Title: Vocational Education and Training Policy in Korea
1Vocational Education and Training Policy in
2 Structure of VET in Korea
- Vocational Education(VE)
- - Ministry of Education and HRD
- - Youth(16-24)
- - School-based
- Vocational Training(VT)
- - Ministry of Labor
- - Adult(19-65)
- - Work-based
3Part 1. Vocational Education
- Background
- Development of VE polices
- Current Status
- Directions of VE
4- 1. Background
- - VE in Korea contributed to economic
development through the supply of skilled human
resources - - Korea now confronts growing momentum for a
paradigm shift driven by the changing economic
environment - - These changes include the knowledge-based
society, open and unlimited global competition,
decentralization, the reduction of the school age
population, and influx of foreign labor
52. History of VE Policy
- the 1960s
- - concentrated on labor-intensive industrial
processes that merely depended upon manual skills - - a curriculum for vocational high schools to
run separately from academic high schools thus,
systematizing the vocational education
curriculum. - 2) The 1970-1980s
- - the 21 system it was operated among
technical high schools in order to increase
individual adaptability to the workplace
industrial experience by offering students 2
years of an academic curriculum at school and
1year of training at an actual site - - technical colleges experienced tremendous
growth as vocational education began to be
systematically operated during this period
6- 3) The 1990s
- - The New Vocational Education System Building
Plan, announced by the national commission for
education reform has brought a breakthrough in
the history education - - building a readily accessible vocational
system for a demand-based lifelong education
society and shows a paradigmatic change in
vocational education - - the national commission for Education Reform
and the MOE HRD announced the reform plan for
the vocational education system version
2020vocational education for all - Proposes of VE for all
- to be participated in by industry and other
central and local government department - to expand beyond the school age for the lifelong
learning of adults and workers - to maximize the interchange of human and material
resources and their practical usage
73. Current Status of VE
- School System 6-3-3-4
- - 6 years of primary education
- - 3 years of middle school
- - 3 years of high school
- - 2-4 years in colleges and universities
8lttablegt Korean school system(2004)
9Source statistical yearbook of education ,
Ministry HRD, 2004
10- 2) General vocational Education
- Primary school to middle school possibilities
for the development of vocational awareness and
understanding. - Vocational subject in Middle school technology
and industry, home economics, computer science. - Academic high schools third year students in
academic high schools can take vocational
education programs either at their own school or
at other institutions (from 1974). - 3) Vocational Education in High Schools
- Vocational high schools aim at educating skilled
workers equipped with sound vocational awareness
and professional knowledge to cope with the rapid
changes in an information-oriented industrial
11- In 2004, there were 31 agricultural high schools,
209 technical high schools, 220 commercial high
schools, 8 fishery-maritime high schools, 64
combined vocational high schools and 206
comprehensive high school, which provide
vocational as well as academic course
ltfiguregtratio between the general vocational
high school students
Source statistical Yearbook of Education,
Ministry of Education HRD, and Korea
Educational Development Institute, various years.
12- In the past, while there were more student
entering employment than there were continuing
higher education in vocational high school - In 2004, the advancement rate to higher
educational institutions was 62.3 while the
employment rate was 32.9. However, the
employment rate among those who want to work
remains above 90
lttablegtChange In Employment Rate and Advancement
Rate to Higher Education among Vocational high
school graduates
Source statistical Yearbook of Education,
Ministry of Education HRD, and Korea
Educational development Institute, various years.
13- Reform Plan for the Vocational Education System
- The plan is that it proposes to increase the
number of special high schools, currently, up to
200, and to authority for school management - ltfiguregt Measures for Vocational High Schools in
Reform plan
- Expansion of special high schools directly
related to industry demand - Strengthen basic vocational education in general
vocational high schools - support for school-led change and reform
- Review the possibility of transforming vocational
high schools into general - high schools based on the demand of industrial
society - strengthen basic vocational education in general
high school - Support the management of business startup
programs for vocational high - School students' field training
14ltfiguregt Measures for Vocational High Schools in
Reform plan
- Diversification and quality improvement of
vocational high school students - Field training
- Support field training by occupational
organizations - introduction of overseas vocational education
programs for qualified - Vocational high school students
- Activate school-based enterprises
- Introduce majors collaboratively managed by
vocational high schools-junior - colleges/ universities-industry
- Incremental expansion of scholarships in
vocational high schools - Beneficial employment of vocational high school
graduates - in local government
- Improve the vocational education environment for
disabled students
154) Tertiary Vocational Education
- since 1994, entrance to junior colleges has been
determined on the basis of school achievement,
academic achievement tests, interviews, and
aptitude tests - 50-60percent of the freshmen quota is reserved
for through the national Qualification System and
workers meeting a specified amount of industrial
16lttablegt quantitative growth in Junior Colleges
Source Statistical Yearbook of Education of
Education HRD, and Korea Educational
Development Institute, various years,2004.
17lttablegt The rate of Junior Colleges Established
Source Statistical Yearbook of Education of
Education HRD, and Korea Educational
Development Institute, various years.
- the employment rate of college graduates has
been increasing as industries need more workers.
however, because of the national economic crisis
in 1989, the employment rate fell sharply. since
then, it has been steadily rising
18- The employment rate college graduates has been
increasing as industries need more workers, and
since 1985, the rate has actually exceeded
that Of 4-year university graduates
lttablegt Employment Rate of College Graduates
Source Statistical Yearbook of Education of
Education HRD, various years.
19- Despite their high employment rate, was levels
for junior college graduates tend to be low
ltfiguregt Monthly Average Wage Level by Academic
Background on a Yearly Basis
Source Basic Statistics Survey for Wage
Structure, Ministry of Labor, 2003
Source Basic Statistics Survey for Wage
Structure, Ministry of Labor, 2003
20- Measures for junior colleges in the ' Reform
Plan for - the Vocational Education system
- Strengthen the roles of junior colleges and
universities as community lifelong learning - Â centers learning centers for the development of
the vocational qualifications of employees and
adults - Build a junior college support system led by
local governments - Allow ministries to specialize in different
areas according to the types of junior colleges - Introduce an overseas vocational education
program for junior college students - Develop an ' Industrial Technology Education
Zone' linking local industries and junior
21- 4. Major Issues In Vocational Education
- 1) Unfavorable Images of vocational education
- seems as second-class education in comparison
with general education - decrease in the school-aged population made it
difficult for vocational - Â Â education institutes to secure sufficient
enrollees - 2) Failure to satisfy industrial demand
- failure to reflect the practical demands of the
workplace - need to establish a mutually cooperative system
between industry - Â Â Â and vocational high schools
22- 3) Little linkage between curriculum and
technical qualifications system - National Technical Qualifications System is
practiced to vitalize vocational    high school
education and to develop workplace adaptability - the schools are suffering from serious confusion
- 4) Lack of school-industry partnership
- education and training can only be realized when
a close collaborative partnership - exists and reciprocal roles between schools and
industry are clearly identified.
23- 5) Need of systematic quality control system
- it is necessary to conduct evaluation
periodically on the operational efficiency and
socio-economic effectiveness of vocational high
school education - insufficient investment and administrative
support - the risk of collapse unless financial support is
raised for investment in    human resource
245. Future of vocational education in Korea 1)
Establishing a lifelong vocational education
system 2) Maintaining vocational education based
on manpower demand 3) Strengthening industrial
training support system at national level 4)
Expanding of public funding in managing VET 5)
Developing curriculum based on the job-analysis
25Part 2. Vocational Training
- History and background
- Current status
- Perspective VT in Korea
261. History and Background
- Vocational Training law established 1967
- New Vocational Training law established 1974
- - consign fee to the ministry of labor, and
provide founds for training allowance, and
disaster compensation to companies - - Private and In-plant vocational training
support fee -
- Vocational Training Promotion Fund Act(1976)
- Introduction of Employment Insurance Act(1995)
- levy system -gt insurance system
- Workers Vocational Competency Promotion
act(1997) - Worker's Vocational Competency Development
27Table Comparison of the Framework Act on
Vocational Training and the Vocational Training
Promotion Act
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29ltWorker's Vocational Competency Development Actgt
- purpose
- - secure the employment
- - raise social and economic status
- - improve productivity of enterprises
- - contributing to social and economic
development - basic principle
- (1) be conducted in a systematic way
- (2) be in a way to respect the autonomy and
creativity of the corporation - (3) be In a way to guarantee equal
opportunities for workers - (4) aged/disabled/ female/ daily workers/
part-time workers etc shall be considered
especially - (5) shall be conducted in a way to secure
connection between school education and
industrial sites
30Figure. The network of organizations involved in
vocational training
31lttablegt insurance rates for VT in EI system
1) Business with over 1,000 employees for the
vocational training insurance are levied at 0.5,
while companies in certain industries where
Vocational training is obligatory have a reduced
insurance rate of only 0.05 2) 2006, Fund of
employment security and VT in the employment
insurance was integrated. 3) preferential
industry size Mining(300), Manufacturing(500),
Construction(300), Transport, Storage
Communication((300) Source White Paper of
Employment Insurance, Ministry of Labor, 2004.
33Source Ministry of Labor(2001), Vocational
competency development in Korea.
34Structure to support workers training by MOL
? worker separate employee and unemployed
2. Current Practices
- Support the employer for training of employees
- 1-1. Vocational competency development
- 1-2. Paid-leave training
- 1-3. Loan for the establishment and
35- 2. Support directly the employee
- 2-1. training scholarship
- 2-2. training tuition loan
- 3. Support training for the unemployed
36ltTablegt Supporting rate of Training for
Source Employment Insurance Statistics Annual
Report, Ministry of Labor, 2004
371. Support the employer for training ltTablegt
Vocational Training by Training Types(0305)
Source Employment Trend Analysis, Work
Information Center, 2005
38ltTablegt Vocational Training by Training Methods
Trends of the training for the employees - On
line training has been increasing dramatically. -
Classroom training is main training method - On
the job training rarely did
39- 2. VT opportunities for the unemployed
- the characteristics of VT for the unemployed
differ by age - group and educational experience
- the problem for these categories of people is
insufficient - opportunities for human resource development
only 17.7 - have experienced being re-employed
- the number of participants taking part in
re-employment - vocational training has been decreasing each
year since - 1999 because the rate of the unemployed is
40ltFiguregtComposition by Sex and Age for
Unemployment Policy Vocational Training
41- 3. VT for target groups
- 1) Inadequate vocational training support for
the aged - -Â as people get older, there is less chance of
them being trained - significant difference in the number of middle
aged and old aged people participating in
training scholorship - ltTablegt Training Scholarship Results(9903)
       (Unit number, KRW
Source Vocational Competency Development in
Korea, Ministry of Labor, 2004
42- 2) Decreasing trends in vocational training for
low-incomers - Self-support VT is for people who want to work,
but lack the - ability yet to do so.
- Applicants for the MOLs self-support program
have been - decreasing, from 7,704 in 2000 to 1,418 in
2002. - The total of people who actually succeeded in
getting employed or - starting their own business was 3.8 in 2000
compared with - 24.5 in 2002.
433) Increasing Vocational Training Providers for
the Disabled
- 60.7 of disabled people who cant be
economically - active have less than a middle school.
- the disabled who actually participated in
training facilities - for the disabled amounted to only 12,345,
during the - 1996-2002.
- the system for the disabled education is in
adequate. - -Â increase of public vocational training
facilities for the - disabled from only 2 in 1996 to 20 in 2002
44ltTablegt Vocational Training for the Disabled in
Note New student includes training students,
students who completed the program and who gave
up in mid- training
Source Internal date from the Korea Employment
Promotion Agency for the Disabled, 2005
454) VT participation of women  - during
period 1996 to 2000, the comparable participation
rate for men  has decreased by 2 although
women's participation in lifelong education  and
vocational training increased by 2. Â - men
and women are not participating that much in
lifelong education and  vocational training
ltTablegt Lifelong Education Participation Rate by
Source Korea Social Statistics Survey Report,
Korea National Statistical Office, 2004.
46- 4. Perspective Consumer-led VT
- the limitation of the government-led skilled
manpower development program is bringing other
programs - E-learning becomes more popular
- Training function has shifted from emphasizing
manpower development to skill - Â improvement and the philosophy of the program
has shifted from supplier focus to consumer focus
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