Title: Internet Exchange Grid Computing
1Internet Exchange Grid Computing
- AMS-IX Amsterdam Internet Exchange
- LCG LHC Computing Grid
- Wim Heubers CT computertechnologie NIKHEF
2AMS-IX association
Housing locations
Science Park Amsterdam x x x
National Institute for Nuclear Physics and
High-Energy Physics
Computing and Network Services
3- Particle physics at NIKHEF
- NIKHEF participates in international
collaborations - Particle physics detectors produce large data
sets - Now building the LHC Computing Grid LCG
4ATLAS detector data production
One of the four LHC detectors
40 MHz (40 TB/sec)
online system multi-level trigger filter out
background reduce data volume
level 1 - special hardware
75 KHz (75 GB/sec)
level 2 - embedded processors
5 KHz (5 GB/sec)
level 3 - PCs
100 Hz (100 MB/sec)
data recording offline analysis
5ATLAS detector data production
6ATLAS detector data production
ATLAS 200 miljoen detektor elementen
7Large Hadron Collider LHC
8Data distributie (using the internet)
9Data distributie (using the internet)
10LCG a distributed computer and storage grid
connected by high-bandwidth networks
11Grid projects
- Research, development, deployment
- Participation NIKHEF in
- European grid project E-GEE
- National grid project VL-E
- Industrial partnerships
- IBM, LogicaCMG, InTouch .
- UvA, SARA, SURFnet, etc
12Amsterdam Internet Exchange AMS-IX
13Why AMS-IX at Science Park Amsterdam?
- Spin-off from international scientific projects
- Our scientists need high-bandwidth networks
- Early involvement in internet developments (1980
Sciencepark Amsterdam x x x
14Internet exchange
- Internet knooppunt
- Internet infrastructuur
15A brief history of networking at science park
- 1980 First connection to CERN 1200 Baud modem
by telephone
- 1982 Eunet becomes into existing (CWI at WTCW)
- 1983 ARPAnet in the USA switches to employ TCP/IP
- 1985 The campus network at WTCW is established
(10 Mbps shared) - elelectronic mail and Usenet news are
relayed (CWI again)
- 1986 SURFnet is started to establish an academic
research network in NL - The .nl domain is registered.
- 1990 TCP/IP is globally accepted as the
network protocol - The predecessor of the AMS-IX is
established at WTCW
- 1991 The private NIKHEF-CERN line is
- 1992 The World Wide Web comes into action
(invented at CERN!)
- 1994 Informal start Internet Exchange
- 1997 The AMS-IX is started as a neutral Internet
traffic exchange
- Now The AMS-IX is one of the largest
- Internet exchanges in
the world
16Internet Exchange
ISP Internet Service Provider
does not scale up .
17Internet Exchange
18Amsterdam Internet Exchange (AMS-IX)
- An Internet Exchange is a neutral and independent
place for Internet Service Providers to exchange
internet traffic - AMS-IX is an association (vereniging)
- Execute board (5 elected members)
- AMS-IX BV responsible for daily operations
- AMS-IX NOC responsible for technical operations
19Amsterdam Internet Exchange (AMS-IX)
Two type of AMS-IX members
- Telecom operators (carriers) e.g.
- KPN Telecom Versatel
- MCI BT Ignite (Telfort)
- Colt Telecom Global Crossing
- Internet Service Providers (ISPs) e.g.
- Xs4all Wanadoo
- Planet Online TeleDanmark
- Internet Access Eindhoven Tiscali
- Internet admin organizations
- NL Domain Registration
20Multiple carriers - multiple cables
21Amsterdam Internet Exchange (AMS-IX)
- Statistics (October 2005)
- 230 members
- 398 connected ports
- 30 carriers supply bandwidth capacity
- Aggregate volume of all connections 21000
TB/month - equals to an average bit rate of 75 Gbit/sec
- equivalent of to 500.000 e-mails/sec !
22- Aggregate volume of all ISPs connected to AMS-IX
- hourly graph
- October 22, 2004
- Maximum at 900 PM
- 105 Gbit/sec
- Minimum at 600 AM
- 45 Gbit/sec
monthly graph Average volume Jul 2004 23
Gbit/sec Oct 2005 70 Gbit/sec
23AMS-IX housing locations
- 1994 WTCW
- 2000/2001
- TeleCity (Z.O.)
- Global Switch (W.)
24AMS-IX star topology
3x10 Gbit/sec
25Amsterdam Internet Exchange (AMS-IX)
- The heart of the internet exchange
- Foundry Networks gigabit switches
26Euro-IX Affiliated Internet Exchange Points
27More info www.ams-ix.net
28NIKHEF AMS-X housing location
- NIKHEF housing services include
- Rack space rental
- Power feed (no break), cooling
- Cabling infrastructure
- Access control
- Fire protection
- Intelligent hands and feet during regular working
hours - NIKHEF housing services does not include
- Equipment installation, configuration,
maintenance (customers) - Network operation (AMS-IX BV)
29What happens in case of failures?
- Problems .
- power outage
- broken central switches
- cabling problems
- Solutions
- No-break installations
- Internet topology offers redundancy (rerouting)
- Large ISPs connected to more then one exchange
- Cable feed from two directions
30In case of a power failure
Installation of the diesel generator on October
16th 2002
31(No Transcript)