Title: Bedfordshire
1Bedfordshire Oracle working together in
understanding the context of sexually
inappropriate behaviours
2What Makes Oracle Unique?
- Clinically-led services for children and young
people - Fully integrated therapeutic care and education
- Expertise in forensic behavioural psychology
- No bolt-on consultants or services
- 100 ownership by employees/directors
3Bedfordshire a brief history 1
- Special Measures since 2002
- Expenditure on LAC out of control
- Lowest expenditure on Family Support
- 3.5 million overspend
- Record number of Looked After Children
- Worst Performing County Council
4Bedfordshire a brief history 2
- In 2004 services were unsafe
- Not getting the basics right
- Unacceptable standards tolerated
- Limited understanding of performance
- No control on resources
- No preventive capacity
5Bedfordshire a brief history 3the vicious circle
6Bedfordshire a brief history 4
- We agreed to change our focus
- To deliver improved outcomes for children and
young people in Bedfordshire both now and in the
7Bedfordshire a brief history 5
- We did this by
- Continually improving the provision and
commissioning of services - Using an integrated approach looking at needs
across children's and adults health, education
and social care issues working in partnership
with young people, parents, other agencies and
the voluntary sector - by investing in preventative measures which will
improve life chances in a targeted way - Using multi agency / professional panels
according to need to decide/review and monitor
8Bedfordshire a brief history 6
- Its all about Commissioning!
- Vision of Commissioning
- Providing children and families with the right
services at the right time and at the right
Intensity based on their needs
9Bedfordshire where we are at now in 2008
- Reduced numbers of LAC from 445 to 278
- Cut LAC expenditure by 4 million
- Halved out of authority placements
- Doubled expenditure on family support
- Rated as good in 2007 JAR
- Won three national commissioning awards
- Dramatically improved outcomes for children
10Bedfordshire Commissioning across the spectrum of
MAAG Panel
Bedfordshire Allocation Panel
11Managing the resources of risk
understanding the context of sexually
inappropriate behaviours
12Aim of the session
- To illustrate an example of how partnerships
between the independent and Local Authority
sector can effectively respond to case scenarios
involving the assessment and management of risk.
13Oracle expertise
- Established specialist RCC (inc SIB/SHB)
- Registered School (875/6035)
- Individual therapy (3 full time clinicians)
- Integrated therapeutic care and education
- Forensic Psychology expertise (MAPPA)
- Free training for local authority practitioners
- Consultancy service (non-residential cases)
14Managing Risk
- In most situations internal risk management
protocol is effective in managing situations.
Sometimes there is a requirement to seek
consultation from professionals external to an
organisation. (Steve Gray WILL SHARE A BRIEF CASE
15The nature of partnership
- Independent risk consultants are not there to
provide definitive answers, but to feed into the
core group investigative and decision-making
16Benefits of a consultancy view
- Consultants have background understanding of the
aetiology of aggression and sexual abuse and the
methodology to influence risk-reduction. - Can offer a systemic, objective overview
- Highlights communication gaps, information
deficits and professional dangerousness.
17Benefits in multi-agency approach
- Facilitates a coordinated approach, to encourage
sharing of information across professional
disciplines. - Provides a needs-led, evidence-based methodology
to inform decision-making. - As history of cases develops, evaluation of
outcomes can influence future policy, practice
and research methodology.
18Benefits the checks and balances
- Risk decisions are scrutinised and coordinated.
- Can skill-up social work teams in risk,
decision making practice. - Continues thread through multi-agency working for
smoother transitions and step down to alternative
19Diversification of consultancy activity 1
- individual domiciliary assessments on young
people - short-term therapeutic, domiciliary interventions
- therapeutic residential care and education
- Risk assessment training for field social
workers, managers and psychologists.
20Diversification of consultancy activity 2
- Advisory support for parents and substitute
carers to enable them to manage challenging
behaviours, hence avoiding the need for placement
moves or residential care. - Case consultancy on an informal network basis,
practitioners can discuss cases by telephone.
21Benefits of diversification
- The relationship between the purchaser and
provider remains dynamic in order that services
are needs-led, evidence-based and offer
best-value. - Social workers have become more confident to
assume a role in risk management as their
awareness of risk assessment process has been
22Regional commissioning benefits
- The model is amenable to the inclusion of other
neighbouring local authorities, who could share
cost and benefit from an innovated team of
professionals. - Has specialist resources on hand in region,
without initial capital and ongoing capital
23Dual region benefits
- Enables young people or parental figures to stay
within their own families and/or county. - Invites collaboration with neighbouring Local
Authorities to share costs, resources and good
practice. - DCSF Joint regional and inter-regional
commissioning possibilities (CYP Bill)
24Financial benefits
- access to specialist RCC provision (between 1 and
8 beds in one region) - shared financial risk (less risk if extend Beds
SLA to more partners) - benefit of specialist consultancy work
- Bedford I bed block purchased 10 saving on
spot purchase rate
25Financial benefits cont
- Consultancy time in lieu of bed (if not occupied)
included in block purchase cost - Guaranteed expert input on all cases
- 20 saving on normal consultancy costs for cases
over and above those included in the SLA
26Financial benefits cont
- Free training to LA practitioners enhanced PRTL
opportunities - Oracle reduced risk through guaranteed
placements. Improved cash flow accelerated
training and development and ability to enhance
the skill base of entire Oracle team and offer
more clinical expertise availability to LAs.
27And Finally
Better outcomes will be secured by services
working together more effectively on the
front-line to meet the needs of children, young
people and their families.
Earlier, holistic identification of needs
Earlier, more effective intervention
Improved information sharing across agencies
Better service experience for children and
Reducing duplication of services
Evidenced based treatments and reduced costs !
28Our Contact Details
- Alison Trainor mobile 07809 195335
- Office tel. 0870 850 2949
- Office fax 01260 297 673
- e-mail info_at_oraclecare.com
- website www.oraclecare.com
29Oracle Consultancy Services
understanding the context of sexually
inappropriate behaviours
30Oracle Consultancy Services
- Specialising in
- Compilation of Risk Assessment / Risk Management
Strategies - Design and Implementation of Relapse Prevention
Programmes - High risk / complex case scenarios
- Court Assessments
- MAPPA advice
31Oracle Consultancy Services
- Undertaken by our team of clinicians, qualified
in - Forensic Psychology
- Clinical Psychology
- Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapy
32Oracle Consultancy Services
- Contact Details
- Tel 0870 850 2949
- e-mail consult_at_oraclecare.com
- website www.oraclecare.com