6' The Most Difficult NP Problems: The Class NPC - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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6' The Most Difficult NP Problems: The Class NPC


If the function g is computable in time that is polynomial ... 5. Chromatic index NP-complete. 6. Spanning tree parity P. 7. Partial Order Dimension NP-complete ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: 6' The Most Difficult NP Problems: The Class NPC

6. The Most Difficult NP Problems The Class NPC
  • Polynomial transformation
  • Given Xi (Di , Fi), i 1, 2
  • ? function g D1 ? D2 such that g(d) ? F2 iff
    d ?F1.
  • If the function g is computable in time that is
    polynomial in the length of the encoding of d,
    then X1 is said to be polynomially transformable
    to X2.
  • (notation X1 ? X2 , L1 ? L2 ( in language
  • Note that X1 ? X2 means that X2 is no easier
    than X1 in terms of polynomial time solvability.
    If we can solve X2 in polynomial time (find
    yes, no answer using deterministic
    algorithm), then we can answer whether any given
    instance of X1 is yes or no in polynomial
    time. But, the converse may not hold.

  • Polynomial reduction
  • X1 is polynomially reducible to X2 if ?
    algorithm for X1 that use algorithm for X2 as a
    subroutine and runs in polynomial time assuming
    each call to the subroutine takes unit time.
  • ( recall Opt and Feas for 0-1 IP problem)
  • ( transformation is the special case of
  • Polynomial transformation also called Karp
    reduction, ? (GJ).
  • Polynomial reduction called Turing reduction, ?T
  • Prop If X1 is polynomially transformable
    (reducible) to X2 , and X2 ? P, then X1 ? P.
  • Def X1 is a special case of X2 if D1 ? D2 and
    F1 D1 ? F2.
  • ( Use identity transformation g(d) d.)

  • Def X ? NP is said to be NP-complete if all
    problems in NP can be polynomially reduced
    (transformed) to X.
  • The set of NP-complete problems is denoted by
  • NP-complete problem is the hardest problem in NP
    since the existence of a polynomial time
    algorithm for any NP-complete problem implies
    that all the problems in NP can be solved in
    polynomial time.
  • Prop 6.3 If X is NP-complete, then P NP iff X
    ? P.
  • ( P ? NPC ? ? ? P NP )
  • Pf) X?NP and P NP ? X?P.
  • X ? P ? NPC ? ? poly time alg. for any
    problem in NP.
  • Hence NP ? P. Also P?NP. So PNP. ?
  • Prop 6.4 If X1 is NP-complete, X1 ? X2 and X2 ?
    NP, then X2 is NP-complete.
  • ( Be careful about the direction of the

  • Is NPC ? ? ?
  • First NP-complete problem found
  • Satisfiability problem (Cook, 1971)
  • Given a set U of Boolean variables and a
    collection C of clauses over U, is there a
    satisfying truth assignment for C?
  • ( Is there a truth assignment to ?i ? C ?j
    1ni ( uj or uj ) ? )
  • ( ? and, ? or )
  • ex) Given ( u1 ? u3 ) ? (u1 ? u2 ? u3 ) ? ( u2
    ? u3 ),
  • a truth assignment is u1 true, u2 false, u3
  • Thm 6.5 (Cook) The satisfiability problem (SAT)
    is NP-complete.
  • Pf) polynomial transformation of any NDTM into
    the satisfiability problem.

  • Prop 6.6 0-1 IP feasibility problem is
  • Pf) clearly in NP.
  • Let each clause be Ci ( Ci, Ci- ). Then
    (SAT) is satisfiable iff
  • is feasible.
  • We have a function that transforms any instance
    of (SAT) to an in stance of 0-1 IP feasibility.
  • Note that we transform an arbitrary instance of
    (SAT) to a (specific) instance of 0-1 IP
    feasibilty, which depends on the given instance
    of (SAT). The rationale is that if there exists
    an efficient algorithm to solve any instance of
    0-1 IP feasibility, we can apply the algorithm to
    the transformed instance to solve any arbitrary
    instance of (SAT). So it is unlikely that such
    efficient algorithm for 0-1 IP feasibility exists
    since the existence of such algorithm implies
    that we can solve (SAT) easily and solve all
    problems in NP easily.

  • Boundary between P and NPC
  • x ? Bn Ax ? b, cx ? z ? ? ? A m ? n
    0-1 matrix.
  • two 1s in each column of A (node-edge incidence
  • matching problem ? P
  • Three 1s in each column ? NPC
  • One 1 in each row ? P
  • Two 1s in each row (edge-node incidence matrix)
  • node packing problem ? NPC
  • Be careful about the distinction between the
    feasibility problem itself and the 0-1 IP

  • Unweighted node packing problem
  • Given a graph G (V, E), ? U ? V such that
    U ? k and U is a node packing?
  • Prop 6.7 The lower bound feasibility problem
    for unweighted node packing is NP-complete.
  • Pf) in NP. transform from (SAT)
  • ex) Ci Ci-
  • 1 1, 2 3
  • 2 2, 3 4
  • 3 4 1, 2
  • 4 3 ?
  • ? clauses m, ? vars n
  • set k m
  • 1, 3 true, 2, 4 false

(1, 1)
(5, 3)
(2, 1)
(7, 1)
(6, 3)
(3, 4)
(3, 2)
(4, 3)
(8, 2)
(2, 2)
  • Then the given instance of (SAT) has truth
    assignment iff ? node packing of size k.
  • Note that k is set depending on the given
    instance of (SAT). It is not an arbitrary
  • If we want to claim that IP feasibility
    formulation of node packing lower bound
    feasibility is NP-complete, we need to transform
    the node packing to the IP formulation.

  • Clique Given G (V, E), U ? V is called a
    clique if v, w ? U ? (v, w) ? E. (complete
    subgraph of G)
  • Clique problem Given G (V, E) and positive
    integer k, ? a clique of size ? k ?
  • Prop Clique problem is NP-complete
  • Pf) in NP. Independent set (node packing) ?
  • Given an instance of node packing (G, k),
    construct Gc (V, E), E (i, j) (i, j) ?E,
    i, j ? V . Set k k
  • Then U ? V is an independent set for G iff U
    is a clique for Gc.
  • Hence G has an independent set of size k iff Gc
    has a clique of size k. ?

  • Vertex cover Given G (V, E), U ? V is called a
    vertex cover if all edges in G are incident to at
    least one vertex in U.
  • Vertex cover problem Given G (V, E), ? a
    vertex cover of size ? k ? (NP-complete)
  • Pf) in NP. clique ? vertex cover
  • Given an instance of clique (G, k), construct an
    instance of vertex cover. Construct Gc and set k
    V - k.
  • Then U ? V is a clique of size k in G ? V\U is
    a vertex cover of size n-k in Gc.
  • ?) nodes in U not connected by edges in Gc.
  • ? edges in Gc incident to at least on node in
  • ? V\U vertex cover in Gc.
  • ?) every edge in Gc is incident to at least one
    node in V\U
  • ? no edge in Gc connects nodes in U.
  • ? U clique in G. ?

Six Basic NP-complete Problems
  • 3-Satisfiability (3SAT)
  • Instance Collection C c1, c2, , cm of
    clauses on a finite set U of variables such that
    ci 3 for 1 ? i ? m.
  • Question Is there a truth assignment for U
    that satisfies all the clauses in C ?
  • 3-Dimensional Matching (3DM)
  • Instance A set M ? W ? X ? Y, where W, X, and
    Y are disjoint sets having the same number q of
  • Question Does M contain a matching, that is,
    a subset M ? M such that M q and no two
    elements of M agree in any coordinate ?
  • (generalization of marriage problem.)

  • Vertex Cover
  • Clique
  • Hamiltonian Circuit
  • Instance A graph G (V, E)
  • Question Does G contain a Hamiltonian circuit,
    that is, an ordering lt v1, v2, , vn gt of the
    vertices of G, where n V, such that vn, v1
    ? E and vi, vi1 ? E for all i, 1 ? i lt n ?
  • Partition
  • Instance A finite set A and a size s(a) ?
    Z for each a ? A.
  • Question Is there a subset A ? A such that
  • ?a ? A s(a) ?a ? A - A s(a) ?

Proving NP-completeness
  • Set partitioning feasibility problem
  • Given an m ? n 0-1 matrix A, is x ? Bn Ax 1
    ? ? ?
  • Prop 6. 8 Set partitioning feasibility problem
    is NP-complete.
  • Pf) In NP. Lower bound feasibility problem
    for unweighted node packing ? Set partitioning
    feasibility problem
  • Given an instance of node packing (G, k), let A
    be ( Ek) ? ( EkV) matrix defined as

B0, B1, B2, , Bk ( AG is edge-node
incidence matrix of G.)
  • Ax 1 feasible ? pick k distinct columns of
    AGs ? node packing of size k. Similarly, for
  • Hence k node packing of G ? set partitioning
    feasible with k columns (variables) 1 ?
  • Prop 6. 9 The set partitioning feasibility
    feasibility problem in which matrix A has, at
    most, three 1s per column is NP-complete.

  • Ex)

  • Subset sum problem
  • Given an integer n, integral n-vector (a1, ,
    an ), and integer b, is x ? Bn ?j ? N aj xj
    b ? ? ?
  • Prop 6.10 The subset sum problem is NP-complete.
  • Pf) in NP. Set partitioning feasibility
    problem ? subset sum.
  • Given an m ? n 0-1 matrix A, construct an
    instance of subset sum as follows.

( j-th column of A is representation of aj using
(n1) symbols.)
  • 0-1 knapsack lower bound feasibility problem
  • Given an integer n, integral n-vectors (a1, ,
    an) and (c1, , cn), and integers b and z, is
  • x ? Bn ?j ? N aj xj ? b, ?j ? N cj xj ? z
    ? ? ? (NP-complete)
  • Pf) in NP.
  • Subset sum problem can be reformulated as
  • x ? Bn ?j ? N aj xj ? b, ?j ? N aj xj ? b
  • Hence it is a special case of 0-1 knapsack lower
    bound feasibility. Since special case is
    NP-complete, more general case is NP-complete. (
    recall the definition of special case. It is
    identity transformation ( or any obvious
    one-to-one correspondence between the instances.)
  • (special case also called restriction and one
    of the easiest and widely used proving
  • Note that 0-1 knapsack is not a special case of
    integer knapsack.

More examples of Restriction
  • Variants of Hamiltonian Circuit
  • Hamiltonian Path Same as HC except that we drop
    the requirement that the first and the last
    vertices in the sequence be joined by an edge.
  • Hamiltonian Path between Two Points same as HP
    except that two points u, v are given as input
    and the question is whether G contains a HP
    beginning with u and ending with v.
  • All three problems NP-complete
  • For directed graph ?
  • transform each undirected problem to a directed
    problem by replacing each edge of G by two
    parallel arcs of opposite direction. Undirected
    version is a special case of directed version.

  • Bounded Degree Spanning Tree
  • Instance A graph G (V, E) and a positive
    integer k ? V - 1.
  • Question Is there a spanning tree for G in
    which no vertex has degree exceeding k, that is,
    a subset E ? E such that E V - 1, the
    graph G (V, E) is connected, and no vertex in
    V is included in more than k edges from E ?
  • Restrict to Hamiltonian Path by allowing only
    instances in which k 2. HP is a special case
    of BDST with k 2.

  • Multiprocessor Scheduling
  • Instance A finite set A of tasks, a length
    l(a) ? Z for each a ? A, a number m ? Z of
    processors, and a deadline D? Z.
  • Question Is there a partition A A1 ? A2 ?
    ? Am of A into m disjoint sets such that
  • max ?a ? Ai l(a) 1 ? i ? m ? D ?
  • Restrict to partition by allowing only instances
    in which m 2 and
  • D ½ ?a ? A l(a)

  • Longest Path
  • Instance Graph G (V, E), positive integer k
    ? V
  • Question Does G contain a simple path ( that
    is, a path encountering no vertex more that once)
    with k or more edges ?
  • Restrict to Hamiltonian Path, i. e. set k
  • Set Packing
  • Instance Collection C of finite sets, positive
    integer k ? C
  • Question Does C contain k disjoint sets ?
  • Restrict to Exact Cover by 3-Sets, i. e.
    restrict c 3, for all c ?C and k q.

  • Exact Cover by 3-Sets (X3C) (NP-complete)
  • Instance A finite set X with X 3q and a
    collection C of 3-element subsets of X.
  • Question Does C contain an exact cover for X,
    that is, a subcollection of C ? C such that
    every element of X occurs in exactly one member
    of C ?
  • Note that 3DM is a restricted version of X3C,
    hence X3C is NP-complete.
  • Compare to NW p115, 117 in representing the

  • Proving Traveling Salesman Problem is
  • Instance Set C of m cities, distance d(ci , cj
    ) ? Z for each pair of cities ci , cj ? C, a
    positive integer B.
  • Question Is there a tour of C having length B
    or less, i.e., a permutation lt c?(1), c?(2), ,
    c?(m) gt of C such that
  • ?i 1m-1 d( c?(i), c?(i1) ) d( c?(m),
    c?(1) ) ? B ?
  • Pf) In NP. HC ? TSP
  • Given G (V, E), construct an instance of TSP
    as follows.
  • Let ci vi , vi ?V. Let d(ci , cj ) 1 if
    (vi , vj ) ? E and 2 if (vi , vj ) ? E. Set B
  • Then G has a HC iff TSP has a tour ? B. ?

  • If P ? NP, then NPC ? P ? NP. ( i.e. there are
    problems of intermediate difficulty.)
  • NP \ ( P ? NPC) is called NPI (Intermediate)
  • Note
  • Members in NPI not equivalent in terms of
    polynomial transformation. ( infinite number of
    equivalent classes.)
  • Only artificial examples known. Have been looking
    for natural problems in NPI.
  • Composite number, LP regarded as candidates in
  • Composite Number Given positive integer k, are
    there integers m, n gt 1 such that k mn

  • Note that composite number is in NP and its
    complementary problem (Primes) is to check the
    primality of a given prime number. There exists
    a short proof to check primality. Hence
    Composite Number is in NP ? CoNP. So it is
    unlikely that composite number is NP-complete by
    Prop 6.12.
  • Composite number was proven to be in P in 2002.

  • Prop 6. 12 If NPC ? CoNP ? ?, then NP CoNP (
    It is unlikely that any problem in NP ? CoNP is
  • Pf) If X ? NP ? there exists polynomial
    transformation g such that X ? Y for Y ? NPC ?
  • Since Y ? CoNP, Y ? NP. For an instance in X,
    g maintains yes no answer after the
  • If a no instance in X is given, we can apply g
    to it, and obtain an instance in Y which has no
    answer. Since Y ? NP, we can verify the no by
    polynomial time NDTM.
  • So no instance in X can be verified ? X?CoNP
    ? NP ?CoNP
  • Similarly, for the other direction. ?

Status of Open Problems in GJ
  • Source Pulleyblank, MPS 2000 tutorial
  • 1. Graph Isomorphism open
  • 2. Subgraph homeomorphism for a fixed graph P
  • 3. Graph genus NP-complete
  • 4. Chordal graph completion NP-complete
  • 5. Chromatic index NP-complete
  • 6. Spanning tree parity P
  • 7. Partial Order Dimension NP-complete
  • 8. Precedence constrained 3-processor
    schedu open
  • 9. Linear Programming P
  • 10. Total Unimodularity P
  • 11. Composite number open (P)
  • 12. Minimum length triangulation open

NP-complete in the strong sense (strongly
  • Refer GJ. p90 -
  • Recall that ? O(nb) algorithm for 0-1 knapsack
    problem (also subset sum). Though 0-1 knapsack
    feasibility is NP-complete, O(nb) is less
    formidable than O(2n). If b is small (polynomial
    of n), the algorithm runs in polynomial time for
    the restricted case.
  • called pseudo-polynomial time algorithm.
  • Q) ? pseudo-polynomial time algorithms for other
    NP-complete problems involving numbers like b?
  • e.g.) TSP feasibility, Multiprocessor
  • Problems like clique, vertex cover do not have
    pseudo-polynomial time algorithms.
  • Some problems involving numbers do not have even
    pseudo-polynomial time algorithms.

  • For each instance I of decision problem D?,
    define the functions
  • Length I length of encoding of I.
  • Max I magnitude of largest number in I.
    (not the size of encoding)
  • Def An algorithm for ? is called a
    pseudo-polynomial time algorithm for ? if its
    time complexity function is bounded above by a
    polynomial function of Length I and Max I .
  • (In NW, polynomial running time in unary
    encoding )
  • Def A problem ? is called a number problem if
    there exists no polynomial p such that Max I ?
    p( Length I ) for all I ? D?
  • e.g) knapsack, partition

  • Let ?p be subproblem of ? restricted to instances
    such that Max I ? p( Length I ) .
  • Then if ? pseudo-polynomial time algorithm for
    ? ? ?p solvable in polynomial time.
  • Def A decision problem ? is NP-complete in the
    strong sense (strongly NP-complete) if ? is in NP
    and there exists a polynomial function p for
    which ?p is NP-complete.
  • It is the problem class for which there might
    not exist even pseudo-polynomial time algorithms.
  • If a problem is not a number problem and
    NP-complete, then it is automatically strongly
  • NW Feasibility problem X is called strongly
    NP-complete if the existence of a
    pseudo-polynomial time algorithm for it implies P

  • Ex)
  • 0-1 IP feasibility with coefficients 0, 1, -1
    (transformation from satisfiability, size of
    numbers in r.h.s. also small)
  • TSP HC ? TSP. Edge weights 1 or 2 B V.
  • Hence, all instances with this transformation
    satisfy Max I ? p(Length I ) and
    NP-complete. So TSP is strongly NP-complete (
    Length I V logV ? log d(I, j) )
  • 3-Partition
  • Instance A finite set A of 3m elements, a bound
    B ? Z, and a size s(a)?Z for each a?A, such
    that s(a) satisfies B/4 lt s(a) lt B/2 and such
    that ?a?A s(a) mB.
  • Question Can A be partitioned into m disjoint
    sets S1, S2, , Sm such that, for 1 ? i ? m,
    ?a?Si s(a) B ?

  • Multiprocessor Scheduling
  • Sequencing within intervals
  • Instance A finite set T of tasks and, for
    each t ?T, an integer release time r(t) ? 0, a
    deadline d(t) ? Z, and a length l(t) ? Z.
  • Question Does there exist a feasible schedule
    for T, that is, a function ? T ? Z such that,
    for each t ?T, ?(t) ? r(t), ?(t) l(t) ? d(t),
    and, if t ? T-t, then either ?(t) l(t) ?
    ?(t) or ?(t) ? ?(t) l(t) ?

  • Proving strong NP-completeness by considering
    restricted problem may be tedious. Use
    pseudo-polynomial transformation from a strongly
    NP-complete problem.
  • Def A pseudo-polynomial transformation from ?
    to ? is a function f D? ? D? such that
  • For all I ? D? , I ? Y? if and only if f(I) ?
    Y? ,
  • f can be computed in time polynomial in the two
    variables Max I and Length I ,
  • ? a polynomial q1 such that, for all I ? D? ,
  • q1 (Length f(I) ) ? Length I
  • ( size of transformed length does not shrink too
  • ? a two variable polynomial q2 such that, for
    all I ? D? ,
  • Max f(I) ? q2 ( Max I , Length I )
  • ( magnitude of the largest number does not blow
    up exponentially)

  • Lemma If ? is NP-complete in the strong sense,
    ? ? NP, and there exists a pseudo-polynomial
    transformation from ? to ?, then ? is
    NP-complete in the strong sense.
  • Note that the transformation from set
    partitioning feasibility (which is strongly
    NP-complete) to subset sum is not a
    pseudo-polynomial transformation.
  • Max f(I) ( b (n1)m 1/n ) is not
    bounded by any poly function of Length I ( mn
  • Hence the existence of pseudo-polynomial time
    algorithm for subset sum cannot be ruled out.
  • Also, if X is NP-complete and X ? Y, and if
    there exists a pseudo-polynomial time algorithm
    for Y, it does not necessarily imply the
    existence of a pseudo-polynomial time algorithm
    for X.

NP-hard Problems
  • GJ Chapter 5
  • Search problem ?
  • Given an instance I ? D? , return string s, such
    that s ? S? I or decide no such string s
    exists. (S? I set of solutions for I)
  • ( Decision problem may be regarded as a special
    case of search problem by defining S? I
    yes if I ? Y? and S? I ? if I ? Y? )
  • Def A polynomial time Turing reduction (or
    simply Turing reduction) from a search problem ?
    to a search problem ? is an algorithm A that
    solves ? by using a hypothetical subroutine S for
    solving ? such that, if S were a polynomial time
    algorithm for ?, then A would be a polynomial
    time algorithm for ? (the subroutine may be
    used many times and ? and ? need not be
    feasibility problems)

  • Def A search problem ? is NP-hard if there
    exists an NP-complete problem ? such that ?
    ?T ? (Turing reducible)
  • ( ? is at least as hard as NP-complete problem
    ? and ? is search problem (optimization problem)
  • Recall (0-1 IP FEAS) ?T (0-1 IP OPT)
  • Def A search problem ? is called NP-easy if
    there exists a ? ? NP such that ? ?T ?
  • ( search problem ? is no harder than NP-complete
  • Recall (0-1 IP OPT) ?T (0-1 IP FEAS) )

  • A search problem ? is called NP-equivalent if
    both NP-hard and NP-easy. (has the same degree
    of difficulty as an NP-complete problem in terms
    of polynomial time solvability.)
  • To show that an optimization problem is
    difficult to solve (NP-hard), it is enough to
    show that the corresponding feasibility problem
    is NP-complete and the optimization problem is
    Turing reducible from the feasibility problem
    (usually trivial).
  • Some people use the term NP-complete for
    optimization problems too.

Optimization and Separation
  • Relates the complexity of a class of optimization
    problem over certain polyhedra with the
    separation problem for the polyhedra.
  • Optimization, separation trivial if A m?n is
    given explicitly. But if polyhedron is given as
    conv(X) where X is set of feasible solutions, the
    story is different.
  • ex) x ? conv(X)? for node packing is
    nontrivial if x is fractional.
  • Separation problem
  • Given x ? Rn, is x ? conv(X)? If not, find an
    inequality ?x ? ?0 satisfied by all points in X,
    but violated by the point x.

  • Thm Optimization problem over a class of
    polyhedra is polynomially solvable if and only if
    the separation problem for the polyhedra is
    polynomiallly solvable.
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