Title: Ing' Mario Palomba 1
1Ing. Mario Palomba (1)
ENEA Triga RC-1 Control System
(1) ENEA Triga RC-1 C.R. Casaccia Via
Anguillarese, 301 00060 S.Maria di Galeria,
Rome Italy
2TRIGA RC-1 Reactor
Control Instrumentation
Vienna, May 23-25th 2007
3TRIGA RC-1 Reactor
TRIGA RC-1 Main Features - 1
4TRIGA RC-1 Reactor
TRIGA RC-1 Main Features - 2
5TRIGA RC-1 Reactor
Reactor Staff
6TRIGA RC-1 Reactor
Vertical Section
7TRIGA RC-1 Reactor
Horizontal Section
8TRIGA RC-1 Reactor
9TRIGA RC-1 Reactor
Standard Core Configuration
Standard Fuel Elements (N109) Fuel Follower
Control Rod (N3) Boron Carbide Control Rod
(N1) Instrumented Elements (N3) Graphite
(N11) Neutron Source (N1) Central Thimble
(Air or Water) Rabbit
10TRIGA RC-1 Reactor
Fuel Elements Inventory
11TRIGA RC-1 Reactor
- Triga RC-1
- Main Standard Activities
- Neutron Radiography Tomography
- Neutron Activation Analysis
- Radioisotopes production for medical
applications - Training for University students and reactor
12TRIGA RC-1 Reactor
Control Instrumentation
- Control System General Characteristics
- Nuclear Power Instrumentation
- 1 Starting Channel (0-1 W)
- 2 Wide Range Linear Channels (0.5 - 5 x 106
W) - 1 Safety Channel (10 kW 1.1 MW)
- Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation
- Water (Primary/Secondary Loops) Air Activity
(Reactor Hall/Experimental Channels) - Environmental Radiation Level (Reactor
Hall/Experimental Channels) - Conventional Parameters Instrumentation
- Temperatures (Fuel Elements, Primary/Secondary
Loops/Cooling Towers) - Flow Rates (Primary/Secondary Loops, Water
Cleaning System) - Levels (Reactor Pool/Shielding Tank)
- Conductivities (Primary Loop/Shielding Tank
13TRIGA RC-1 Reactor
Control Instrumentation
Power Level
Starting Channel
Linear Channel 1
Linear Channel 2
Safety Channel
Source Level
Utilization range of Triga Nuclear Channels for
Power Measurement
14TRIGA RC-1 Reactor
Control Instrumentation
15TRIGA RC-1 Reactor
Control Instrumentation
16TRIGA RC-1 Reactor
Control Instrumentation
- Safety Design Criteria
- GENERAL CRITERION Fail to safety
- (electrical continuity in circuits, low voltage
in detectors, lack of electrical power and s.o.) - The Safety Criteria are related to the following
2 Operating Conditions - START-UP (0-100 kW)
- HI-POWER (100kW 1 MW)
17TRIGA RC-1 Reactor
Control Instrumentation
START-UP (0 W 100 kW) All the protection
systems are connected in series sigma
connection and the Safeguard Interventions occur
if even only ONE of the controlled parameters is
out of the allowable range. HI-POWER (100 kW 1
MW) All the protections systems are connected
in 2/3 coincidence and the Safeguard
Interventions occur if TWO of the THREE
controlled parameters are out of the allowable
ranges. This type of protection is effective
because after the start-up phase, the reactor is
intrinsically stable (not diverging) because its
negative prompt temperature coefficient in this
condition the 2/3 coincidence criterion allows to
avoid spurious SCRAMS that could occur for
electrical/physical anomalies.
18TRIGA RC-1 Reactor
Control Instrumentation
- There are three levels of Safety Interventions
- Control Rod Withdrawal Block / Control Rod
Motorized Insertion - Optical / Acoustic Alarms
19TRIGA RC-1 Reactor
Control Instrumentation
- The SCRAM of the reactor is activated
automatically only from POWER Monitors and
Low-Low-Water Level Alarm. - A manual SCRAM Button, in a well visible
position, is under the Operator control. - The Power Monitors activate the SCRAM when
- Starting Channel
- The Power Indication is gt 90 of maximum current
range - The Hi - Voltage value of the detectors lt 90 of
the nominal value - Wide Range Linear Channels (2)
- The Power Indication is gt 90 of maximum current
range - The Hi - Voltage value of the detectors lt 90 of
the nominal value - The Low-Low-Water Level Alarm activates the SCRAM
when the pool water level is more than 30 cm
under the normal water level.
20TRIGA RC-1 Reactor
Control Instrumentation
- Control Rod Withdrawal Block / Control Rod
Motorized Insertion - This control is activated substantially in order
to avoid the driving of the reactor when the
sensitivity of the power monitoring
instrumentation is not enough accurate, for
example if - Starting channel power indicator lt 10 of maximum
current range - Linear channel(s) power indicator(s) lt 10 of
maximum current range - Loss of tension at the Control rods driving
magnets etc. - Optical / Acoustic Alarms
- All the Optical/Acoustic alarms are connected to
SCRAM, BLOCK, Motorized Insertion and
Conventional/Radiological Parameters Controls. - When some parameter (unless when
SCRAM/BLOCK/Motorized Insertion occur) is out of
the allowable range (low water level, low water
flow, high radioactivity etc.), an acoustic alarm
and an optical signal are activated. - After that, the Operator decides the action to
21TRIGA RC-1 Reactor
Control Instrumentation
- Renewing of the Triga RC-1CI System
- Problems The CI System of the reactor is very
old (gt40 years) and it is subjected to frequent
maintenance interventions. Nevertheless, because
of safety intrinsic characteristics of the Triga
reactors, there are NO RELATED SAFETY PROBLEMS. - Possible solutions
- Substitution of the whole CI System with a new
Digital System - Substitution of the whole CI System with a new
Standard Triga Control System - Renewing of the CI System replacing each
single subsystem.
22TRIGA RC-1 Reactor
Control Instrumentation
Renewing of the Triga RC-1 CI System Solutions
a) b) Each one of these two solutions could
be very attractive BUT the COSTS and the
(there are a lot of problems regarding licensing)
make them hardly practicable
23TRIGA RC-1 Reactor
Control Instrumentation
- Renewing of the Triga RC-1 CI System
- Solution c) The Renewing of each single
subsystem allows so many notable advantages - The cost is much lower diluted with respect the
substitution of whole CI System - The availability of the reactor would be
suspended only during the maintenance periods - NO REGULATORY BODY authorization is required Is
only necessary to communicate that a component
has been replaced with a new one that has the
same characteristics - In parallel of the renewed CI System it is
possible to built a digital new System only in
order to monitor, to digital record and to
elaborate the plant data (no active control on
the reactor) - The data could be utilized to carry out
calculations, reactor simulations, training for
students in developing new advanced Control
24Thank You !!!