Title: TeleskoplaR
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5Kirinim Teleskobu
6Newton Türü Teleskoplar
7Newton Türü Teleskoplar
8Newton Türü Teleskoplar-Önden görünüm
9Maksutov Teleskobu
Dairesel Leke-Sirlanmis yansitici bölge
10Aynanin önündeki, kalin camin egriligi her iki
taraftada aynidir ve küresel sapinci düzelten bir
11Schmidt-Cassegrain Teleskobu
Küresel olmayan bir yüzey
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161-Cassegrain Teleskoplar
Birincil Ayna, Paraboloid Ikinci Ayna, Hyperboloid
2-Gregorian Teleskoplar
Ikinci Ayna, Elipsoid
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18 A-Pressmann-Camichel 1- Birinci ayna
küreseldir, ikinci ayna ise ellipsoiddir. 2-
ikinci elipsoid ayna, birinci küresel aynadan
meydana gelen küresel sapinci düzeltmek için
gereklidir. Bu yapi Schmidt-Cassegrain türündeki
düzeltici yüzey ile Maksutov-Cassegrain türü
teleskoplardaki düzeltici menisküs
mercegin B-Dall-Kirkham Birinci ayna
ellipsoiddir, ikinci ayna küreseldir. This
design also includes one spherical surface. This
design was of interest in the past not so much to
reduce the number of optical surfaces requiring
figuring, but because the method commonly used to
test the hyperboloidal secondary of the classical
Cassegrain without required the availability of
an optical flat of similar size. A new method of
testing a convex hyperboloid, the Gaviola test,
has removed this obstacle to producing classical
Cassegrain telescopes. In the classical
Cassegrain design, the primary mirror is
parabolic, the secondary mirror is hyperboloidal.
And the focus of the secondary that lies behind
it coincides with the focus of the primary, so
that it follows from elementary geometry that
there is no spherical aberration for incoming
rays parallel with the axis. C-Ritchey-Chrètien
1-Birinci ayna hiperboloid, ikinci aynada
hiperboloiddir. 2- Bu tür telekoplar klasik
Cassegrain türü teleskoplara göre koma hatasi
azaltilmis oldugu için daha avantajlidir.
19- Dall-Kirkham Koma.
- Ritchey-Chretien Sifir coma. Ikincil ayna
yapimi zor. - Schmitt-Cassegrain No coma or astigmatism, but
has severe spherical aberration and field
distortion. Uses a third optical element, a
corrector plate, to retard the wavefront to
correct for spherical aberration.
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