Title: Deuterium retention mechanisms in beryllium
1Deuterium retention mechanisms in beryllium
M. Reinelt, Ch. Linsmeier Max-Planck-Institut
für Plasmaphysik EURATOM Association, Garching
b. München, Germany
PSI-18 28 May 2008
- Motivation
- Results of thermal release experiments
- Variation of ...
- Irradiation fluence
- Implantation temperature
- BeO coverage
- Modeling ? Energy diagram of D / Be
- Conclusion
ITER cross section
Be 700 m2
D implantation into beryllium Deuterium
retention / thermal recycling of ITER main
wall Be Fast reaction with O2 / H2O Previous
experiments BeO contaminated surfaces
Investigation of System Be (BeO) / D Clean
Be / D NO DATA !
Be 700 m2
Anderl et al. 1999
Variation by 1 ORDER OF MAGNITUDE !
- Possible reasons
- Undefined BeO coverage
- Undefined crystallinity
- Unclear retention mechanisms
- (Needed for quantification)
- Issues to be solved
- Retention in pure Be ?
- Crystallinity
- Influence of BeO ?
- Retention mechanisms ?
6Experimental concept
in situ... (10-11 mbar)
TPD Temperature Programmed Desorption
- Sequential release of D
- Limited by combination of
- bulk surface
- processes
- Energy barriers for ...
- Diffusion
- Detrapping
- Recombination
Ar sputter cleaning annealing XPS /
LEIS Control of surface
Thermal release
Retention mechanisms
1 keV D implantation
Hydrogen retention
Single crystalline Be
7TPD Spectrum
Sequential release Energetically different rate
limiting steps
- 1 keV D Implantation (300 K)
- 21017 D cm-2
m/q 4 (D2)
8TPD Increasing fluence
TPD Spectra recorded in random order ! ? Fluence
dependent behaviour
9TPD Increasing fluence
Trapping in ion induced defects
10TPD Increasing fluence
Structural modifications
Trapping in ion induced defects
Local saturation of available binding sites
11TPD Increasing fluence
Structural modifications
Sample saturation
12Retention Simulation by SDTrim.SP
Super saturation zone
- D accumulation
- in a depth of 40 nm
- Bulk saturation
- concentration
- 26 at D
- (D/Be 0.35)
- Supersaturation
- Structural
- modifications
- Surface process?
(cut off)
SDTrim.SP Calculation
TPD Experiments
13Structural modifications / Surface desorption
1st order release 1 DTrapped ? DMobile 2nd
order release 2 D ? D2 (Surface
14Structural modifications / Surface desorption
Peak shape Desorption peak is 1st
order Surface area (AFM) Release of 60 x T
(saturation coverage T 0.5) AFM max.
1.2 T ? Surface recom-bination is not the
rate-limiting step
15TPD Influence of BeO-coverage
No change of EA of release from binding
states No recombination limit ?
Trapping in the bulk Formation of
BeO-D at the surface
BeOD (surface)
16TPD Elevated implantation temperatures
530 K
17TPD Elevated implantation temperatures
Different retention mechanism !
Change of the binding states in the
supersaturated areas
Ion-induced trap sites unaffected
530 K
18TPD Elevated implantation temperatures
Different retention mechanism !
Change of the binding states in the
supersaturated areas BeD2 formation
(Decomposition 570 K)
BeOD (surface)
Ion-induced trap sites unaffected
530 K
19Implanted / Co-deposited
1 keV Ion implanted (this work) D/Be plasma
co-deposited (de Temmerman)
300 K
20Implanted / Co-deposited
300 K
1 keV Ion implanted (this work) D/Be plasma
co-deposited (de Temmerman)
Supersaturated material
21Implanted / Co-deposited
300 K
1 keV Ion implanted (this work) D/Be plasma
co-deposited (de Temmerman)
Ion-induced traps in the bulk
22Implanted / Co-deposited
Formation of BeD2 see also poster P3-05 by R.
300 K
600 K 530 K
23Qualitative interpretation of data
Ion-induced traps in the bulk lattice
Structural modifications
Constant retention
Be ( BeO) 1 and 1.5 keV
clean Be (1 keV)
Anderl et al. 1999
300 400 500 600 700 800
900 1000 Specimen exposure
temperature K
24Identification of retention mechanisms Quantifi
cation TMAP7 / Rate equations
25TMAP7 D transport bulk / surface
- Input parameters
- Trap concentration
- profile by SDTrim.SP
- Saturated trap sites (TPD)
- Temperature ramp (TPD)
- Literature
- Diffusion barrier 0.29 eV
- Dissolution energy 0.1 eV
- Free parameters
Detrapping energies ET1 1.88 eV ET2 2.05
26Schematic energy diagram
TPD Spectrum ? Activation energies
Atomic D E0 0
Position / State
E (D-Atom)
Temperature K
Desorption rate a.u.
27Schematic energy diagram
Positions in the undisturbed bulk lattice
E (D-Atom)
Mobile state ?ED 0.29 eV
Atomic D E0 0
ES -0.10 eV
Temperature K
Desorption rate a.u.
28Schematic energy diagram
Surface processes
E (D-Atom)
Mobile state ?ED 0.29 eV
Atomic D E0 0
ES -0.10 eV
?EAd 0.87 eV
Temperature K
Molecular D2 EBE (1/2 D2) -2.278 eV
Desorption rate a.u.
29Schematic energy diagram
Activation energies obtained from modeling of TPD
E (D-Atom)
Mobile state ?ED 0.29 eV
Atomic D E0 0
ES -0.10 eV
?EAd 0.87 eV
Temperature K
Molecular D2 EBE (1/2 D2) -2.278 eV
Desorption rate a.u.
30Schematic energy diagramm
Activation energies obtained from modelling of
TPD spectra
E (D-Atom)
Mobile state ?ED 0.29 eV
Atomic D E0 0
ES -0.10 eV
?EAd 0.87 eV
?E 1.25 eV 1.33 eV
Temperature K
Molecular D2 EBE (1/2 D2) -2.278 eV
?E 1.88 eV 2.05 eV
Desorption rate a.u.
Ion-induced defects
Supersaturated states
- Deuterium retention in beryllium
- Binding states / retention mechanisms identified
and quantified - Hydrogen retention in ITER negligible
contribution of "pure" Be wall - (lt 7 g T by implantation)
- Thin BeO surface layers are not rate-limiting
for thermal recycling - Formation of BeD2 at elevated temperatures
- Currently DFT calculations
- ? Detailed understanding of D / Be
32(No Transcript)
33(No Transcript)
35Surface desorption ?
Literature data Lossev,Küppers 1993
36Substrate characterization SEM
Cleaning Cycles of 3 keV Ar / 1000 K ?
Recrystallization erosion
37Substrate characterization SEM
T ? 1000 K, several hours Recrystallization to
low indexed facets
38Substrate characterization AFM
500 nm
- Recrystallization
- Erosion
- D Induced structural modifications
- Cycles of
- Cleaning
- D Implantation
- Degassing 1000 K
39SEM bubble channel formation ?
This work
Anderl et al. 1992
Higher fluences ? Const. retention ?
Aggregation ! ? Bubbles, pores, OPEN
Fluence 41017 D cm-2 ? CLOSED nanosized
structural modifications !
40Chemical surface composition
cleaned annealed
- BeO coverage lt 0.2 ML
- lt 1day (10-11 mbar)
- gt 1000 K
- Cleaning by Ar
- bombardment
- Annealing 1000 K