymond Koch) - A coordinator in charge of the Lower Hybrid
Current Drive aspects (open Alain Bécoulet,
interim) - A coordinator in charge of the Electron
Cyclotron Resonant Heating aspects (Tim Goodman) - A coordinator for the EFDA mission 4 "Long
Pulse and Steady State (George Sips) - The EFDA-JET Task Force H Leader (Marie-Line
Mayoral Jef Ongena interim) - The EFDA-ITM Task Force IMP5 Project Leader
(HCD Modeling) (Torbjörn Hellsten) - (a representative of F4E, tbd)
- The S/T Board meets remotely once a month (all
details on website) - The TG Chairmen and TFLs meet remotely with EFDA
- The Coordinating Committees remain as subgroups
of the HCD TG
- The present work programme recommends a limited
number of actions, motivated by the following
concerns - the milestones following the European Facility
Review process, - the urgent requests being formulated by the ITER
project and/or the F4E work programme, in direct
support to ITER, - the present understanding of the short term
needs and evolutions of the existing EU
facilities, - the present understanding of the overall EU
capability of committing resources to the tasks,
though no formal Call for Proposal was issued yet.
7The Tasks
- Mission 1 Burning Plasmas
- - BPD Experimental simulation of non-linear
burning plasma dynamics in the Advanced Scenarios
for steady-state operation - Mission 2 Reliability of tokamak operation
- - ICWC ICRF assisted wall conditioning
- - RFINIT Plasma initiation assist with HCD
systems - - RFCP RF Coupling
- - ICAD Improvement and qualification of ICRH arc
detection systems (to be conducted with F4E) - - ECARC EM compatibility of HCD systems during
arcing (to be conducted with F4E) - - ECPOL Real-time Polarization Control of EC
waves to avoid overheating of machine structures - Mission 4 Long Pulse and Steady-state Operation
- - MIX Investigate the influence of HCD mix on
ITER scenarios - - LPO Long pulse operation of HCD systems
- - NBIPHY (off-axis) Current Drive and Rotation
capability of NBI - Mission 7 DEMO physics and Plasma Scenarios
- - DEMO HCD systems for DEMO
- Emerging Technologies (under Mission 4)
- - LH4IT EU contribution to the ITER LHCD
development plan - LH4AUG LHCD system for Asdex Upgrade
8The Tasks
9Concluding remarks
- The TG is not there to manage all the HCD
activity in Europe (!) but to generate a
consensus and provide advise and expertise to
EFDA and F4E. - It is based on the very long term experience of
HCD Coordinated Committees - Cooperation and Communication between EU teams
are the keywords - we must keep both a short term and a long term
perspective - we are clearly resource limited -gt we must
generate priorities and respect them. - the tasks will be runned if and only if manned
by the Associations - we must keep a programmatic flexibility, and
ability to answer urgent calls from EFDA, F4E,