Title: Compare Nearby and Distant Clusters of Galaxies
1Compare Nearby and Distant Clusters of Galaxies
Shown below are two clusters of galaxies, one
relatively nearby and the other at a distance of
about 5 billion light years from Earth. Examine
both images to determine the relative numbers of
spiral and elliptical galaxies in each. Which
galaxy cluster contains a larger fraction of
spiral galaxies? Work in small groups. Divide
the image into quadrants and count all the
galaxies in each quadrant. Assume that every
object in each image is a galaxy.
Abell 851 Distance 5 billion LY Credit
Hubble Space Telescope and Alan Dressler
Number of spirals_________ Number of
ellipticals_______ Percentage of
spirals______ (number of spirals/total counted)
Coma Cluster Distance 300 million LY Credit
Number of spirals_________ Number of
ellipticals______ Percentage of
spirals______ (number of spirals/total counted)