Title: GNEG 1121, Week 8
1- GNEG 1121, Week 8
- Spring Semester 2008
2Literature Resources Required
- At least three resources from reputable source.
- The resources must be included in a bibliography
at the end of the paper. - one engineering-related handbook or encyclopedia
- one article from a trade journal/magazine or
subject-related news periodical (not the local
newspaper) - one scholarly article or government report
- If you quote anyone or paraphrase others ideas,
then you must cite appropriately. - You must use a standard style for your citations
and bibliography.Â
4Citation Styles
5Handbooks and Encyclopedias
- Provide background information
- Refer to primary resources
- Do not include the latest research
- Start with Knovel (http//libinfo.uark.edu/eresou
rces/help.asp?TitleCodeKNOVEL) - 18K a year paid by library and several COE
departments - Over 1000 handbooks, encyclopedias and texts
- All from reputable publishers
- Currency varies
6(No Transcript)
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10From Sustainability and Environmental Impact of
Renewable Energy Sources 2003
Updated info available at http//www.eia.doe.gov/
11From  Encyclopedia of Energy, Volumes 1 6,
2008 update available at -- http//www.eia.doe.gov
/oiaf/aeo/ and Annual Energy Review http//www.eia
12Representive Bartletts data
13Two specific Knovel titles -- links available
from our catalog (InfoLinks)
- Sustainability and Environmental Impact of
Renewable Energy Sources Royal Society of
Chemistry , 2003 - http//www.knovel.com./knovel2/Toc.jsp?BookID1227
- Encyclopedia of energy Elsevier, c2004
- http//knovel.com/web/portal/basic_search/display?
For information on how to search the catalog,
please check out our video tutorials http//libinf
14Knovel helps with citations!
But they did forget the place of publication!
15we do not get it all!
16You try it!
- Go (on campus) to Knovel.com.
- (off campus) use link from Knovel information.
page http//libinfo.uark.edu/eresources/help.asp?T
itleCodeKNOVEL - Search for your topic.
- Select a handbook or encyclopedia of interest.
- Dont forget to print out the citation!!!!
17Cant find what you want in Knovel?
- Many more background resources available through
the library, both electronic and paper.
18Finding Articles
Compendex is a part of the Engineering Village.
It encompasses all engineering disciplines as
well as related fields in the sciences and
management. The index covers 5000 journals,
significant published proceedings of engineering
and technical conferences, and selected technical
reports and books. Over 250,000 new abstracts are
added each year.
19Academic Search Premier or Compendex?
20Article Types covered in Compendex
- Scholarly journals
- Conference proceedings articles
- Trade publications
- Books (and their chapters)
- 20 foreign language
- Conference abstracts only!
21(No Transcript)
22Search terms
Add another term
23Refine the search with assigned vocabulary terms
24(No Transcript)
25The missing link Find it!
26We do not own!!!!!!
- For this project, I suggest you find something we
own. - For more in depth research, or for your own
reading pleasure, user ILLiad (or InterLibrary
Loan) to get a copy of the article or book.
27Help is available!
- Sunday Mullins Library Room 102
- 2 pm to 6 pm
- Tuesday ENGR Hall 320 OR Computer Lounge
- 11 am to 3 pm
Extra credit for anyone who drops by during these
- Plagiarism is defined in the University of
Arkansas Catalog of Studies as "offering as ones
own work the words, ideas, or arguments of
another person without appropriate attribution by
quotation, reference or footnote" (section on
"Academic Regulations Academic Honesty"). - The consequences of plagiarizing another's work
can be very serious for one's course grade or for
one's entire academic career. Plagiarism and
academic dishonesty go beyond simply cutting and
pasting text from an article or book into your
paper without attribution they can include
paraphrasing without attributution or even citing
sources that you have not consulted in your Works
Cited list. - Citing your sources is the first step to avoiding
plagiarism. You might also review our plagiarism
detection and prevention links for more
29- http//libinfo.uark.edu/webdocs/reference/ENGRavoi
- Please complete and hand in this survey with your
paper. It will not be reviewed until after you
paper has been graded.
Extra credit for anyone who turns in this survey.