Elaine Z. Francis National Program Director,
Pesticides and Toxics Research
EDCs Research Program Mid-Cycle BOSC Review
August 21, 2007
- Overview of the Endocrine Disruptors Research
Program - Summary of the Board of Scientific Counselors
Review in 2004/2005 - Summary of Progress to Address Recommendations
3EDCs research under Goal 4.4
Last update 2000 EDCs research a high priority
EDCs Res. Strat. Published 1998
EDCs MYP (99,00,03) 07
Division-Level Peer Reviews
4ORD Research Planning Process Input for EDCs
Research Program
- Customer/User Needs
- Regions
- OW
- Federal research partners
- EPA Strategic Plan
- Clean Air
- Clean and Safe Water
- Land Preservation Restoration
- Healthy Communities Ecosystems
- Compliance Environmental Stewardship
- Through Planning Teams
- Deputy AAs/RAs
- Collaborations
EDCs Research Products
ORD Research Planning
- ORD Strategic Planning
- ORD Strategic Plan
- EDCs Research Plan
- EDCs Multi-Year Plan
- NHEERL EDCs Implementation Plan
- Computational Toxicology Implementation Plan
- Outside Peer Advice
- Lab/Center Division-level Peer Reviews
- BOSC Subcommittee
OMB Congress
5Endocrine Disruptors Research 1998 - 2008
40.7 Total FTEs (08) 31.8 NHEERL 3.9 NERL
2.0 NRMRL 3.0 NCER
Funding levels reflect total program including
payroll, travel, WCF, and operating
expenses. STAR Science to Achieve Results
extramural grants
6 Funding levels reflect total program including
payroll, travel, WCF, and operating
expenses. STAR Science to Achieve Results
extramural grants
704 Program Review by BOSC
03 NRMRL Impl Plan
01 Finalized Multi-Year Plan
05 Issued Exposure RFA
95 Held 2 Intl Workshops
99 Named Natl Prog Director
03 Issued Sys Bio RFA
97 RAF Published Interim Guidance Document
02 Began Comp Tox Program
06 Issued CAFOs RFA
04 Issued Low Dose RFA
00 NHEERL Impl. Plan
95 Issued Broad RFA
98 Pub. Peer-Rev. Research Plan
94 RAF IDs EDCs as an Issue
02 Issued HTPS RFA
06 Held Workshop
04 PART Review by OMB
96 ORD IDs EDCs as High Priority
00 Held Workshop
98 Issued Interagency RFA on Pop. Effects
02 Held Workshop
07 Held Interagency Workshop
07 Held CAFOs Workshop
04 Updated NHEERL Impl Plan
00 Issued Interagency RFA on Epi
96 Issued Broad RFA
03 Updated MYP
07 Updated MYP
Annotated History of EPAs EDCs Research Program
07 BOSC Mid-Cycle Review
04 Held Progress Review of Epi Grants
8Input for Update of the EDCs MYP
- OMB Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) Review
April 2004 - LTGs to outcome-oriented
- Evaluation of how products are used in
decisionmaking - Rated jointly with Agencys Endocrine Disruptors
Research Program Adequate - BOSC December 2004
- Continuous discussions with OSCP/OPPTS Senior
Management - Input from advisory committees
- Recent interest from OW Senior Management
- EDCs Research Planning Team (ORD, OPPTS, Regions,
OW) - National Program Directors (HH, Eco, DW, SP2, WQ)
- Director of National Center for Computational
Toxicology - Interagency Working Groups under CENR
9Overall Assessment of EDCs Research Program by
BOSC December 2004
- Design - goals and scientific questions of the
Research Program deemed appropriate
multi-disciplinary set of research areas for both
human health and wildlife that cuts across the
risk assessment/risk management paradigm - Relevance of direct relevance to legislation
that EPA administers and that it serves the
Program Offices well - Progress research has been productive and of
high scientific quality of particular note is
the excellent progress under LTG 3 - Leadership - nationally and internationally
recognized research is disseminated in top-tier
scientific journals scientists at the forefront
of EDC research in screening and testing
methodologies - Resources resources have been used efficiently
astute in leveraging with other federal agencies
continuation of extramural grants program is vital
10Multi-Year Plan Long-Term Goals
- LTG 1 - Reduction in uncertainty to Provide a
better understanding of the science underlying
the effects, exposure, assessment, and management
of endocrine disruptors so that EPA has a sound
scientific foundation for environmental
decision-making - LTG 2 - Reduction in uncertainty to Determine the
extent of the impact of endocrine disruptors on
humans, wildlife, and the environment so that EPA
has a sound scientific foundation for
environmental decision-making - LTG 3 - OPPTS uses endocrine disruptor screening
and testing assays developed by ORD to create
validated methods that evaluate the potential for
chemicals to cause endocrine-mediated effects in
order to reduce or prevent risks to humans and
wildlife from exposure to EDCs (Support EPAs
screening and testing program)
11Breakdown of Recommendations
- Thirteen unique recommendations some repeated
across elements - Overarching Conclusions and Recommendations (2)
- LTG 1 (4)
- LTG 2 (5)
- LTG 3 (4)
- Program Resources (1)
12Overall Conclusions and Recommendations
- Action the guiding definition and scope of
research program will be further clarified in the
updating of MYP and in future program reviews - Time Line draft of MYP update will be available
in early 2006 mid-course review of the research
program will take place in late 2006 - Reality addressed in draft of MYP in 2007
mid-cycle review in 2007
- EPA should clarify what is and is not covered by
the EDC program whenever the program is reviewed
13Overall Conclusions and Recommendations
- Strengthen NPDs ability to oversee program (1)
hire additional personnel (2) elevate the
position of the EDC Program Director to the level
of the Laboratory/Center Directors and (3)
provide the EDC Program Director budget authority
- Action (1) federal limits on number of
personnel will supplement EPA scientists e.g.,
post docs, other fellows, and explore recent
graduates contract (2) NPD positions created
details regarding their relationship to
Lab/Center Directors, Executive Council, Science
Council, etc. are being delineated in a document
under development (3) budget authority resides
with the Senior Budget Officer (SBO) in ORD
budget advice and recommendations is sought from
the NPDs - Time Line (1) finding innovative ways to
supplement EDCs workforce is an ongoing effort
as NPDs begin to work together, they may be in a
better position to characterize leveraging of
personnel across the research programs (2) and
(3) details of the relationship of the NPDs
within the ORD management structure are being
worked out in document that will be available by
January - Reality (1) a few new hires were made and EPA
workforce was supplemented with post docs, ASPH
fellows, graduate students, recent student
contractors better leveraging personnel across
research programs, sometimes by realigning them
(2) and (3) working out the relationship of the
NPDs and other ORD senior managers has been an
ongoing effort draft document on roles and
responsibilities (August 2007)
14Long Term Goal 1
- EDC program should dedicate full-time EPA
personnel to work in wildlife toxicity
- Action will continue to engage academic wildlife
toxicologists through the STAR program will
increase efforts to collaborate across federal
agencies to leverage the talent of their wildlife
toxicologists developing a synthesis document
that integrates published results from ORDs STAR
and intramural programs on the impacts of EDCs on
wildlife - Time Line will work through the IWG on EDCs to
increase sharing of information and leveraging
research activities, such as joint workshop on
the impact of wastewater treatment plants and
CAFOs on ecosystems to be held in 2006 synthesis
report on wildlife will be completed late in 2005 - Reality improved leveraging across ORD
research programs and across federal agencies
held interagency working group workshop on
ecosystems and separate workshop on CAFOs in
2007 report that synthesizes intramural and
extramural research programs includes a chapter
on wildlife (draft 2007)
15Long Term Goal 1
- ORD should continue to collaborate with other
federal, academic, nongovernmental (NGO), and
industry partners to characterize better the
range of variability among species
- Action will continue to evaluate potential
interspecies differences and similarities among
cellular MOAs in-house and with partners in
academia, industry, and other Agencies - Time-line research on species extrapolation is
scheduled to continue through FY07 at fall
meeting of IWG will determine if there is any
interest in having a future workshop on this
topic - Reality intramural research continuing through
FY13 possibility of collaborations with other
agencies discussed at 2007 workshop Comp Tox
program is assisting in the development of
databases for PBPK models data from ToxCast and
EDSP will enable us to better understand species
16Long Term Goal 1
- Integrate predictive tools for prioritization
into EPAs EDC program
- Action being addressed through Comp Tox research
program NPD, planning team, and NCCT Director
will ensure greater linkages among the EDCs, Comp
Tox, and SP2 research programs - Time Line Comp Tox research program underwent a
BOSC review in April 2005 held STAR grantees and
EPA scientists workshop in July 2005 updated
draft of the EDCs MYP in early 2006 will include
clearer linkages among the EDCs, Comp Tox, and
SP2 programs - Reality research ongoing in EDCs, SP2, and Comp
Tox (e.g., STAR and ToxCast) programs EDCs MYP
draft more clearly identifies linkages with the
other programs Comp Tox and SP2 programs have
had their own BOSC reviews workshops have
brought intramural and extramural scientists
together to share approaches and findings issued
2007 Comp Tox RFA for 2 new centers on
development of predictive environmental and
biomedical computer-based simulations and models
17Long Term Goal 1
- Action EPAs position is that current
approaches for risk assessment under specific
endpoints are appropriate for use in evaluating
EDCs will continue to monitor research results
that may affect current risk assessment
practices if, and when, Agency determines that
risk assessment approaches need modification,
they will use guideline development process - Time Line research that may affect current risk
assessment practices will be monitored on an
ongoing basis - Reality ORD research is studying the impact of
cumulative risk for groups of chemicals with
similar modes of action a number of IRIS
assessments are underway for chemicals with
similar MOA ORD has developed a case study for
incorporation of toxicogenomics data into a risk
assessment of an endocrine disruptor in the
meantime, EPAs position remains the same - that
current approaches for risk assessment under
specific endpoints are appropriate for use in
evaluating EDCs research by other scientists is
routinely monitored
- Efforts should focus on the development of risk
assessment paradigms for EDCs and application of
the research findings
18Long Term Goal 2
- EPA should continue to improve its interactions
with other agencies that have a strong interest
in EDCs to identify new sources of environmental
and human exposures, including investigating the
role of pharmaceuticals as sources of EDCs EPA
should mine data made available from the HPV
- Action will use IWG to strengthen relationships
with other Agencies efforts underway to organize
a multi-Agency sponsored workshop related to
sources of exposure will continue to work
closely with the co-chairs of the interagency
PPCP task group and look for opportunities for
joint efforts will work with NPD for WQRP to
explore leveraging and linking PPCP activities
will work with OPPTS to make the data not only
from HPV but also from VCCEP, available to ORD
for mining. - Time Line interagency workshop on wastewater
treatment plants and CAFOs will be held in 2006
STAR grantee and EPA scientists meeting on
pharmaceuticals in the environment held August
23-25 interagency Task Force held a workshop
July 25-26 -products will contribute to
development of Framework document, anticipated by
December 2005 NPD will be meeting with the OPPTS
Office Directors in September about ways in which
to improve communications of research results and
will use that opportunity to request access to
HPV and other data for the EDCs scientists - Reality interagency workshop on impacts of EDCs
on ecosystems held 2007 to identify further
collaborations CAFOs workshop held 2007
separate IWG on pharmaceuticals in the
environment is developing research framework
(December 2008) updated EDCs MYP includes small
amount of research on endocrine active
pharmaceuticals and will leverage with other ORD
research programs that will address other classes
of pharmaceuticals Comp Tox program is leading
coordinated international efforts on molecular
screening initiatives and developing one-stop
tox data bases e.g., Comp Tox program is in
discussions with OPPT to incorporate tox data
from HPV information system into an aggregated
computational toxicology system
19Long Term Goal 2
- Action grantees will be brought together next
summer for another progress review will avoid
scheduling progress reviews of grantees near the
time of anticipated Program Reviews epi grantees
will be invited to next Program Review - Time Line NPD and IWG will continue to monitor
epi research another progress review planned
for next summer grantees will be invited to 2008
EDCs Program Review - Reality epi grantees included in 2006 progress
review workshop STAR program using its normal
processes to continue monitoring these studies
grants have been extended and grantees will be
invited to the next EDCs BOSC review (likely in
early 2009) - Action will take on the challenge to develop
approaches that integrate human health and
ecological assessments will consider improving
the integration of projects that will contribute
to evaluate human and ecological health (e.g.,
using the MOA approach) pilot may be centered
around CAFOs - Time Line future research directions under
discussion with updating of MYP by early 2006
within the next year, several post docs will be
hired to expand efforts on CAFOs and RFA on CAFOs
will be issued this fall MOA case study was
finalized in June 2005 - Reality limited effort to address this
recommendation previously reported case study on
MOA of BPA published 2005 research on aromatase
in fish and rat to explore bridge between eco and
human health potential interagency
collaborations discussed at IWG workshop in 2007
cross-lab/center CAFOs project has begun but not
looking at impacts on human health
- Subsequent reviews should include poster
presentations by each of the epidemiologists
funded by this interagency program - EPA should continue to investigate the common
ground between ecological and human health
because the Agency is in a unique position to do
20Long Term Goal 2
- Action EPA is positioning itself as a leader in
the omics field through research and policy
developments EDC scientists will continue to
play a critical role in both of these areas
Director of NCCT and NPD will continue to hold
frequent meetings to coordinate activities and
will work with the planning team to ensure that
the linkages among the Comp Tox, EDCs, and SP2
programs are captured in the updated MYPs - Time Line update of MYP in early 2006
interaction with the Office of the Science
Advisors Genomic Workgroups will continue, as
confirmed at the Genomics Training and Tools
collaboration meeting with FDA/NIEHS/ICCVAM held
August 4, 2005 draft case study on use of
toxicogenomics data in risk assessment on an
endocrine active agent for internal review by
June 2006 and workshop review of it by September
2007 - Reality EDC scientists playing a role in
research and policy developments participate in
activities under the Agencys Genomics Task
Force ORD developing repository for array data
and holding training workshops for EPA
high-density data approaches incorporated into
ecologic and human health risk assessment based
research for multiple research programs (e.g.,
EDCs, Human Health , Drinking Water, SP2)
developed case study on incorporation of
toxicogenomics data on an EDC into risk
assessment and will review through colloquium
- EPA should take the leadership role in the
application of the omics technologies for
evaluating environmental and human health effects
of EDCs
21Long Term Goal 3
- Action hired two bioinformaticians already and
issued job announcements for two more issued
solicitation through STAR for Environmental
Bioinformatics Research Center that will be
awarded in the form of cooperative agreement so
that there will be strong interactions between
extramural scientists and those of ORD - Time Line two positions have been advertised,
applications received, and selections will be
made by October 15, with the persons joining NCCT
soon thereafter awards for the EBRCs will be
made by September 30 - Reality NHEERL established a genomics core NERL
established a metabolomics core labs working
with the NCCT and the 2 EBRCs cooperative
agreements established with 2 EBRCs for strong
interactions frequent communication and yearly
workshops NCER issued 2007 RFA for 2 new centers
on development of predictive environmental and
biomedical computer-based simulations and models
NHEERL hired a toxicogenomic expert and systems
biologist NERL hired a bioinformatician NCCT
has hired three senior level scientists to work
in the areas of bioinformatics and computational
systems biology and has added 5 post docs working
on various computational models
- It will be important for ORD to train or hire
experts in bioinformatics to work with the life
sciences experts already on staff
22Long Term Goal 3
- Action OPPTS senior management and the NPD will
be meeting with NHEERL senior management to
emphasize OPPTS priorities and time lines and to
reach agreement on how to meet their
expectations. - Time Line meetings are being set up in RTP and
Duluth for September/October - Reality significant progress has been made in
completing research needed to develop and
standardize assays for EDSP assays are in
various stages of validation by OPPTS for use in
implementation of EDSP ORD scientists continue
to serve as valuable resources to OPPTS as the
assays are validated and peer reviewed - Action updated MYP will include a more coherent
way to summarize accomplishments, characterize
their impact, and cite linkages to other relevant
documents (e.g., lab specific EDCs implementation
plans, research frameworks, other MYPs) research
is also being summarized in three topical
synthesis documents (Effects in Wildlife, Effects
on Development, Screening Testing) that will
compile and integrate the intramural and STAR
extramural research accomplishments - Time Line NHEERL Implementation Plan that
summarizes research was developed October 2004
synthesis documents will be available late in
2005 draft of the updated EDCs MYP will be
available early in 2006 - Reality it remains a challenge to portray the
significant accomplishments in a coherent way in
the updated MYP draft aligned under annual
performance goals draft synthesis document
summarizes and integrates intramural and
extramural accomplishments
- There should be a mechanism in place to ensure
the timely transfer of protocols to OPPTS - Provide summary of research and its relevance to
EDC identification in subsequent reports and
revisions of the MYP