RELATIONAL ALGEBRA - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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... when R1 and R2 are joined, some extra tuples will creep in. ... AB C becomes A. B C. Step-2: Identify the set of vertices Vni that have no incoming edges. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: algebra | relational | ab | extra


Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Chapter-4

  • A functional dependency (FD) is a constraint
    between two sets of attributes.
  • A functional dependency denoted by X ? Y (read as
    "Y is functionally dependent on X").
  • The left-hand side of the FD is some times called
    as the determinant and the right-hand side is
    called dependent.
  • Example
  • (1) SSN ? Name
  • (2) PNumber ? PName, PLocation
  • (3) SSN, PNumber ? Hours

  • Example 2

SupplierId ? City SupplierId, ProdId ? City
FD Diagrams
FD1 SSN ? Name, BDate, Addr, DNumber FD2
DNumber ? DName, DMgrSSN
Closure of a set of FDs
  • Given some FDs, new FDs can often be inferred.
  • The set of all FDs that are implied by a given
    set F of FDs is called the closure of F and is
    denoted by F .
  • Example
  • Let F AB ? C, C ? B be a set of FDs
    satisfied by R (A, B, C). Then,
  • F A ? A, B ? B, AB ? AC, AB ? BC, AB ?
    ABC, etc.

Armstrong's Axioms
  • IR-1 Reflexivity If X ? Y, then X ? Y.
  • (if X is a superset of Y or Y is a subset of X)
  • IR-2 Augmentation If X ? Y, then XZ ? YZ.
  • IR-3 Transitivity If X ? Y and Y ? Z,
  • then X ? Z.
  • IR-4 Decomposition If X ? YZ, then X ? Y
  • and X ? Z.
  • IR-5UnionIf X ? Y and X ? Z, then X? YZ.
  • IR-6Pseudo-Transitivity

  • Supposing we are given a relation R A, B, C, D,
    E, F with a set of FDs as shown below
  • A ? BC, B ? E , CD ? EF
  • Show that the FD AD ? F holds for R
  • and is a member of the closure.
  • (1) A ? BC CD ? EF Given
  • (2) A ? C A ? B Decomposition of (1)
  • (3) AD ? CD Augmentation of (2) by adding D
  • (4) AD ? CD CD ? EF
  • AD ? EF Transitivity of (3) and (1)
  • (5) AD ? E AD ? F Decomposition of (5)

Attribute closure, F
  • To compute F , start with FDs in F Repeatedly
    apply IR-1 to IR-6 until no new FD can be derived
  • Armstrong's Axioms do not produce any incorrect
    FDs that are added to F . However, finding F
    is too expensive the complexity grows
  • The solution is to find the attribute closure of
    X, denoted as X

Algorithm to find X
  • Algorithm Attribute_Closure()
  • X X
  • Repeat
  • for each FD A ? B in F do
  • if A ? X then X ? B
  • // i. e. if A is in X , then add B to X
  • until no change
  • // until no more attributes are added to X

  • Consider R (A, B, C) and a set of FDs
  • F AB ? C, C ? B
  • Using the Algorithm, we calculate the following
    closure sets with respect to F
  •   A A, (Reflexivity)
  • B B, (Reflexivity)
  • C C, B (C?B) because of FD-2
  • AB ABC because of FD-1 add attribute
  • AC ACB because of AC ? AB (IR-2)
    Augmentation attribute B
  • BC BC nothing can be added
  • ABC ABC nothing can be added

  • The basic idea in decomposition is to split a
    relation into smaller relation schemas.
  • We address the problem of redundancy to a large
  • We must ensure that when a relation is
    decomposed, the integrity constraints are

Branch Loan
Lossy and Lossless Decomposition
  • Lossless decomposition A relation R is said to
    be a lossless decomposition into R1 and R2 iff.
    the natural join of these two relations gives
    back the original relation R.
  • Lossy decomposition The natural join of R1 and
    R2 does not provide the original relation R, then
    it is said to be a lossy decomposition.
  • Spurious tuples The effect of lossy
    decomposition is that when R1 and R2 are joined,
    some extra tuples will creep in. These extra
    tuples are called as spurious tuples.

Rows shown with blue color background are called
spurious tuples.
  • Definition Let R be a relation schema. A
    decomposition of R, denoted by D R1, R2, ...,
    Rn, is a set of relation schemas such that R
    R1 ? R2 ? ... ? Rn.
  • If R1, R2, ..., Rn is a decomposition of R and
    r is an instance of R, then
  • r ? ?R1(r) ?R2(r) . . . ?Rn(r)

Lossless Join Decomposition
  • Theorem Let F be a set of FDs over R, and D
    R1, R2 be a decomposition of R. D is a
    lossless-join decomposition if and only if
  • R1 ? R2 ? R1 - R2 is in F or
  • R1 ? R2 ? R2 - R1 is in F .
  • The above FDs imply that the attributes common to
    R1 and R2 must contain a key for either R1 or R2.

CollegeCode ? Rank CollegeCode ? City
Lossy R1 CollegeCode, Rank R2 Rank, City
Lossless R1 CollegeCode, Rank R2
CollegeCode, City
Candidate Keys
  • Finding candidate keys
  • Step-1 Draw the dependency graph of F. Each
    vertex corresponds to an attribute.
  • Edges can be defined as follows
  • A ? B becomes A B
  • A ? BC becomes A B
  • C
  • AB ? C becomes A
  • B C
  • Step-2 Identify the set of vertices Vni that
    have no incoming edges.
  • Step-3 Identify the set of vertices Voi that
    have only incoming edges.
  • Step-4 A candidate key is a set of attributes
  • contains all attributes in Vni.
  • contains no attributes in Voi.
  • has no subset that is already a candidate key.

Example - 1
  • Consider R (A, B, C, G, H, I), and
  • F A ? BC, CG ? HI, B ? H.

No Incoming Edges Vni A, G Only Incoming
Edges Voi H, I (AG) A, B, C, G, H, I,
AG is the only candidate key
Example - 2
  • Consider R (A, B, C, D, E, H), and
  • F A ? B, AB ? E, BH ? C, C ? D, D ? A

Vni H and Voi E Candidate keys AH, BH,
CH, and DH
  • What is relational algebra?
  • Relational algebra is a collection of operations
    that are used to manipulate the entire set of
    relations. The output of any relational algebra
    operation is always a relation.
  • What are the Operations?
  • Set operations like union, intersection,
    difference, and Cartesian product.
  • Selection, Projection, and Joining.

Sample Relations
The SELECT operation (?)
  • The select operation retrieves a subset of tuples
    in a relation that satisfy a selection condition.
  • ?ltselection-conditiongt (Relation)
  • Query-1 Find the employees whose salary is
    greater than 10,000 rupees.
  • ?Salary gt 10000 (Employee)
  • Query-2 Find the employees who work for
    department 3 and whose salary is greater than
    30,000 rupees.
  • Emp3 ? ?DNo 3 (Employee)
  • Result ? ?Salary gt 30000 (Emp3)
  • Or,
  • Result ? ?DNo 3 and Salary gt 30000 (Employee)

  • One of the interesting properties of the
    selection operation is that it is commutative.
    Therefore, all the expressions shown below are
  • ?condition-1 (?condition-2 (R))
  • ?(condition-1 AND condition-2) (R)
  • ?condition-2 (?condition-1 (R))

The Projection Operation (?)
  • The projection operation is used to select only
    few columns from a relation.
  • ?ltattributesgt (Relation)
  • Query-5 List the name and salary of all the
  • ?Name, Salary (Employee)
  • Query-6 Print the project name and their
  • ?PName, PLocation (Project)
  • Query -7 Retrieve the Name and Salary of all
    employees working for department 1.
  • Result ? ?Name, Salary (?DNo 1 (Employee))

  • Query-8 Find the name, address, and salary of
    the employees who earn more than 25000 rupees.
  • ?Name, Salary, Addr (?Salary gt 25000 (Employee))
  • Query-9 List the name and the location of the
    projects not controlled by department 2.
  • ?PName, PLocation (?DNum ? 2) (Project))

Union (?)
  • The result of this operation, i.e. R ? S, is a
    relation that includes all tuples that are either
    in R or in S or in both. Duplicate tuples will
    not appear in the output.
  • Union Compatibility Let R and S are two
    relations with attributes (A1, A2, , An) and
    (B1, B2, .., Bn) respectively. If R and S are to
    be unioned, it should satisfy the following two
  • Rule 1 The relations R and S must have the same
    degree. That is, the number of attributes of R
    and S must be same.
  • Rule 2 The domain of the ith attribute of R and
    the domain of the ith attribute of S must be
  • dom(Ai) dom(Bi), where, 1 ? i ? n.

  • Query-10 Retrieve the SSN of all employees who
    either work in department 3 or directly supervise
    an employee who works in 3.
  • Emp_Dept3 ? ?SSN (?DNo 3 (Employee))
  • Supervisors ? ?SuperSSN (?DNo 3 (Employee))
  • Result ? Emp_Dept3 ? Supervisors
  • Emp_Dept3 Supervisors
  • 2222 4444
  • 4444 null
  • 5555

Result 2222 4444 5555 null
Intersection (n)
  • The expression R n S returns all tuples that
    appear in both the relations R and S.
  • Query-12 Find the fist name and the last name of
    people who are teachers as well as students.

Student Teacher
  • This operation, written as R S (set difference)
    returns all tuples that are in R but not in S.
  • Query-13 Find the students who are not teachers.
  • Result ? Student Teacher
  • Susan, Joseph, Andy
  • Query-14 Find the teachers who are not students.
  • Result ? Teacher Student
  • Nandagopal

Cartesian Product ()
  • The Cartesian product or cross-product is a
    binary operation that is used to combine two
    relations. Assuming R and S as relations with n
    and m attributes respectively, the Cartesian
    product, R S can be written as,
  • R (A1, A2, , An) S (B1, B2, , Bm)
  • The result of the above set operation is,
  • Q (A1, A2, , An, B1, B2, , Bm)
  • Where,
  • Degree (Q) n m
  • count(Q) Number of tuples in R Number of
    tuples in S.

  • Query-15 Find for each female employee, all the
    names of her dependents.
  • Dependent
  • ESSN DependentName Sex BDate Relationship
  • 1111 Pradeep M 05-Jul-63 Brother
  • 3333 Sonali F 15-Aug-85 Daughter
  • 3333 Rahul M 01-Jan-80 Son
  • 4444 Miruthula F 02-Aug-83 Spouse
  • FemaleEmp ? ?SSN, Name (?Sex F (Employee))
  • FemaleDeps ? FemaleEmp Dependent
  • Result ? ?Name, DependentName (?SSN ESSN

Join Operations
  • Natural join ()
  • Equijoin ( )
  • Theta join (?)
  • Outer join ( )

Natural Join ()
  • When we omit the condition during joining of two
    relations, then it is called as natural join ().
    When we use the word join, it invariably means
    natural join. We shall formally define natural
    join as
  • Let R and S are the two relations with the
    attributes as shown below
  • R(X1, X2, .., Xm, Y1, Y2, , Yn) and
  • S(Y1, Y2, , Yn , Z1, Z2, , ZP)
  • Example
  • Employee (SSN, Name, Addr, DNo)
  • Department (DNo, DName)

Theta Join (?)
  • Let R and S are two relations. Consider an
    attribute x in R, and an attribute y in S. The
    theta join of these two relations can be written
  • R S where x ? y
  • where ? indicates a valid relational operator.

Equijoin ( )
  • The most widely used join operation is equijoin.
    As discussed in the previous subsection, when ?
    is , this type of ?-join (a special case) is
    called equijoin. We shall use the notation to
    denote equijoin. The general form for this kind
    of join is,
  • R ltJoin_conditiongt S
  • ltJoin_conditiongt must always have operator

  • Query-16 Retrieve the name and salary of the
    manager of each department.
  • Managers ? Department MgrSSN SSN Employee
  • Gnames ? ?Name, Salary (Managers)
  • Query-17 Find which project(s) and location(s)
    Pooja is working on.
  • EmpPooja ? ?Name 'Pooja' (Employee)
  • PoojaPrj ? EmpPooja SSN ESSN WorksOn
  • Result ? ? Name, PName, PLocation (PoojaPrj
    WrksOn.PNo Project.PNumber Project)

Outer Joins
  • Dangling tuples in Join
  • Usually, only a subset of tuples of each relation
    will actually participate in a join, i.e. only
    tuples that match with the joining attributes.
    Tuples of a relation not participating in a join
    are called dangling tuples.
  • How do we keep dangling tuples in the result of a
    join? Use null values to indicate a no-join
    situation. There are three types of outer joins
  • - left outer join
  • - right outer join and
  • - outer join (full outer join).

  • Left outer-join
  • R1 R2 is similar to a natural join but
    keep all dangling tuples of R1.
  • Right Outer-Join
  • R1 R2 is similar to a natural join but
    keep all dangling tuples of R2.
  • Outer Join (full outer-join)
  • R1 R2 is similar to a natural join but
    keep all dangling tuples of both R1 and R2.
  • The advantages of outer join is to take the
    union of tuples from two relations that are not
    union compatible.

Students Awards

Dangling tuples
Students Awards
  • Consider two relations R and S. Assume that R has
    only two attributes r1 and r2 and S has only one
    attribute r2 with the same domain as in R. This
    is to ensure that the degree of the numerator is
    more than the degree of the denominator. Now we
    shall define R / S as,
  • For each r1 value in R, consider the set of r2
    values that appear in tuples of R with that r2
    value. If this set contains S, the r1 is in the
    result of R / S.
  • One possible restriction in this definition is
    that every attribute in S should be in R.
  • Alternatively, we can define R / S as,
  • For, R(a1, a2, ., an, b1, b2, ., bn) / S(b1,
    b2, ., bn) and T ?a1, a2, ., an (R), return
    the subset of T, say W, such that every tuple in
    W S is in R. W is the largest subset of T,
    such that,
  • (W S) ? R

  • We shall define Function formally using the
    symbol ? (pronounced as script F ) as,
  • grouping_attributes ? aggregate_functions
  • The steps involved in the evaluation of this
    function is,
  • Partition the relation into groups.
  • Apply aggregate function to each group.
  • Output group and aggregate values, one tuple per

  • Query-18 Retrieve department number, number of
    employees and their average salary.
  • Result (DNo, N, AvgSal) ? DNo ? Count(SSN),
    Avg(Salary) (Employee)
  • What happens when grouping attribute is dropped?
  • ? Count(SSN), Avg(Salary) (Employee)

  • End of Chapter - 4
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