Title: The Southern African Development Community
1The Southern African Development Community
2SADC Countries
Name at least 3 countries who colonized parts of
Southern Africa.
Name three national leaders in SADC countries.
Which countries have gt10 arable land?
Which countries have had civil war in the past
Whats missing from this map?
3Major River Basins in the SADC
4SADC Brief History
- Grew out of anti-apartheid movement
- Has largely been a funnel for foreign aid for
national projects - Has a very broad agenda aimed at economic
development - Has adopted protocols on water management, has
outlined a management plan for the Zambezi River
Basin - Recently established a water sector
5The Okavango Delta
6(No Transcript)
7Water National Sovereignty
- In Turtons paper, he describes the issues
surrounding the Okavango River Basin and asks if
Botswana has been checkmated? Do you think
checkmate is a good outcome? Why or why not? - What are some other factors that threaten
national sovereignty? How does the lack of
strong national sovereignty enhance regional
cooperation regarding water resources? How does
it threaten regional cooperation? - What are some key features of a successful
regional structure in this setting?
8Water Scarcity in the SADC
9Should interbasin water transfer schemes be
considered as a means of providing water to
under-served areas? Or, alternatively, should
governments provide incentives for relocation to
areas with adequate water supply?
11SADC Per Capita GDPs
12Water and Poverty
- Water deprivation is an intrinsic dimension of
the general state of deprivation that is
poverty. - The South African Bill of Rights guarantees the
right of access to sufficient water. - 6.5 million have been supplied with access to
clean water since 1994. Seven million people
still get water from streams, boreholes, etc. - Much of South Africas water is used for
irrigation on white-owned farms.
13- Do you think the use of pre-paid meters is a good
option to consider in extending water
services? Why or why not? - Is 6000 L/mo an appropriate amount for
essential-to-life water? Who should pay the
cost of providing this water for free?