Title: Adv' Network Programming RPC Remote Procedure Call
1Adv. Network ProgrammingRPC (Remote Procedure
2RPC (Remote Procedure Call)
- Two Paradigms for Distributed Programs.
- Smilarities and Differences Conventional
Procedure Calls and RPC - SUN RPC
- Remote Program Identification
- RPC Mapping, Inet.d
- Call Semantics
3Two Paradigms
- A programmer can use one of two approaches
- Communication Oriented Design
- - Focus on communication program. (Message
format and syntax) - - Design client server components. (Reactions to
- May miss important subtitles.
- Fundemental errors under stress.
- Few programmers have experience with protocol
design - Concentration on communication.
- Resulting programs will be difficult to
4Two Paradigms
- Application Oriented Design
- - Focus on application.
- - Design a conventional program that works
correctly. - - Build, compile and test it.
- - Devide the program into pieces. (Procedure
level) - - Communication level and data representation is
5Conventional Programs and RPC
- Smilarities
- Caller transfers control to called procedure.
- Caller suspends.
- Only one thread of execution continues at any
given time. - Values in all variables are frozen.
- Control flows back to the caller
- A called procedure may call another procedure.
(Server becomes a client)
6Conventional Programs and RPC
- Differences
- Server Procedures
- - RPC procedures must exist and be waiting to
compute a response. - Data Flow
- - RPC may accept or return arbitrary amount of
data. - Network Delays
- - Protocol, lost packets, data representation.
- Adress Space
- - Conventional programs can pass pointers as
argument. - Environment
- - RPC does not have direct access to callers I/O
descriptors, OS functions...
7SUN Microsystems RPC Definition
- SUN defined specific form of RPC ? SUNRPC
- Wide acceptance, many applications. (NFS)
- Defines format of messages and arguments.
- Protocol ? TCP , UDP.
- Data Representation ? XDR.
- Uses structure instead of multiple arguments.
- At most one remote procedure in a remote program
can be invoked at a given time ? Automatic Mutual
Exclusion - A complier tool helps programmers to build
distributed programs automatically ? RPCGEN
8Remote Program and Procedure Identification
Program no Description 0x00000000 -
0x1fffffff defined by SUN 0x20000000 -
0x3fffffff defined by system mng. 0x40000000 -
0x5fffffff customer written appl. 0x60000000 -
0xffffffff reserved
- Program Number
- - Each program must be assigned a unique 32 -
bit integer - Procedure Number
- - Each procedure in a remote program must have
an integer. (1,2,3...) - Version number
- - Multiple versions may run at the same time.
- You can change details with same version
number. - Easy to migrate.
- (prog, ver, proc)
9RPC Mapping
- UDP and TCP ? 16 bit protocol port numbers.
- RCP ? 32 bit program numbers.
- Servers uses well known ports.
- RPC servers use ephemeral ports. They takes
different ports after each time they restart. - Machine address Program no ? ? ? correct
server port
- Uses a database of dynamic port mapping. (TCP/UDP
port 111) - Starts in multiuser mode.
- Servers main function calls svc_create
- - Determines protocols supported by clients
- - Creates end-points, Binds port to TCP and UDP.
- - Contacts RPCBIND and registers itself (port,
prog, ver). - - Goes to sleep.
- Client calls clnt_create (server_IP, prog_no,
ver, protocol) - - Usually makes a UDP connection to RPCBIND on
servers machine.
V2 ? historical (just TCP UDP) v3,4 ? newer
Uses /etc/rpc
Solaris rpcinfo -p program vers proto port se
rvice 100000 4 tcp 111 rpcbind 100000
3 tcp 111 rpcbind 100000 2 tcp 111 rpcbind 1000
00 4 udp 111 rpcbind 100000 3 udp 111 rpcbind
100000 2 udp 111 rpcbind .... 824377344
1 udp 42972 server 824377344 1 tcp 40849 server
Solaris rpcinfo -d sprayd 1 ... unregisters
sprayd demon. Solaris pkill -HUP inetd ...
inetd reads the /etc/inetd.conf file and
registers sprayd again.
12RPC - Inetd
- RPCgen created servers may be invoked by inetd.
- /etc/inetd.conf file needs ti be updated.
- ...
- Rstatd/2-4 tli rpc/datagram_V wait root
/usr/.../rpc.rstatd rpc.rstatd - ...
- Inetd
- - creates endpoint, registers to RPCBIND.
- - listens for ports, fork, exec, waits until
server terminates. - Server
- - std. input is a xti endpoint (no need to
re-register). - - waits for 2 minutes before terminate ( to
prevent new fork and exec) - - generates SIGCHLD to inetd.
13Call Semantics
- Procedure calls can be placed into one of these
categories - 1. Exactly once
- 2. At most once
- 3. At least once
- 4. Zero or more
14Call Semantics - Scenarios
- Reply received Exactly Once
- No reply At most once (server may have
crashed) - UDP without server cash
- Reply received at least once
- No reply zero or more
- UDP with server cash
- Reply received Exactly Once
- No reply At most once
15Stub Procedure Consept RPCGEN
- Sun RPC specifications are extensive and
complicated without a software tool. - Assistance
- 1. XDR library routines internal data items ?
XDR standard - 2. RPC untime library correctly make call,
receive call, registration... - 3. RPCgen A program generater
16Stub Procedures
- Additional procedures added to program to
implement RPC. - Client Side Stub They replaces the called
procedure. - Server Side Stub They replaces the caller
Computer 1
Computer 2
Server Stub
Client Stub
Proc B
- Rpcgen reads an input file that contains a
specification of remote program. - IT produces four output (source code) files.
- If specification file has name Q.x all output
files will begin with Q. - - Q.h Declarations of constants and types
used in the code generated for both client
and server. - - Q_xdr.c XDR procedure calls used in the
client and server to marshal arg. - - Q_clnt.c Client side stub procedure.
- - Q_svc.c Server side stub procedure.
18RPC Example
19RPC Example
- struct square_in / input (argument) /
- long arg1
- struct square_out / output (result) /
- long res1
- program SQUARE_PROG
- version SQUARE_VERS
- square_out SQUAREPROC(square_in) 1 /
procedure number 1 / - 1 / version number /
- 0x31230000 / program number /
20RPC Example
Client.c (Client main function)
- include "unpipc.h" / our header /
- include "square.h" / generated by rpcgen /
- int main(int argc, char argv)
- square_in in
- square_out outp
- if (argc ! 3)
- err_quit("usage client lthostnamegt
ltinteger-valuegt") - cl clnt_create(argv1, SQUARE_PROG,
SQUARE_VERS, "tcp") - in.arg1 atol(argv2)
- if ( (outp squareproc_1(in, cl)) NULL)
- err_quit("s", clnt_sperror(cl, argv1))
- printf("result ld\n", outp-gtres1)
- exit(0)
Client handle
21RPC Example
Server Procedure
- include "unpipc.h"
- include "square.h"
- square_out
- squareproc_1_svc(square_in inp, struct svc_req
rqstp) -
- static square_out out
- out.res1 inp-gtarg1 inp-gtarg1
- return(out)
22RPC Example
Client executable
- Solaris rpcgen -C square.x
- Solaris cc -c client.c -o client.o
- Solaris cc -c square_clnt.c -o square_clnt.o
- Solaris cc -c square_xdr.c -o square_xdr.o
- Solaris cc -o client client.o square_clnt.o
square_xdr.o libunpipc.a -lnsl
Server executable
Solaris cc -c server.c -o server.o Solaris
cc -c square_svc.c -o square.svc.o Solaris cc
-o server server.o square_svc.o square_xdr.o
libunpipc.a -lnsl
23RPC Example