Title: Living and studying in Europe*
1Living and studying in Europe
Orientation for ACS-RISE Scholars 12-13 April 2007
in that order
- Chapin Rodriguez
- Office of International Activities
- American Chemical Society
2The EU27 A Motley Crew
New Members of the European Union Cyprus Czech
Republic Estonia Hungary Latvia Lithuania Malta Po
land Slovakia Slovenia Bulgaria Romania Turkey????
Original Members of the European Union
(EU-15) Austria Belgium Denmark Finland France G
ermany Greece Ireland Italy Luxembourg Netherlands
Portugal Spain Sweden United Kingdom
Whos NOT an EU member? Iceland Norway Russia Swit
zerland Ukraine Albania
Most native speakers (by percent of total EU
population) 18 German 12 French 13 English
13 Italian 9 Spanish 9 Polish 5 Dutch
3European Union basic structure
The European Commission Initiates all
legislation and implements all decisions of the
Council of Ministers. Commissioners are
nominated by national governments. The European
Parliament Approves the President and
Commissioners of the European Commission, and
suggests amendments to legislation. Comprises
Euro MPs elected by the European localities. The
Council of the European Union Ultimate
decision-makers. Every member state has one seat
at the Council, but voting is by qualified
EU Parliament, Brussels
January June 2007 Germany has the presidency
of the European Council
4EU turns 50!
Signing of the Treaty of Rome on 25 March 1957
ACS-RISE Scholars in Germany
Emily B.
Vanessa, Kevin
Emily V.
6Europe a place to travel
Deutsche Bahn Rent/buy a bike! Make friends who
own cars! Get together with other RISE Scholars
7Europe is different in their transportation
8Europe is different in its social priorities
9Europe is different in its social priorities
10Europe is different in its social interactions
Herr (Frau) Professor(in)
11Questions or problems?
During the Pre-departure Contact me by cell
phone at 347-409-0653 Practical, day-to-day
issues (housing, scientific questions,
personal) Your PhD student mentor. Program
questions (health insurance, passport issues,
Heidelberg meeting) DAAD Michaela Gottschling
(Gottschling_at_daad.de) Gabriele Knieps
12Not all Europeans are the same