Title: Early Childhood Thought:
1Chapter 9 Early Childhood Thought Islands of
2Piagets Account of Mental Development in Early
- Infancy was focused on sensorimotor on the
physical - Preoperational stage - before age 7
- use 1 sided thinking, can only focus their
attention on one aspect at a time - By age 7-8 they are capable of mental operations
- coordinate 2 perspectives at the same time
3Lack of Spatial Perspective Taking
4Egocentric Speech
5Confusing Appearance Reality
Young children focus on surface appearance They
way things seem rather than the way they
are Shown cross-culturally
6Precausal Reasoning
- Young children cant engage in cause effect
reasoning by deduction or induction procedures. - They think Transductively drawing cause
effect conclusions from one particular to another
7Effective Causal Reasoning
Children as young as 3 understood the cause of
the effect but could not give explanation Almost
all 5 yr olds could provide some explanation
8Information-Processing Approaches
- Digital Computer
- Environmental Input
- Sensory Register
- Short-Term Memory
- Long-Term Memory
9Framework Explanations
- Environmental Learning
- As children have more experience there is a
qualitative shift in their task engagement - Biological Maturation
- Immaturity of the young brain explains
limitations - Unevenness is due to different rates of
myelination and dendrite growth - Cultural Contextual through the use of Scripts
- Culture arranges activities, their frequency, the
purpose of those activities, the childs role
10Biological Accounts
- Modality Theory
- Innate separate systems that do not need
special teaching in order to develop, only need
to be triggered by the environment