Title: hybrids
1Some recent results from CDF
David Stuart U.C. Santa Barbara
October 24, 2005
3Integrated Luminosity
4CDF is pursuing a broad physics program
- Top
- B
- New physics
My interest is (mostly) in searches for new
5Searching for new phenomena
- Why?
- SM is incomplete
- What?
- Higgs
- Supersymmetry
- Extra generations
- Extra forces
- Extra dimensions
- How?
- SM
6Searching for a Z
7Electron Identification
A typical di-jet event
Atypical Z?ee event
8Electron Identification
Require little energy in hadron calorimeter
9Electron Identification
Require little energy around the EM cluster
10Electron Identification
Require a matching track
11Electron Identification
Require a matching track
12Electron Identification
Require a matching track
13Electron Identification
using a likelihood
14Electron Identification
using a likelihood
15In fact, the electron id differs
between central and forward electrons.
Reduced tracking in the forward region calls for
new techniques.
16Particle Tracking Coverage
17Intermediate Silicon Layers
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22Forward Electron Tracking Algorithm
- Form 2 seed tracks,
- one of each sign,
- from calorimeter beam spot
23Forward Electron Tracking Algorithm
- Form 2 seed tracks,
- one of each sign,
- from calorimeter beam spot
- Project into silicon
- and attach hits using
- standard silicon pattern recognition
24Forward Electron Tracking Algorithm
- Form 2 seed tracks,
- one of each sign,
- from calorimeter beam spot
- Project into silicon
- and attach hits using
- standard silicon pattern recognition
- Select best c2 match
25Plug Alignment
Align plug to COT using the subset of COT tracks
which match plug electrons just above h1. Then
align silicon to the COT.
26Plug Calorimeter Alignment
27Obtain 1mm resolution
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30Results from central electrons
31Results from central muons
33More recent results
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35Angular Distribution sensitive to interference
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37Limits of about 845 GeV/c2 for Z with SM
- Next, we could
- look for other modes
- Z ? tt-
- Z ? t t
- exclude other models
38Strong Gravity
- Geometrical factor generates TeV masses
- m m0 e-kRp
- where k is a scale of order the Planck scale.
- kR12 generates the observed hierarchy.
- Similarly, the graviton mass becomes
- MPl e-kRp 1 TeV
39Strong Gravity
Coupling ? k/MPl
Also mm, gg, tt, WW, HH, ZZ
40High Mass Diphoton Search
Background is 2/3 dijets, 1/3 gg.
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42Other di-boson modes in progress
Several modes (eeee, eenn, eejj) with potentially
very low backgrounds Z mass constraint rejects
background, and SM Z bosons are low pT.
43What else could lead to high pT Z bosons?
44What else could lead to high pT Z bosons?
45What else could lead to high pT Z bosons?
46Z bosons from GMSB
Weak coupling could lead to long life.
47Z bosons from a 4th generation quark
Weak coupling, Vtbltlt1, could lead to long life.
48Search for displaced Zs
- Search strategy
- Select dimuons
- from a Z
- Require a good vertex
- measurement (verify
- efficiency with J/Ys)
- Opening angle cut
- Require pTgt30 for Z
- Aim for simple selection to limit
- model dependence. (aka, X?YZ)
49Search for displaced Zs
- Search strategy
- Select dimuons
- from a Z
- Require a good vertex
- measurement (verify
- efficiency with J/Ys)
- Opening angle cut
- Require pTgt30 for Z
- Aim for simple selection to limit
- model dependence. (aka, X?YZ)
50Search for displaced Zs
- Search strategy
- Select dimuons
- from a Z
- Require a good vertex
- measurement (verify
- efficiency with J/Ys)
- Opening angle cut
- Require pTgt30 for Z
- Aim for simple selection to limit
- model dependence. (I.e., X?YZ)
51Search for displaced Zs
Expect 1.1?0.8, observe 3 A posteriori inspection
consistent with background hypothesis.
52And now for something completely different
While the prospect of a discovery that can lead
us to the theory beyond the SM is exciting, the
most probable answer in each such measurement is
Data - Background 0. It is appealing to
better measure the SM properties along the
way.... So, let me tell you about a measurement
where we dont already know the answer.
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54Parton distribution functions
u 2d, plus much going on in the sea that is
incalculable. But, we can measure it.
55u/d ratio causes an asymmetry in W production
56Asymmetry in W production complicated by unknown
n pz
Use lepton asymmetry
Which convolves production asymmetry with V-A
57Production asymmetry largest in forward
direction, but so is decay asymmetry
We use our forward tracking algorithm to probe
the hgt1 region.
58W Event Selection
- Electron with ET gt 25 GeV
- Missing ET gt 25 GeV
- 50 lt MT lt 100 GeV/c2
- No other EMO with ET gt 25 GeV to suppress DY and
QCD - Calorimeter seeded silicon track
- We are less worried about acceptance/purity here
- and more worried about charge identification
- hits gt 4
- c2 lt 8
- Dc2 gt 0.5
59Observed asymmetry (before any corrections)
60Charge mis-identification
Measured with same vs opposite sign electrons
from Z?ee Large uncertainty in the forward
direction, due to poisson fluctuations, Is the
dominant systematic uncertainty
- Correct for
- Z ? ee (lost leg)
- W ? tn ? ennn
- QCD fakes
62Fully corrected asymmetry
A(-h) -A(h), with c2 9.5/11 dof
63We can enhance the sensitivity to the production
Ideally, wed reconstruct the Ws direction
to avoid the decay smearing Since we cant,
we instead use the electrons kinematics For
he1.8, e.g., look at yW and x of u
quark. Different ET electrons probe different x
64We can enhance the sensitivity to the production
65Compare to existing pdf fits
PRD 71, 051104
66The End
but more to come.
67Auxiliary slides
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70What else could lead to high pT Z bosons?
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