Title: Martensite formation and magnetic property of AlNiCo compounds
1Martensite formation and magnetic property of
Al-Ni-Co compounds
Student Rongxiang Hu
hurongx_at_iit.edu Hsin-Ning Su
suhsinn_at_iit.edu Advisor Prof. Nash
nash_at_iit.edu This
work was supported by the National Science
Foundation under grant No.DMR0209624
2Martensite formation in Al-Ni-Co compounds
Martensite might be a potential means of
ductilizing polycrystalline NiAl alloys due to
the transformation and reorientation of the
martensite variants under applied stresses.
3Factors influencing Martensite ductilization
- B2 to L10 transformation strain anisotropy
- Large strain anisotropy results in stress
concentration at grain boundaries and leads to
premature failure - strain anisotropy is a function of lattice
parameters of B2 and L10 phases (no idea about
this relationship) - Scott et al found in 36 Al Al-Ni-Co alloys,
with Co increasing, the anisotropy factor (the
ratio of largest strain to the smallest strain
along different crystal directions) decreased,
which is favorable for higher ductility. - B2 and L10 interface mobility
- B2 and L10 interface mobility can be
reflected from the transformation temperature
hysteresis H - H(Af As)/2 (Ms Mf)/2
- H ?, interface mobility ?
4Lattice parameter of L10 phase
Scott L10 lattice parameters a(A)3.1774
1.6955?10-2Al 6.2398?10-3Co
c(A)3.9368-1.9591?10-2Al - 6.2798?10-3Co
Al----Al atomic fraction
Co----Co atomic fraction
5DSC of Al0.4Ni0.4Co0.2
Three peaks L10? B2 L12? B2 ? Or multiple
stage of M transformation?
6DSC of Al0.4Ni0.5Co0.1
7Vacuum furnace melting of AlxNiyCoz
Compounds Al0.4Ni0.5Co0.1 and Al0.4Ni0.4Co0.2
8Thermal induced martensite in Al0.4Ni0.5Co0.1
Quenched in Liquid N2
Quenched in Liquid N2
9Different between calorimeter alloys and Vacuum
furnace alloys
- The cooling rate(crystal size? Ms)
- Calorimeter ? 300C/min
(Al0.4Ni0.5Co0.1 ?100?m) - Vacuum furnace alloys ? 10 C/min
(Al0.4Ni0.5Co0.1 ?300?m ) - Al vaporization
- VFM Al0.4Ni0.5Co0.1 35-37at.Al
Calor. Al0.4Ni0.5Co0.1 26-28Al -
- Ms 4433.5-116.47Al-23.194Co
(Scott M.R. et al) - Ms -457.24K
(Al0.4Ni0.5Co0.1 ) - Ms -689.18K
(Al0.4Ni0.4Co0.2 ) -
10Magnetic permeability of Al-Ni-Co system
Tc ? RT ?
11Promising ferromagnetic Al-Ni-Co shape memory
K.Oilkawa et al Composition dependence of the
Curie temperature TC , the martensitic transformat
ion temperature Ms and the austenitic finishing
temperature Af in Ni71-xCoxAl29 alloys. The FSME
can be observed in the hatched region
12Conclusion and possible future work
- Martensite formed in some Al-Ni-Co alloys might
increase their room temperature ductility.
Desirable Ms can be obtained by changing Co
content. - DSC indicated the As in Al0.4Ni0.4Co0.2 and
Al0.4Ni0.5Co0.1 is 23 and 18 degree C
respectively. - After quenching in liquid N2, SEM showed more
martensite appeared in Al0.4Ni0.5Co0.1, - Promising ferromagnetic Al-Ni-Co shape memory
alloys might be another potential smart material. - Arc-melting the promising Al-Ni-Co shape memory