2The concept of workforce diversity does not
travel well across cultural and national
boundaries. (It is a U.S. based term.)
The Challenge
- Creating a term with a common meanings across
national boundaries that facilitates effective
3Bury me standingI have been on my knees all my
life (Fonseca,1996)Are all differences the same?
- Benign differences vs. differences that have
practical/detrimental consequences - Each individual is unique butmembership of some
groups may yield negative or positive
consequences - To which groups do you belong that
- yield positive consequences?
- yield negative consequences?
4Workforce Diversity
- It is not about what makes you special
- It is about belonging to groups that are visibly
or invisibly different from whatever is
considered mainstream in your society - It is about being susceptible to employment
consequences as a result ot ones association
with certaing groups - Acceptance to workgroup
- Individual/group performance
- Attitude during hiring process
- Distribution of promotions and other
organizational resources
5Workforce Diversity - examples
- Being a southern Italian and applying for a job
in northern Italy - Being a woman in China, in Turkey, in US
- Being a non-muslim in Turkey
- Being a muslim in US, UK
- Being Turkish in Germany or Netherlands
- Being young/old
- Being gay in Turkey, in Netherlands, in USetc.
- Being gay in fashion/art communities, being gay
in finance industry
6Workforce Diversity-Definitions1.Narrow-category
based definitions
- Usually based on discrimination legislation
- It is not culturally transferable
- Even when attempting to use narrow definitions in
each country based on its antidiscriminatory
legislation, the result may be limiting
7- Kanun No 4857 (Turkish Labor Law-2003)
- (outlaws discrimination based on language, race,
gender, political opinion, philosophical beliefs,
religion, pregnancy, type of workers (temporary
vs. permanent employees) - Esit davranma ilkesi
- MADDE 5. - Is iliskisinde dil, irk, cinsiyet,
siyasal düsünce, felsefî inanç, din ve mezhep ve
benzeri sebeplere dayali ayirim yapilamaz. - Isveren, esasli sebepler olmadikça tam süreli
çalisan isçi karsisinda kismî süreli çalisan
isçiye, belirsiz süreli çalisan isçi karsisinda
belirli süreli çalisan isçiye farkli islem
yapamaz. - Isveren, biyolojik veya isin niteligine iliskin
sebepler zorunlu kilmadikça, bir isçiye, is
sözlesmesinin yapilmasinda, sartlarinin
olusturulmasinda, uygulanmasinda ve sona
ermesinde, cinsiyet veya gebelik nedeniyle
dogrudan veya dolayli farkli islem yapamaz. - Ayni veya esit degerde bir is için cinsiyet
nedeniyle daha düsük ücret kararlastirilamaz. - Isçinin cinsiyeti nedeniyle özel koruyucu
hükümlerin uygulanmasi, daha düsük bir ücretin
uygulanmasini hakli kilmaz.
8Legislation in US
- Job discrimination on the basis of sex, race,
color, religion, prgenancy, national origin, age
and disability is outlawed by - EEO in Federal Government-1998
- Equal Pay Act-1963
- Civil Rights Act-1964/1991
- Rehabilitation Act-1973
- Pregnancy Discrimination Act-1978
- Age Discrimination in Employment Act-1967
- Americans with Disabilities Act-1990
- www.ilo.org
- http//www.ilo.org/global/Themes/Equality_and_Disc
10Workforce Diversity-Definitions2.Broad-category
based definitions
- An expanded definiton of diversity to include
- Marital status
- Education
- Skills and year in the organization
- HIV status
- Social class
- Sexual orientation
- Etc.
11Workforce Diversity-Definitions2.Broad-category
based definitions
- This type of definition provides a distinction
between - Visible diversity (i.e. Race, gender, disability)
- Invisible diversity (i.e. Religion, education,
tenure) - It is easier form or harbor prejudices, biased
and stereotypes and discriminate against people
whose diversity characteristics belong to first
category - These categories are not mutually exclusive
because often visible characteristics may be
associated with less visible ones (ethnicity and
social status, religion and social status)
12Workforce Diversity-Definitions3.Definitions
based on a conceptual rule
- Instead of listing the categories of diversity,
this type of definitions provide conceptual
articulations of diversity - Diversity includes everyone it is not something
defined by race or gender. It extends to age,
personal backgroun, education, life stylei
tenureetc. - Many diversity trainers as well as HR managers
find this broad definition appealing - By including all differences under diversity
- it trivializes differences
- Dilute the serious consequences of prejudice,
dicrimination, and lack of power
13SoHow do we define?
- Is it possible to use the categories that cut
across many national and local cultures (i.e
gender, age, race, ethnicity, disability) - No. Because these categories might have different
(positive or negative) impact on employment in
different categories. - These common categories are also not exclusive of
the domain. Many countries can utilize diversity
categories that are not included in this list.
14Workforce diversity refers to division of
workforce into distinction categories that
- have perceived commonality within a given
cultural or national context - impact potentially harmful or beneficial
employment outcomes such as job opportunities,
treatment in workplace and promotion
prospects-irrespective of job related skills and
15Exercise 1
- The accessory given to your group represents your
group identity - You can use it any way you want
- Define the characteristics of your group on a
piece of paper - Define the other group
16Exercise 1
- How was your group defined?
- Do you agree?
- Are these perceptions right? Are thet true for
all of you? - Why were you defined like that?
- How did you define the other group?
- Why?
- General
- How do we define people in real life?
- What happens by these definitions?
- How do we get over the negative consequences of
such presumptions?
17Dont categorize me...
- We label and classify people in real life, too
18 19Prejudices
- Pre judge
- Preconceived judgement or opinon held by members
of a group - Positive and negative prejudices are possible
An irrational attitude of hostility directed
against a group. It is based on wrong,
insufficient or biased information.
20How do prejudices form? 1. Categorical Thinking
- Although prejudices also have emotional, social,
economc and historical dimensions, it is also a
consequence of natural thinking process.
Human mind has to think in categories. Once
formed these categories become the primary basis
of judgement. We cant avoid it. A life of order
depends on that
21What is this shape?
22What is this shape?
The one on the left is a square and the one on
the right is a diomand. The shapes in between
do not have specific names and do not fit into
these categories (they dont exist) so they are
suppressed into one of the existing categories
23Fill in the blanks
- Italian men are perfect..................
- Politicians frequently..........................
- Working with women.....................
- Overweight (fat) people...........................
- People with tattoos and piercings..............
- Turkish men are.
24How do prejudices form? 2. Sterotypes
- Sterotype is a mental image (framework) that we
have about a group - They have a practical function
- Instead of starting our encounter with a person
with no informaton we begin with a framework - These frameworks are usually exaggerated or
oversimplified - They disregard the in-group differences
- They cause over-generalization
- Strong stereotypes cause prejudice
- They create in-groups (us) and out-groups (them)
25How do stereotypes form?
Media and other common communication tools
Family members... Ex gender roles
Direct experience
Social groups Ex peer groups, Work groups
26Some consequences
- 1. A tendency to distort perceptions
- All..are same
- We are not like them
- 2. A tendency to favor/support the in-group
- 3. To protect our self-respect
27Employment-Related Discrimination
28 Employment-Related Discrimination
Discrimination in employment occurs when
a. Individuals, institutions or governments
treat people differently because of their
personal characteristics, such as race, gender,
or sexual orientation rather than their ability
to perform their jobs
b. When these actions have a negative impact on
access to jobs, promotions, or compensation
29 Employment-Related Discrimination
- Individual vs. institutional
- Intentional vs. unintentional