Title: Living Parts
1Living Parts
- Prokaryotes, Eukaryotes
- Tissue groups of cells together for certain
specialized functions, differentiated cells
- Tissue 14 major types of tissues in animals
- epithelial, connective, nervous, muscle, etc.
- http//www.emc.maricopa.edu/faculty/farabee/BIOBK/
- Cell over 200 types in a vertebrate
Long eg. nerve cells Some do not divide for
100 years Some divide rapidly, few hours
2Components of a Cell (Eukaryotes)
70 water 4 small molecules 15-20
proteins 2-7 DNA/RNA 4-7 membrane
Picture from on-line biology book,
- Lipid bi-layer
- Phospholipids and other lipids
- hydrophilic, hydrophobic
- Small molecules and membrane-bond proteins
- Semi-permeable / Osmosis
- N2, O2, water, glycerol, glucose, sucrose, Ions,
etc. - Picture from
- http//www.cbc.umn.edu/mwd/cell_www/chapter2/memb
- Cytoskeleton fibrous protein complexes
- maintain shape, anchoring, moving
- actin filaments
- microtubules
- Ribosome protein synthesis
- Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) mesh of membrane,
protein synthesis and transport
- Lysosomes, Golgi, vesicles etc.
- A good reference site http//www.emc.maricopa.edu/
- Nuclear envelope with pores
- DNA/RNA and some proteins
- A good reference site http//www.emc.maricopa.edu/
6Nucleic Acids
- DNA polymers of deoxyribonucleic acids, ds
- Nucleotide
- 3 components base (purine/pyrimidine)
- sugar (ribose/deoxyribose)
- phosphate group
A (adenine) G (guanine)
C (cytosine) T (thymine, DNA) U (uracil, RNA)
RNA in both nucleus and cytoplasm, ss 3 types
mRNA, rRNA and tRNA
- Picture from on-line biology book
- http//www.emc.maricopa.edu/faculty/farabee/BIOBK/
7Protein-a chemical view
- A chain of amino acids folded in 3D
- Peptide
- Protein backbone
- N / C terminal
- Picture from on-line biology book
8Amino Acids
- Different properties side chain
- Positively charged Arg, His, Lys
- Negatively charged Asp, Glu
- Polar but uncharged Ser, Thr (OH), Asn, Gln(CO)
- Hydrophobic Ala, IIe, Leu, Met, Phe, Trp, Tyr,
- A good reference site http//www.emc.maricopa.edu/
9Protein a 3D view
- Bond length, bond angle fairly restricted
- Torsion angles on backbone
- ?(phi), ?(psi), ?(omega)
- ?, mostly plane(180, rare case 10in cis)
- ?, ?, free but with an average characteristic
distribution- Ramachandran plot
- Picture from http//www.expasy.org/swissmod/course
10Torsion Angles
?(phi), ?(psi), ?(omega)
11Secondary structures
- Helix - hydrogen bond (CO)i-(NH)i4
- ?-helix (3.613) 1.5Å / residue
- ?-sheet is composed of multiple ?-strands
- Hydrogen bond between two ?-strands
- Zig-zag backbone, side-chains opposite directions
, 30/residue twist, mostly antiparallel
Picture from www.expasy.org site http//www.expasy
12Protein tertiary and quaternary structure
- Tertiary 3D folding of a polypeptide chain
- involves non-local interaction
- Quaternary multiple chains/multi subunits
PDB http//www.pdb.org
SCOP database protein classification
13From DNA to Protein
- Genome, genes, chromosome, proteome
- Overview of HGP
Picture from doegenomics.org http//www.ornl.gov/T
echResources/ Human_Genome/project/info.html
- Transcription (DNA-mRNA)
- Translation (mRNA-polypeptide)
- - Gene expression
- Initiation, Elongation and Termination
- Central enzyme RNA polymerase
Picture from http//edtech.clas.pdx.edu/gene_expre
- RNA polymerase bind to promoter site, e.g. in
35 BP upstream of start RNA polymerase binding
site (TTGACA) 10 BP upstream of start box
(TATAAT) - sigma factor site
- Promoter sequence determines transcription level
15Transcription in Eukaryotes
- More complicated process
- RNA Splicing intron and exon
Picture from http//www.intouchlive.com/home/frame
- Alternative splicing diversity of proteins
- Genetic coding
- What is a codon?
- Ribosome bind upstream region
- of mRNA
- tRNA bind to specific amino acid
- (AUG) on mRNA to start
- tRNA brings a.a. to ribosome
- At least one tRNA exists for each amino acid
Example of a tRNA http//users.rcn.com/jkimball.ma
Picture from http//edtech.clas.pdx.edu/gene_expre
17Regulation in gene expression
- Various needs for gene expression
- Spatially and timely different steps in eukaryotes
- Prokaryote e.g. lac gene regulation
Altering rate of transcription Rate of transcript
processing, stability of mRNA, efficiency of
- Basel promoter, upstream promoter
- Enhancer, silencer
- Transcription factors
18Experimental techniques
- Identify size of protein/DNA
- e.g. gel electrophoreses
- Identify proteins
- e.g. using antibodies - structural
- Sequencing peptide
- e.g. mass spectrometry
- Determine some 3D protein structure
- Molecular cloning, producing large amount of
genes and proteins
19Recombinant DNA technology
- Restriction enzyme, ligase
- Vector plasmid, bacteriophage (virus)
20Recombinant DNA technology
- Vector to carry DNA for cloning
- http//www.biology.arizona.edu/molecular_bio/probl
21Related techniques
- cDNA, vs. genomic DNA
- reverse transcriptase
- represent currently active mRNA population
- function, stage of the cell
- Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
- in-vitro amplification of a region of DNA with
known sequence - primer, template
- DNA polymerase
22Protein Structure Determination
- X-ray crystallography
- soluble, medium size, some viruses
- usually difficult for large proteins
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)
- small , multi-dimensional NMR
- Other developing methods
- e.g. electron cryomicroscopy
23X-ray crystallography
Grow suitable crystals tricky Solving structure
mostly a mature technique
24Cryoelectron microscopy
- 2D crystallography e.g. membrane proteins
- Non-crystalline
- e.g. viruses, large complexes, helical
objects -
- Computationally build 3D structure
- Computationally more intensive