Title: Improving Life Chances ppt
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2Support Sheets
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3Learning Objectives
- To know that charitable organisations can
supplement the services that the state is able to
provide through the taxation system - To appreciate that resources can be allocated in
different ways, and that these economic choices
affect individuals and communities. - To interpret tables, list and charts used in
everyday life.
4Improving Life Chances
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7 Zambia 29 Rwanda 27 Ethiopia
12 India 54 Russia 301 Britain
1,217 Canada
1,652 Japan 1,202
A of money is taken from each persons PAY
9The charity SOS runs a Drop in Centre for
street children. The centre offers food,
information about HIV/AIDS, hygiene, health
services, and education. They try to help
children who have lost their families to be
reunited with extended relatives.
10- Patti Boulaye is a Nigerian entertainer who
founded a charity Support for Africa to support
families affected by the AIDS epidemic. Her aim
is to establish clinics across Africa. - Click here to hear how she went about it.
11 Nearly half a million pounds of money donated by
British Airways' customers to the on-board
collection programme, 'Change for Good' funded a
series of UNICEFs polio national immunisation
days in Zambia during the summer 2005.
12Medecins Sans Frontiers (Doctors Without Borders)
has set up a cholera clinic in Lusaka. The
charity is also working on ensuring the supply of
safe-drinking water to those in the most affected
areas, as well as on the disinfection of
patients' houses.
13The Zambian government aims to transform Malaria
from Zambia's biggest killer to a controllable
nuisance. Bill Gates of Microsoft has donated
35 million dollars to Zambia for bed nets, to
prevent people being bitten by mosquitoes.
14Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines Ltd is a mining
company in Chingola which funds two hospitals in
the town. It is free for employees, other people
have to pay.
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- life expectancy how long people might be
expected to live - correlation connection, relationship
- expenditure spending, costs
- socially excluded unable to participate
- fully in society
- breadwinner wage earner
17If you enjoyed this lesson, why not try
18Useful Web Links
- www.UNICEF.org more about UNICEF
- http//www.unicef.org.uk/worldexplorers/ -
website and learning resource for children - http//www.unicef.org.uk/tz/teacher_support/index.
asp - information and resources for teachers and
schools - http//www.msf.org/ - Medecins Sans Frontieres
- http//www.soschildren.org/ - SOS Childrens
Villages - http//www.hmrc.gov.uk/students/school-leavers3.ht
m - HM Treasury guide to tax - http//www.bbc.co.uk/schools/citizenx/index.shtml
- BBC schools guide for teachers and children
about citizenship, rights and responsibilities
and how the government works - http//www.bbc.co.uk/schools/citizenx/national/gov
ernment/lowdown/government_basics_1.shtml - what
the government does / taxation