Title: Electron high energy calibration
1Electron high energy calibration
Robert Zitoun Stony Brook and LAPP CAT Force
Meeting May 13, 2003
2Monte Carlo Energy Resolution
- Found 3 resolution for 50 GeV electrons (3.1
w/o geo correction) - i.e.
- Still have to look at Z Monte Carlo. Volker says
Run I Eta corrections p13
S 0.15 0.199 0.008
N 0.16 0.42 0.08
C 0.003 0.0076 0.0014
- p13.05 p13.06 r13.06
- certified CC em objects
- pT gt25 GeV
- out of module boundaries
- one cluster matched to a track
- Fit it with a Breit-Wigner function M 90.2
0.1 GeV - convoluted with a gaussian s 3.6 0.1 GeV
- BW(MZ, G0 MZ/M0) N(0, s) bkg s/M 4.0
- MZ free, s is the resolution far from 22.8
- M0 and G0 are the PDG values
- allows for scale indeterminacy
4Step by Step Corrections
- Take Cal DataChunk
- Get back to raw ADC
- Apply reco corrections one by one
raw ADC 81.5 3.6 4.4
non linearity 86.7 3.7 4.3
gain correction 86.6 3.6 4.2
scale 86.5 3.6 4.1
geometric 90.2 3.6 4.0
5Better Calibration
- Sampling not done at maximum (1 effect)
- Chan to chan variation different in calibration
and physics (1)
4 channels same h, j in layer 3
6Results with Better Calibration
reco 90.2 3.6 4.00.1
calibration timing 90.2 3.6 4.0
physics timing 90.2 3.6 3.9
amplitude 90.0 3.4 3.8
- Fit calweights to minimize Z width
- 1.040.004 0.780.016 1.050.005
1.020.01 0.480.06 - highly correlated corr(1,2) -0.9 corr(2, 3)
-0.8 - use 2 series of calweights for hlt0.5 or gt0.5
- on the 4 CC pulser amplitudes
- fit 4 parameters to minimize Z resolution
- 1.005, 0.997, 1.000, 1.007
- Make 10 h slices and fit 10 normalization
constants - 1.00 within lt1
before 90.0 3.4 3.80.1
after tuning weights 90.4 3.3 3.7
use 2 calweights 90.4 3.3 3.7
pulser amplitudes 90.2 3.4 3.8
10 h slices 90.4 3.3 3.7
8Shower Size
- Volkers suggestion j width agrees with MC but
not z
M s resol evt
all 90.4 3.49 3.86 3332
szlt8 89.7 3.28 3.65 645
8ltszlt10 90.2 3.50 3.88 608
10ltszlt14 90.8 3.73 4.10 773
14ltszlt30 90.7 3.39 3.72 576
M s resol evt
all 90.4 3.49 3.86 3332
sjlt7 90.4 3.07 3.39 351
7ltsjlt9 90.4 3.43 3.79 667
9ltsjlt11 90.6 3.71 4.10 565
11ltsjlt20 89.8 3.73 4.19 569
9Module Boundaries
- CC calorimeter made of 32 wedges Dj 0.2
- loss of clusters (?)
- loss of energy (no plot)
- Oleg Kouznetsov showed that
- approx. gaussian energy loss
- with j away from crack
- amplitude 20 s 15 mrad
10Module Boundaries (2)
90.4 3.3 3.7
djgt0.06 91.0 2.7 3.0
djlt0.04 87.3 2.9 3.3
Oleg 91.1 3.1 3.4
ampl 21 s 15mrad 91.3 3.0 3.30.13
not yet 22.8 but more to gain?
s 3.3