Title: PHYS 2326
1PHYS 2326 Electromagnetism and Waves Dr. Phillip
C. Anderson
2We will be studying the laws of electromagnetism
from a very advantageous position as an already
existing great and consistent picture we wont
be deducing these laws but rather applying them
in simple situations. Remember however that it is
a great body of experimental evidence on the
basis of which and to rationalize which this
picture was developed!
3Electric and magnetic forces (just as gravity)
are fundamental forces of nature Electric charge
(just as mass) is a fundamental characteristic of
4(No Transcript)
5Electric charge and structure of matter
6Conductors are materials in which charges can
move freely will always move while E is
present In insulators charges cannot move freely
(but can be displaced with respect to each other)
Charging by induction
Grounding charges can flow to the Earth
7Coulombs Law
Force produced by point charge 1 on point
charge 2