Title: The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe
1The Ravenby Edgar Allan Poe
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Introducing the Poem Literary Focus Sound Effects
2The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe
3The Ravenby Edgar Allan Poe
Has something outside of youan object in nature,
an animal, a landscapeever echoed your feelings
so strongly that it seemed to speak to you?
4The Ravenby Edgar Allan Poe
At midnight on a bleak December night, a weary
student is studying in his room and mourning his
dead love, Lenore.
- Suddenly, he hears a tapping at his door.
- He is filled with terror.
- Is it only a visitor, or is it something more?
End of Section
5The Raven Literary Focus Sound Effects
Like a catchy song, The Raven has pleasing
sound effects, such as
Once upon a midnight dreary
evocative rhythms
On the morrow he will leave me, as my Hopes have
flown before. Then the bird said Nevermore.
clever rhymes
While I nodded, nearly napping
alliteration (repetition of consonant sounds)
6The Raven Literary Focus Sound Effects
As you read or listen to the poem, consider the
purpose of Poes literary sound effects.
- What is Poe trying to accomplish with the
repetition of certain rhythms and sounds?
- How do these sound effects help create the
atmosphere of the poem?
End of Section