An Introduction to Embedded Database Programming - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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An Introduction to Embedded Database Programming


A database is a collection of related data or collection of related tables and ... SQL statements to relational database systems and supports all dialectics of SQL. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: An Introduction to Embedded Database Programming

An Introduction to Embedded Database Programming
  • By Turkan Adatepe

  • What is Database?
  • Oracle
  • SQL SQLPlus
  • Embedded SQL Programming
  • JDBC basics
  • A JDBC programming Example
  • Q A

What is a Database?
  • A database is a collection of related data or
    collection of related tables and the software
    that manipulates data files within any large
    organization such as a university or a company.
  • A Relational database can be pictured as set of
    spreadsheets which some data in one table might
    related to a data in another table.
  • A DBMS is a system that allows to us to create,
    update and alter a database and provide for
    controlling to the data.

  • A Database is set of tables
  • A Table called a entity or relation which is
    collection of columns and rows
  • A Column or attribute has a name and list of
    definitions and constraints
  • A Row is called a tuple or record

What is RDBMS?
  • A Relational Database Management System stores
    information in the form of tables and then links
    or relates those tables to provide answer to
    users diverse questions.
  • RDBMS were invented around 1970 by Codd.
  • There are many RDBMS on market today such as
    ORACLE, DB2, Microsoft SQL, etc

DBMS Oracle
  • Oracle was the first major relational application
  • Oracle is the most widely used database in the
    world. It can run on virtually all kind of

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How to get and put data to a DBMS?
  • All the work with a relational database is done
    with a SQL-based programming language
  • SQLPlus is the command line console to interact
    with the Oracle db.
  • Oracles SQLPlus program lets the user to
    connect to Oracle and provides an environment to
    execute SQL commands
  • Csy01gtsqlplus username/oraclepasswd_at_WMUCS
  • SQLgt

  • Structured Query Language (SQL) is an
    international standard, which is an English like
    non-procedural language.
  • SQL is an ANSI standard, which is used to
    retrieve and update data in a database. 
  •   The purpose of SQL is the provide an interface
    to a relational database by using SQL statements
    as instructions to the database.

SQL Commands
  • SQL has very limited feature. Therefore its easy
    to learn. Basic SQL commands are
  • Create
  • Insert
  • Update
  • Select
  • Delete

  • SQL is a very simple language. Its like English
    for talking to a database.
  • As an example, Lets create a Customer table with
    customer Id and Customer Name
  • SQLgt create table member(
  • Member_Id number(4 ) primary key,
  • Member_Name Varchar2(15) )
  • SQLgtinsert into member values( 12, Jim Smith)

Embedded SQL
  • The term embedded SQL refers to SQL
    statements placed within an application program
    is called host program and the language that is
    written is called host language.

Why Embedded SQL?
  • For large and complex queries and applications
    SQLPlus will not be enough and useful.
  • Embedded SQL provides an environment to use
    high-level languages to allow to connect database
    and to run SQL commands.
  • Embedded SQL is a method of combining the
    database manipulation capabilities of SQL and a
    high level language like C/C or java.
  • Embedded SQL allows to user to execute an SQL
    statement from an application program.

Embedded Languages
  • There are variety of programs for embedded SQL

An Introduction to JDBC
  • JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) API
    (Application Program Interface) is a Java API for
    accessing virtually any kind of data source.
  • The JDBC API makes it easy to send SQL statements
    to relational database systems and supports all
    dialectics of SQL.
  • Oracle 8i JVM schedules transactions of thousands
    of users.

What does JDBC?
  • Opens a connection to a Relational Database
  • Sends SQL statements and commands
  • Process the results
  • Makes it possible on-line applications

  • Install the Java platform and JDBC which
    includes JDBC API
  • Drivers
  • Installing a DBMS

Installing a Java Platform Which includes JDBC
  • Java 2 SDK Standard Edition includes the JDBC
  • 2.0 core API.
  • Latest release of the java 2 Platform is
    available at
  • http//
  • http//

  • JDBC is a database access protocol that enables
    user to connect to a database.
  • JDBC-ODBC Bridge driver Java 2SDK will get it
    automatically. JDBC-ODBC Bridge drivers
    communicate to server via ODBC(Open Database
    Connectivity) Drivers.
  • JDBC-Thin Driver is suitable to write 100 java
    applications and applets that access a database.
  • JDBC OCI (Oracle Call Interface )Driver accesses
    Oracle specific Native code libraries written in
    C language.

Getting Started
  • JDBC basic steps are
  • Import JDBC classes
  • Loading a driver
  • Making a Connection
  • Interaction with the Database
  • Closing the connection

Import JDBC classes
  • To use the JDBC commands, it is necessary to
    import the package, where classes and interfaces
    are implemented is java.sql.
  • include java.sql.
  • Java 2 SDK Standard edition includes java.sql.
    For advance application, you will need javax.sql
    which is included in the Java 2 SDK Enterprise

Loading a Driver
  • In the beginning of the program we need to
    tell to driver manager which DBMS we will use.It
    is only one line code, which loads driver or
    drivers you wish to use.
  • Class.ForName(location of driver)
  • To use JDBC-ODBC bridge driver
  • Class.ForName(sun.Jdbc.odbc.jdbcodbcDriver)
  • If you are working WMU csy machines then
  • Class.ForName(oracle.Jdbc.Driver.OracleDriver)

Making a Connection
  • After loading a driver, the next step is
    establishing the connection to a DBMS with using
    getConnection call
  • Connection Conn Driver.getConnection(url,
  • login, passwd)

Making a Connection
  • For csy machines your code will be
  • Connection conn DriverManager.getConnection
  • ("jdbcoraclethin_at_kosh.cs.wmich.edu1521WMUCS",
  • The first string is the URL for the database
    including the protocol (Jdbc), the vendor
    (Oracle), the driver (thin), the server
    ( (we install the oracle into
    the kosh in our cs server). The port number
    (1521) and a server instance (WMUCS). Second
    string is your own cs login name, And the last
    one is your Oracle password

Creating JDBC Statement
  • A JDBC statement object is used to send SQL
    statements to the DBMS.
  • A statement object in JDBC is associated with an
    open connection but not any SQL statement.
  • A JDBC statement is like a channel on the
    connection and passing one or more SQL
    transactions (statements) to execute to the DBMS.
  • Statement stmtconn.createStatment ()
  • After this line, in your program a statement is
    created but nothing is passed to the database or
    any SQL statement is executed yet

executeUpdate() Statement
  • For DDL (Data Definition Language) statements
    such as create, update, insert executeUpdate
    statement is used. These statements will change
    the state of the database.
  • Stmt.executeUpdate (Create table Member
  • (Member_Id number(4 ) primary key,
  • Member_Name Varchar2(15)))
  • stmt.executeUpdate("insert into Member values
  • (12, Jim Smith

executeQuery() Statement
  •    A select statement will do nothing to the
    database tables or to the DBMS but return some
    values or tuples. Therefore JDBC has a different
    method for it called executeQuery.
  • ExecuteQuery statement gets the result from

Example of executeQuery()
  • ResultSet rs
  • rsstmt.executeQuery (select from Member)
  • While ( ())
  • int MIdrs.getInt (1)
  • String Mnamers.getString (2)
  • System.out.Println (Member IdMId Member
    Name Mname)

  • JDBC allows SQL statements to be grouped
    together into a single transaction. The
    connection object performs transaction control.
    Default is auto-commit mode. It means after each
    execution SQL statement will be written to the
    database permanently.
  • conn.commit() 
  • conn.rollback ()

Errors and Warnings
  • The SQLException class brings the error about the
    accessing database.Its derived from the
    lava.lang.Exception class.
  • JDBC lets user to see the error and warnings
    generated by the DBMS and the java compiler by
    using catch block.

Example for Error statement
  • Statement stmt conn.createStatement()
  • try stmt.executeUpdate(select from
    Member) catch (SQLException e)
  • while (e ! null)
  • System.out.println("Message "
    e.getMessage()) e e.getNextException(
    ) return
    System.out.println(Member table selected!")

  • Now, Lets see a small JDBC program.

Example JDBC programming
  • import java.sql.
  • import
  • class record
  • public static void main (String args )
  • throws SQLException, IOException
  • Class.forName("Oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver")
  • Connection connDriverManager.getConnection
  • ("jdbcOraclethin_at_kosh.cs.wmich.edu1521WMUCS",
  • "lname","Oraclepasswd") 

  • String member "create table member("
  • "member_id number(4) primary key,"
  • "last_name varchar(15) not null,"
  • "first_name varchar(15) not null,"
  • "address varchar(50) not null,"
  • "phone number(7) not null,"
  • "balance number(5.2) default 0.00)"

  • Statement stmt conn.createStatement()
  • try
  • stmt.executeUpdate(member)
  • catch (SQLException e)
  • while (e ! null)
  • System.out.println("Message "
    e.getMessage()) e e.getNextException(
    ) return
  • System.out.println("Member Table is created")

  • stmt.executeUpdate("insert into Member values
  • (12, 'Smith', John' , 1290 W. Main Kalamazoo
    MI. 49006', 3333333, 0.00)")
  • stmt.commit()
  • stmt.close()
  • conn.close()

  • All these information and the programs are
  • http//
  • http//
  • Thank you
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