Title: SPECTROMETER DETECTORS From science requirements to data storage
1SPECTROMETER DETECTORSFrom science requirements
to data storage
- Basic requirements for science
- NIR Baseline
- NIR Dark Current
- NIR and SN Cosmics, Readout, memory size and
reduction - NIR and Galaxies Readout, memory size and
reduction - CCD Science, Baseline, requirement and memory
size - Summary
- Addressed questions
- Results shown during science talks concerning the
SN and WL for the spectrometer have been obtained
doing some assumptions on the detectors.
array size (Mpxl²) array size (Mpxl²) 3,5x3,5 2x2
pxl size (µm) pxl size (µm) 10,5 18
number of detectors number of detectors 2x½ 2x½
T (K) T (K) 140 110
RN (e-) RN (e-) 2 5-7
DC (e/pxl/sec) DC (e/pxl/sec) 0,0003 0,002
depend of the integration time. see later
4Spectro NIR Baseline
array size (Mpxl²) array size (Mpxl²) 2x2
pxl size (µm) pxl size (µm) 18
number of detectors number of detectors 2x½
T (K) T (K) 110
RN (e-) RN (e-) 5-7
DC (e/pxl/sec) DC (e/pxl/sec) 0,002
Minima requirements used for the science
Readout modes and memory size have to be thinked
for each science
depend of the integration time. see later
5Spectro NIR / Dark Current
- From dark current Imager requirement (0.02
e/pxl/sec.) to spectro requirement (0.002
e/pxl/sec.) - Achievable down to 130K
- T requirement 110K
- Remarks/questions
- have to be tested on more devices
- does the CCD work at this temperature
- if not it means that two temperature are
necessary on the spectro focal plane - 2 structures
- insulation
- not the same thermal straping for CCD and NIR
- heater?
R.Smith M.Bonati,2006-01-07
6Spectro NIR and SuperNovae
- Because of the readout noise limitation, science
plots have shown clearly that you need long
integration time and our baseline for the spectro
have to be 3000sec.
- how to manage such a long time with cosmics rays?
- how to reach readout noises at the level of 7e-
per exposure?
7Spectro NIR and SN / Cosmics
- With18µm pixels calculations show a
rate1,310-3/s/pxl - ? 1 cosmic/800s/pxl (TBC)
- The strategy to reject cosmics is to use an
up-the-ramp readout
You have to know the previous slope good enough
to reject the cosmic
? choose the appropriate readout cadence (10-50
Some calculations have already shown that the
loss of S/N using up-the-ramp and cosmic
rejection is affected of only -1.6 for 3000sec
exposure (TBC)
(S/N no cosmicS/N cosmic )/ S/N no cosmic
8Spectro NIR and SN / Readout Noise
Actual measurements (our baseline) show that
being read noise limited larger integration time
are necessary but restriction on readout noise
have to be under control With 3000 secondes of
exposure time Fowler 100-500 (TBC) are necessary
to limit the readout noise
9Spectro NIR and SN / Readout strategy
- Need of 3000 secondes exposures
- Need of a Up-the-Ramp (cadence 10-50 sec.)
- Need of Fowler 100-500
This ideal readout mode HAVE TO BE TESTED WITH
N Fowler Samples stored
N Fowler Samples stored
Slow Up-The-Ramp stored maximum clocking but
not stored
10Spectro NIR and SN / memory size
- hypothesys 8h/day divided in 3000sec. exposure
read with Fowler 300 - 2 X ½ NIR 2x2 (Mpxl²) x 2 bytes 8 Mbytes
- 8 Mbytes/frame x 3h/day / 3000 sec/expos x
600frames - 17 Gbyt/day
- to be compared to the 63Gbyt/day NIR imager
without data reduction
11Spectro NIR and SN / memory size reduction
- To conclude on that point
- check the hypothesys of that 17GByt/day
- possibilities to reduce by a factor of 4 (at
least) this volume
Use lossy compression reduction by a factor up
to 5!!!
12Spectro NIR and Galaxies
- science inputs
- readout noise7 e DC0.002 e/pxl/sec
- Integration time is drived by the imager
- 4 x 300sec exposure with 3.5 pixels dithering
300sec. integration time R.Smith curves show
that a Fowler 30 reach the 7 e goal
14 electrons noise in 1200s
13Spectro NIR and WL / data storage
- with 300sec. integration time
- 220exp/day x 60frame/exp x 8Mbyt/frame
106Gbyts/day - with 1200sec. integration time
- 55exp/day x 200frame/exp x 8Mbyt/frame
- Other possible reduction of volume
- depending of the dynamic range of the galaxies
one can code on 8bits instead of 16 - check the dynamic range (e/ADCU) versus the
number of g of galaxies (TBD) - use lossy compression factor 5 achievable?
14Spectro CCD Baseline
- what is new for the spectro CCD?
- use of the same than the imager
- LBNL 3.5x3.5 Mpxl² 10.5µm each same thickness
- Due to the thickness we have the same cosmic
limitation on the integration time than for the
imager 300sec whatever the science!
- In terms of readout noise requirement we plan to
have 2e- and this is achievable changing the
readout frequency from 100kpxl/sec (imager) to
- In terms of Dark Current a requirement of
- 0.0003 e-/pxl/sec (1 e/pxl/hour) is needed
- ? questions is it feasable at 140K? does it
work in space?
15Spectro CCD requirement summary and impact on
data storage
array size (Mpxl²) array size (Mpxl²) 3,5x3,5
pxl size (µm) pxl size (µm) 10,5
number of detectors number of detectors 2x½
T (K) T (K) 140
F (kHz) F (kHz) 50
RN (e-) RN (e-) 2
DC (e/pxl/sec) DC (e/pxl/sec) 0,0003
- 3.5 x 3.5 (Mpxl²) x 2 (Byt) 24.5 MByt/expos.
- SN
- 24.5 MByt /exposure x 36 exposures (3h/day)
- 0.9 GByt /day without compression
- 0.45 of the CCD imager
- ?Galaxies
- 24.5 MByt/exposure x 220 exposures (100day)
- 5.4 GByt /day without compression
- 2.4 of the CCD imager
16Spectro CCD summary
imager spectro
CCD array size (Mpxl²) array size (Mpxl²) 3,5x3,5 3,5x3,5
CCD pxl size (µm) pxl size (µm) 10,5 10,5
CCD number of detectors number of detectors 36 2x½
CCD T (K) T (K) 140 140
CCD F (kHz) F (kHz) 100 50
CCD RN (e-) RN (e-) 6 2
CCD DC (e/pxl/sec) DC (e/pxl/sec) 0,03 0,0003
CCD Readout time (sec) Readout time (sec) 30 30
CCD SN integrated time 300 300
CCD SN exposures per day 220 (100 day) 36 (3h/day)
CCD SN memory size (Gbyte) 194 0,9
CCD WL integrated time 300 300
CCD WL exposures per day 220 (100 day) 220 (100 day)
CCD WL memory size (Gbyte) 194 5,4
without compression
17Spectro NIR summary
imageur spectro spectro
NIR array size (Mpxl²) array size (Mpxl²) 2x2 2x2 2x2
NIR pxl size (µm) pxl size (µm) 18 18 18
NIR number of detectors number of detectors 36 2x½ 2x½
NIR T (K) T (K) 140 110 110
NIR RN (e-) RN (e-) 9 7 7
NIR DC (e/pxl/sec) DC (e/pxl/sec) 0,02 0,002 0,002
NIR Readout time (sec) Readout time (sec) 1,7 1,7 1,7
NIR SN integrated time 300 3000 3000
NIR SN exposures per day 220 (100 day) 5 (3h/day) 5 (3h/day)
NIR SN Read out mode fowler 16 coads on boards Fowler300Up-the-Ramp50sec Fowler300Up-the-Ramp50sec
NIR SN memory size (Gbyte) 63 17 17
NIR WL integrated time 300 300 1200
NIR WL exposure per day 220 (100 day) 220 (100 day) 60 (100 day)
NIR WL Read out mode FowlerN coads Fowler30 coads Fowler100Up-th-Ramp50
NIR WL memory size (Gbyte) 63 1,8 88
without compression
18Addressed questions
- stable assumptions inputs from science (TBC)
- CCD DC _at_ 140K TBC
- CCD DC OK in space?
- cosmic flux and inpact on NIR TBC
- Up-the-ramp readout cadence for cosmic rejetion
have TBC - Fowler N (100-500) with 3000 sec. TBC with other
devices - FowlerNUp-the-ramppermanent clocking have to be
really tested - with many devices
- _at_ different T (110-140K)
- NIR DC verify with different devices
- CCD works down to which T (is 110K OK?)
- dynamic range have to be confirmed
- for each science
- for darks
- for stars calibration
- dynamic range versus g flux have to be confirmed
for galaxies distributions - data storage size and reduction have to be
studied - for galaxies should we move from 300sec up to
1200sec ? - does the CCD readout have effect on NIR
integration/readout performance?
hard tests. Could be done both in US and FR?
19Spectro CCD and NIR summary
array size (Mpxl²) array size (Mpxl²) 3,5x3,5 2x2 2x2
pxl size (µm) pxl size (µm) 10,5 18 18
number of detectors number of detectors 2x½ 2x½ 2x½
T (K) T (K) 140 110 110
F (kHz) F (kHz) 50 TBDÂ TBDÂ
RN (e-) RN (e-) 2 7 7
DC (e/pxl/sec) DC (e/pxl/sec) 0,0003 0,002 0,002
Readout time (sec) Readout time (sec) 30 1,7 1,7
SN integrated time 300 3000 3000
SN exposures per day 36 (3h/day) 5 (3h/day) 5 (3h/day)
SN Read out mode  Fowler300Up-the-Ramp50sec Fowler300Up-the-Ramp50sec
SN memory size (Gbyte) 0,9 17 17
WL integrated time 300 300 1200
WL exposure per day 220 (100 day) 220 (100 day) 60 (100 day)
WL Read out mode  Fowler30 coads Fowler100Up-th-Ramp50
WL memory size (Gbyte) 5,4 1,8 88