Title: Compensation
- OS352 HRM
- Fisher
- March 30, 2005
- Case study assignment
- SAP Exercise 3
- In-class writing
- Pay system design
- Internal vs. external equity
3Case Study Assignment
- Read Harvard Business Review case study When
Salaries Arent Secret - Answer two questions
- Relationship with equity theory
- Recommendation for actions the company should
take - Approximately 2-3 pages long
- Due Wednesday April 6 in class
4SAP Exercise 3
- Accessing and using performance appraisal
information - Limited to Division 1 of NCCC
- Assignment due Friday April 8, 300, my office
5In-class writing
- What is the difference between internal and
external equity approaches to compensation? - Which is more important?
6Consider the following pay structure
- North Country Cabinet Company
Job Annual Salary
President 15,000
Maintenance mechanic 130,000
Production supervisor 20,000
Milling operator 75,000
Whats wrong with this picture? Why?
7Pay System Goals
- Support strategic objectives
- May include organizational change
- Attract, retain, motivate employees
- Fairness
- Compliance
- What are we paying for? Skills? Performance?
Time at the office?
8Fair Labor Standards Act
- Minimum wage
- Overtime
- Must be paid to non-exempt employees for hours
worked over 40 per week - Exempt employees (management, professionals,
administrative) not eligible for overtime - Hourly employees tend to be non-exempt, but
guidelines for determining this are complex - Child labor
- Does not mandate vacation, holiday, or sick pay,
pay raises, or fringe benefits
9Equal Pay Act
- Equal pay for equal work
- Covers only differences between men and women
- Other protected classes covered under Civil
Rights Act more generally - What are legitimate reasons for paying people in
the same job differently?
10 2000 Median Annual Earnings of Year-Round,
Full-Time Workers
- All Men All
Women37,339 (100) 27,355 (73) -
- Men Wo
menWhite 38,869
White 28,080Black
30,409 Black
25,117Asian Pacific
PacificIslander 40,946
Islander 31,156Hispanic
24,638 Hispanic 20,527 - Due to the small size of the survey sample,
these data may not be representative. - Source US. Census Bureau, Current Population
Reports, Series P-60
11Pay Differences by Occupation
Occupation Men Women
Computer Programmer 59,852 52,312
HR Managers 65,468 49,816
Lawyers 88,920 65,260
Physical Therapists 49,660 46,800
Receptionists 23,608 24,076
Annual salaries based on Bureau of Labor Statistics weekly earnings data. http//www.bls.gov/cps/home.htm Annual salaries based on Bureau of Labor Statistics weekly earnings data. http//www.bls.gov/cps/home.htm Annual salaries based on Bureau of Labor Statistics weekly earnings data. http//www.bls.gov/cps/home.htm Annual salaries based on Bureau of Labor Statistics weekly earnings data. http//www.bls.gov/cps/home.htm Annual salaries based on Bureau of Labor Statistics weekly earnings data. http//www.bls.gov/cps/home.htm
12Forms of Compensation
- Base wage or salary (fixed)
- Performance-based (variable or at-risk)
- Merit
- Incentives
- Commissions
- Piece rates
- Attraction and retention bonuses
- Benefits
13A question of equity
- Internal vs. external what is the difference?
- Strategic decisions related to external equity
- Lead
- Lag
- Meet the market
- In-class writing question Which is more
important? Can you maintain both?
14Job Evaluation
- Assessing the relative internal worth of the
organizations jobs. - Note Job evaluation is not the same thing as
performance evaluation.
15Two Common Job Evaluation Methods
- Ranking Method
- Compare one job with the others
- Simplest and quickest job evaluation approach
- Most useful for a small number of jobs
- Downsides of using this method?
- Point method
- Assigns a numeric score to a job based upon
levels of compensable factors in job - Highly stable, valid over time
- Hay system is one of the most popular
16Compensable Factors
- The characteristics of a job that the
organization values and chooses to pay for - Examples
- Degree of responsibility
- Years of schooling or experience
- Discretion in performing work
- How can compensable factors be determined? What
data would be used?
17Back to the example
- How would you evaluate the four jobs
- Using the ranking method?
- Based on Hay factors?
- Remember, Hay profiles are based on know-how,
problem solving, and accountability - Company president
- Production supervisor
- Maintenance mechanic
- Milling operator
18For next class
- Topics
- More on pay structures
- Rewards in addition to base pay
- Return exam
- Read Chapter 12
- How do rewards fit within the overall pay
structure? - Links with motivation theories