Project Application 6th edition Guidebook on APEC Projects - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Project Application 6th edition Guidebook on APEC Projects


Project Application. Special pointers for host economy (continued) ... for travel in excess of 12 hours where restricted business class is given ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Project Application 6th edition Guidebook on APEC Projects

Project Application6th edition Guidebook on APEC
  • Vancouver, Canada
  • September 2006

Project Application
  • Projects are initiated by economies through
    Working Groups or Committees
  • Relevant other APEC fora should be consulted
    where the work cuts across fora
  • SOM may initiate projects on cross-cutting issues
    with the prior support of relevant APEC fora

Project Application
  • Proposed projects should
  • Relate to APEC priorities, as determined by
    Leaders and Ministers
  • Relate to the priorities of the host economy
  • Add value complement not duplicate work done

Project Application
  • APEC priorities
  • Bogor Goals free and open trade and investment
    in the Asia Pacific by 2010 for industrialized
    economies and 2020 for developing economies
  • Trade and investment liberalization eliminate
    tariff and non-tariff barriers to trade and
    investment and open markets
  • Business facilitation reduce costs of business
  • ECOTECH Economic and Technical Co-operation
    capacity building for developing economies to
    take advantage of world trade and the new economy

Project Application
  • APEC priorities (continued)
  • Human security
  • Mitigating commercial impact of
  • Terrorism
  • Regional epidemics
  • Natural disasters

Project Application
  • Special pointers for host economy
  • No formal special allocation of funds for host
    economy projects
  • Some projects are traditional for host economies
    (critically examine value)
  • IAP Peer Review
  • SCCP/SCSC handbooks
  • STAR conference (Secure Trade in the APEC Region)
  • Dialogues, such as on FTA/RTAs, Customs, etc
  • Co-funding requirements are relaxed for these
    projects. The expectation is that hosting costs
    for such projects will be met by the host economy

Project Application
  • Special pointers for host economy (continued)
  • Make early recommendations to SOM on priorities
    for the year so that projects can be developed
    (by host economy and other economies) to respond
    to these priorities.
  • Projects are important sources of deliverables
    for the year

Project Application
  • 6th edition Guidebook on APEC Projects
  • Chapter 4
  • Annex B Application form
  • Annex B1 Special format for databases and
    websites requesting APEC funding
  • Annex B2 Simplified form for self-funded
  • Annex B3 Quality Assessment Framework (QAF)
  • Annex D Assistance in filling in application
    form maximum rates common waivers

Project Application
  • Face Sheet
  • Title of Project
  • Short and simple
  • Explanatory
  • Distinctive
  • CTI sub-fora projects should contain the
    appropriate abbreviation e.g. SCCP, GOS

Project Application
  • Face Sheet
  • Proposing APEC Economy
  • At least one usually the economy from which the
    Project Overseer will come. Responsible for
    arranging co-funding (if required)
  • Co-sponsoring APEC Economies
  • Number of proposing co-sponsoring APEC
    economies must be three or more
  • No specific requirements on duties/
    responsibilities (individual fora though may have
    their own rules on this)

Project Application
  • Face Sheet
  • Project number
  • Will be allocated by the APEC Secretariat
  • Format is
  • APEC forum abbreviation/
  • year commencement/
  • Postscript
  • T TILF
  • A APEC Support fund (ASF)
  • - Operational Account
  • E.g. CTI 03/2007T , HRD 01/2007A, CTTF 01/2007

Project Application
  • Face Sheet
  • Choice of Funding
  • Operational Account economic and technical
  • APEC Support Fund (ASF) capacity building for
    APEC developing economies
  • Relevant sub-funds of ASF currently human
    security, flu
  • TILF Special Account cooperation projects on
    trade and investment liberalization and
    facilitation (15 areas in OAA part 1)

Project Application
  • Face Sheet
  • Financial information
  • Co-funding required for ASF projects
  • Co-funding required for TILF projects
  • 20 for projects from developing economies (11)
  • 50 for projects from developed economies
  • Co-funding desirable for Operational Account
  • Exceptions may be given for projects which are
    required of host economies eg IAP

Project Application
  • Face Sheet
  • Project start date normally 1 January (or a
    current date for urgent projects)
  • Project end date at latest end November of year
    after start date. This allows for final
    disbursement by 31 December that year.

Project Application
  • Face Sheet
  • Brief description of project- its purpose and the
    principal activities (including when and where)
  • Emphasis is on brief - but giving a good overall
    picture of the project. This is the part which is
    the most read of the application.

Project Application
  • Face Sheet
  • Project Overseer
  • Should be knowledgeable of the substance of the
  • Should not be a principal in the project
  • Usually an official in a relevant supervisory
    ministry can be an academic

Project Application
  • Project Design (sections (1) to (6))
  • (1) Be brief and relevant, concentrating on the
    most recent priorities
  • (2) usually no more than 3 objectives
  • (1) and (2) will be the sections most used to
    assess priorities for the SCE (and CTI)
  • (4) to (5) describe project outputs and how these
    will assist the target beneficiaries.
  • These sections will help provide the answers to
    (3) on assessment

Project Application
  • Project Design (section 6)
  • TILF linkage. 15 items in OAA part 1 and where
    appropriate part 2
  • Consult with Program Director and TILF
    co-ordinator in APEC Secretariat. Desirable to
    consult with Japan as the principal donor to TILF

Project Application
  • Linkages (sections (7) to (9))
  • Consult with relevant Program Director (PD) to
    add value by checking with colleagues on related
    work in APEC fora
  • WG should check not duplicating work of other
    international organizations
  • Objective to ensure added value for the project

Project Application
  • Methodology (sections (10) to (11))
  • This should be easy to understand for the reader
    of the project proposal
  • It is desirable to have as many APEC member
    economies involved as possible in a project.
  • There may be occasions when projects are
    demonstration projects involving one or two
    economies or where for obvious reasons projects
    are not applicable to all members (eg mining)

Project Application
  • Dissemination of Project Output (section12)
  • Consult with relevant PD who will consult with
    Director (Communications and Public Affairs)
  • On-line / soft copy publication is often most
  • Publication costs should not normally exceed
    US5,000 and often be considerably less
  • Occasionally output may be suitable for a wider

Project Application
  • Gender Concerns (sections (13 to (14))
  • Ensure gender concerns are brought into the
    project at an early stage eg a project on
    microfinance should consider the particular
    problems of access to micro-finance for women who
    make up a significant proportion of

Project Application
  • Budget (sections (15) to (17)) and Annex A
  • Direct labour
  • Speakers honorarium (not for government
    officials) maximum US1,500 should normally be
    less than US1,000
  • Consultant fees less than US80/ hour
    (indicative amount)
  • Secretarial assistance less than US20/hour
  • Translators fees (including SI) need to justify
    in project proposal

Project Application
  • Budget
  • Airfares budget should be based on broad regional
  • SE Asia
  • NE Asia
  • Australasia separate costings may need to be
    given for Papua New Guinea
  • Latin America
  • Russia

Project Application
  • Budget
  • Airfares restricted economy class except for
    speakers/ experts for travel in excess of 12
    hours where restricted business class is given
  • Airfares for participants from travel-eligible
    economies only (11 APEC developing member
    economies). Participants from other economies
    must be funded by the relevant economy

Project Application
  • Budget
  • Per diem UN per diem of destination city paid for
    arrival day duration of APEC event 0.75 as
    additional payment
  • 3 day workshop 4.75 days per diem (130.75)
  • Per diem paid to all speakers/ experts active
    participants from APEC developing economies only
    - with waiver and for a maximum of 2 per economy
  • Government officials waiver required

Project Application
  • Budget
  • Equipment computer equipment should be required
    less and less now as such items are now more
    standard in ministries/ universities, etc
  • Photocopying maximum of US2,000 payable on
    reimbursement only
  • Communications maximum of US2,000. If
    video-conferencing can save travel costs the
    amount could increase

Project Application
  • Budget
  • Hosting costs
  • Maximum of US5,000 for a 2-day conference pro
    rata for longer. Meals/ coffee breaks/ souvenirs
    are not fundable
  • Organisers should use competitive bidding to
    source venues wherever possible. Not necessary to
    be in expensive city centre locations.

Project Application
  • Urgent Projects (section 18)
  • Urgency definition in Chapter 2 related to
    Ministerial/ Leaders Statements/ Declarations

Project Application
  • QAF
  • For OA and ASF projects
  • To be filled in by Small Group of relevant APEC
    forum (not by the PO) and results reflected back
    to the PO so that improvements may be made
  • Only necessary to rescore if significant changes
    made as a result

Project Application
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