Title: Dieter Bilitza
1International Reference Ionosphere and the
Polar Ionosphere
Dieter Bilitza GSFC, Code 672, Greenbelt,
Maryland and George Mason University, Virginia
- Introduction and Current Status
- Polar Ionosphere
- Auroral Characteristics from TIMED/GUVI
- IRI-2007 and some Applications
of Reference
- The IRI Working Group was established to develop
and improve a reference model for the most
important plasma parameters in the Earth
ionosphere. - IRI is a joint project of COSPAR and URSI.
- COSPARs (Committee on Space Research) prime
interest is in a general description of the
ionosphere as part of the terrestrial environment
for the evaluation of environmental effects on
spacecraft and experiments in space. - URSIs (International Union of Radioscience)
prime interest is in the electron density part of
IRI for defining the background ionosphere for
radiowave propagation studies and applications. - The model should be primarily based on
experimental evidence using all available ground
and space data sources and should not depend on
the evolving theoretical understanding of
ionospheric processes. But theoretical
considerations can help to find the appropriate
mathematical functions, to bridge data gaps and
for internal consistency checks. -
- As new data become available and as older data
sources are fully evaluated and exploited, the
model should be revised in accordance with these
new results. -
- Where discrepancies exist between different data
sources the IRI team should facilitate critical
discussions to determine the reliability of the
different data bases and to establish guidelines
on which data should be used for ionospheric
3P. Bradley, M. Rycroft, Lj. Cander (U.K.), K.
Rawer, W. Singer (Germany), A. Alcayde, R.
Hanbaba (France), B. Zolesi, S. Radicella
(Italy), M. Friedrich (Austria), E. Kopp
(Switzerland), D. Altadill (Spain)
L. Triskova, V. Truhlik (Czech Rep) I. Kutiev
(Bulgaria) I. Stanislawska (Poland), S. Kouris
A. Danilov V. K. Depuev T. Gulyaeva G.
Ivanov-Kholodny K. Ratovsky A. Mikhailov
B. Reinisch D. Bilitza T. Fuller-Rowell K. Bibl
X. Huang J. Sojka D. Anderson V. Wickwar L.
Scherliess M. Codrescu S-R Zhang C. Mertens
K. Oyama K. Igarashi S. Watanabe
W. Weixang M.-L. Zhang
S.-Y. Su
Kyoung Min
S. Pulinets
M. Abdu
K. Mahajan S.P. Gupta P.K. Bhuyan
P. Wilkinson P. Dyson B. Ward
O. Obrou
R. Ezquer M. Mosert de Gonzalez
A. Poole, L.-A. McKinnell
J. Adeniyi
IRI Working Group Members
4Paris, France
C4.2 Advances in Specifying Plasma Temperatures
and Ion Composition in the Ionosphere
Volume 37 Issue 5 2006
Ebro, Spain
New Satellite and Ground Data for IRI and
Comparisons with Regional Models
Volume 39 Issue 5 2007
C4.2 - Solar activity variations of ionospheric
In press
New Data for Improved IRI TEC representation
Oct 16-20
IRI/COST Workshop Ionosphere Modeling, Forcing
and Telecommunications,
In pre-paration
Prague, Czech Republic
COSPAR GA, Montreal, Canada, July 13-20 C4.2 -
Updating IRI with ground and space data
URSI GA, Chicago, August 9-16 G02 Density
Profiling and Models
5International Reference Ionosphere Monthly
averages in the altitude range 50-1500 km
Electron density Electron temperature Ion
composition (O, O2, NO, Cluster, N, He,
H) charge neutrality Ne ?ni Ion
temperature Ion drift (currently only
equatorial vertical F-region drift) spread-F
occurrence probability (currently limited to
South-American sector)
6Data Sources Instrument Platform Used
for Comments Ionosondes Worldwide
Ne from E Fifties to
Network to F2
now Incoherent Jicamarca, Ne profile
Few radars, Scatter Arecibo, (E-
valley) many Radar St. Santin,
Te, Ti parameters
Topside Alouette
1, 2 Ne topside newer data Sounder
ISIS 1, 2 profile from
ISS-b, IK-19 Insitu
AE-C,-D,-E Ne topside many more
Aeros-A,-B profile,Te,Ti, DMSP, OGO
IK-24, DE-2 ion comp. Hinotori Rocket
data Ne D-region, sparse
compilations Ion comp.
data set
7Build-up of IRI electron density profile
Mathematical functions Global Variations
Spherical harmonics, special
functions Time Variations Fourier,
simple sin/cos, step-functions Height
Variations Epstein functions
Normalized to E and F peaks
Global models for foF2/NmF2, foF1/NmF1,
foE/NmE hmF2/M(3000)F2, hmF1 , hmE
8Ionosonde stations represented on NGDC CD-ROM
Digisonde stations
9Middle and Low Latitudes Good data foundation
Well tested and evaluated Good description of
variations with height, latitude, longitude,
local time/solar zenith angle, season/month,
solar and magnetic activity Now considered the
standard (ISO and ECSS).
High Latitudes (auroral, polar) Sparse data
record Only few modeling efforts Need to
consider dependence on IMF and magnetospheric
magnetic field Highly variable Modeling needs
to include representation of many special
features, like troughs, ovals, holes, crests
(density/temperature enhancements and
depletions) IRI provides background ionosphere
based on few high-latitude ionosondes Modeling
of auroral and polar ionosphere
10Auroral and Polar Ionosphere The solar wind,
consisting mainly of protons and electrons moving
at ultra-sonic speeds of 400 - 800 km/s (more
than a million miles per hour). The solar
wind pressure strongly compresses the Earths
magnetosphere on the dayside and draws it out
into an extremely long tail on the nightside.
Electrons out of the solar wind are able to
diffuse into magnetospheric tail and form a
reservoir called the plasma sheet. The
magnetosphere and the solar wind form an enormous
electrical dynamo including one component which
carries electrons down magnetic field lines where
eventually they collide with the atmospheric gas
causing it to glow. On the dayside solar wind
particles have direct access to the Earth's
atmosphere via the cusp regions.
11Oval latitudes span Fairbanks, Alaska, Oslo,
Norway, and the Northwest Territories.
A glowing band loops around the southern polar
region in the distance as viewed by astronauts
onboard the space shuttle.
Polar VIS
12 Each oval consists of a band of auroral glow
within which are embedded visible auroral arcs,
bands and other shapes. The two auroral ovals
pivot around the earth's geomagnetic poles,
located near Thule, Greenland and Vostok,
Antarctica. They are displaced somewhat toward
the nightside of the earth with the consequence
being that the ovals extend to lower latitude at
night than they do in daytime. When conditions in
the solar wind blowing out from the sun to the
earth are quiet, the auroral ovals contract
poleward and become quite narrow. During active
conditions the ovals enlarge in diameter and
widen. On rare occasions the northern oval may
expand to reach southern California likewise,
the southern oval will expand toward the equator,
13Rotkaehl et al., 2007
14(No Transcript)
15IRI - Data Comparisons
16Mosert, Prague 2007 Antarctic ionosonde at San
Martín (68.1S 293.0E geographic
53 S magnetic),
1996 (Rz9.1)
17Belgrano (77.9S, 321.4E geographic 67.5
2000 (Rz 117)
Figure 13
18Friedrich and Fankhauser, Prague, 2007 EISCAT
Svalbard, 78N, L 15.5 300,000 profiles,
1997-03-11 to 2003-09-26
local model
? IRI-foF2, extrapolated to 79N, is not sensible
19IRI - 2007
20Model for Ne in auroral lower ionosphere
McKinnell and Friedrich, Adv. Space Res.,
37(5), 2006
? NeuralNet model trained with 700,000
EISCAT radar data points and 115 rocket profiles
? NN input space local magnetic time (LMT),
total absorption (Li), local magnetic index
(K), solar zenith angle, F10.7 cm solar radio
flux, pressure surface (p) (season, altitude)
21Year 2002, Day 182, Hr 23.93 UT, ZA 87
22Year 1984, Day 332, Hr 3.42 UT, ZA 117
23IRI New Developments
24Inclusion of Auroral Boundaries in
IRI Authors Instrument Parameterization Image
data Feldstein and Starkov 1967 IGY All
sky imager Q 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Holzworth and
Meng 1975 Mathematical representation of
Feldstein-ovals in MLT, CGM, Q Carbary
2005 Polar UVI MLT, CGM, Kp Zhang and Paxton
2007 TIMED/GUVI MLT, CGM, Kp (energy flux, mean
energy) Particle data Energy flux and mean
energy Wallis and Budzinski 1981 ISIS-2 MLT,
InvLat, quiet and active Spiro, Reiff, Maher
1982 AE-C, -D MLT, InvLat, 4 levels of mag
activity (AE) Hardy, Gussenhoven et al.
1987 DMSP MLT, CGM, 7 levels
(Kp) Fuller-Rowell and Evans 1987 NOAA/TIROS
MLT, MagLat, Hemispheric power input PEM-2004
(see Cai et al. 2007) FAST, EISCAT MLT, ILAT,
AE Electric field data High-latitude
convection pattern Heelis, Lowell, Spiro
1982 AE-C, -D ion drift data MLT, only for Bz
southward Heppner and Maynard 1987 OGO-6,
DE-2 MLT, CGM, IMF-Bz, Kp Rich and Maynard
1989 One of the agreements among these models
is that soft electrons are dominant in the cusp
region around magnetic midday.
25Energy flux
Mean energy
Maps of estimated electron energy flux (a) and
mean energy (b) using GUVI data for orbit 00900
on February 6, 2002. The grid size is 30x30 km.
The red and green lines with arrows are for the
tracks of TIMED and DMSP F14. The tip of the
arrow indicate the location of TIMED and DMSP F14
at 124327 UT. (c) and (d) Comparison between
results from GUVI and DMSP F14 along the DMSP F14
track. The two blue vertical lines indicate the
region where the DMSP F14 electron energy flux is
above 1.0 erg/(cm2-s).
26GUVI auroral models based on four years
(2002-2005) of data and organized by magnetic
latitude (Mlat), magnetic local time (MLT), and
Kp (0-10).
Modeled electron energy flux (left panels) and
mean energy (right panels) at four Kp values 1,
3,5 and 7. The white circles are for magnetic
latitudes. The red lines are for the equatorward
and poleward boundaries of the oval at a fixed
flux 0.25 ergs/(cm2 s). The yellow numbers are
magnetic local time.
27Nightside auroral boundaries (equatorward black
line, poleward red line) and nightside peak
electron flux location (green line) versus Kp.
28 Left panel DMSP F16 SSUSI auroral image over
Greenland. The white bar over intense aurora
(indicated by a solid red arrow) shows scan track
of the Sondrestrom Incoherent Scatter Radar.
Right NmE, hmE along the white bar deduced from
SSUSI UV measurements (blue line) and the radar
NmE, hmE (red line).
29 Global map of IRI peak E-region electron density
NmE for July 2004 at 1400 UTC Solomon, 2006.
Contribution from precepetating electrons at high
latitudes not yet included.
30Krankowski et al., 2007 GPS-deduced trough
location Dependence on geomagnetic activity
December 1999
31IRI Future Plans for High Latitudes
- Inclusion of Auroral Characteristics
- - Auroral Boundaries
- - Auroral NmE and hmE models including
- contribution from precipitating electrons
- - Representation of mid-latitude trough
- Electron temperature enhancement
- Effort would benefit from input of Barrow GPS and
ionosonde data.
33IMAZ model for auroral Lower Ionosphere
New models for topside electron density
New model for topside ion composition
Equatorial disturbance ion drift model
Spread-F occurrence probability model (Brazilian
Akebono model for electron temperature in
34Fig. 9. Ionization production rate caused by
precipitating electrons with energies ranging
from 100 to 1000 eV. (From Millward et al., 1999).
35Applications and Usage
36Rios et al., JASTP, 2007, Tucuman Digisonde, Near
Crest of Equatorial Anomaly
foF2 / MHz
hmF2 / km
LT /hour
LT /hour
37Chau and Woodman JGR, Dec 2005
Friedrich et al. GRL, April 2006
Jicamarca measurements
Rocket (NASA EQUIS-II), 20 Sep 2004, near ALTAIR
radar on Kwajalein Atoll (9N, 187E), 1130 LST,
SZA19.7, Apogee 131.2 km, F10.7
101. Comparison of Ne from nosetip probe, wave
propagation experiment, ALTAIR, and the models
First Jicamarca D and E region density measure-
ments (13 Dec 2004, 11 LT) and comparison with
38Comparison with KOMPSAT Kim et al., JASTP, 2006
Comparison of KOMPSAT-1 Te measure- ments in the
low-latitude nighttime at 685 km with the two IRI
Te options. Newer option (Intercosmos) shows
better agreement.
Te-ISIS, Aeros
- IRI is used as the standard in Natural Orbital
Environment Definition Guidelines for Use in
Aerospace Vehicle Development NASA Tech Memo.,
NASA-TM-4527, 1994. - IRI is the standard ionospheric model in
System Engineering Space Environment handbook
of the European Cooperation for Space
Standardization ECSS, 1997. - IRI was recognized as the international
standard for the ionosphere in an official
Commission G Resolution during the 1999
International Union of Radio Science (URSI)
General Assembly. - IRI is recommended by the International
Telecommunication Union (ITU) for the computation
of retardation effects on radio waves traveling
through the ionosphere. - IRI is the ionospheric model proposed in TS
16457 of the International Standardization
Organization (ISO).
- Current time global NmF2, hmF2, and TEC IRI
maps (S.-R. Zhang, MIT) http//madrigal.haystac
k.mit.edu/models/IRI/index.html - Real-time maps of IRI TEC for Australiasia,
North America, Europe, and Japan (IPS, Sydney,
Australia) http//www.ips.gov.au/Satellite/2/1 - Computation of ionospheric conductivities using
IRI and CIRA (WDC Kyoto, Japan)
tml - MPEG movies of global maps of IRI density and
temperature at the Space Environments Branch of
NASA Glenn Research Center - http//powerweb.grc.nasa.gov/pvsee/info/movies/iri
90.html - The SPace ENVironment Information System
(SPENVIS) developed at the Belgian Institute for
Space Aeronomy for ESA/ESTEChttp//www.spenvis.om
a.be/spenvis/ - IRIWeb for online computation and plotting of
IRI parameters developed at NASA/GSFC NSSDC/SPDF - http//modelweb.gsfc.nasa.gov/models/iri.html
- 3-d electron density visualization using AVS
(CRL, Tokyo, Japan )
41foF2 UT 0 - 24
foF2 LT 0 - 24
hmF2 UT 0 - 24
log(Ne) UT 0 - 24
- Testing algorithms that convert GPS
measurements into global TEC - maps (Hernandez-Pajares et al., 2002)
- TEC from NNSS Doppler measurements (Ciraolo and
Spalla, 2002) -
- Reliability of tomographic methods (Bust et
al., 2004). - Testing algorithm for GPS/MET occultation
measurements (Tsai et al., - JASTP, submitted Hocke and Igarashi, 2002)
- Developing data analysis algorithm for
retrieval of electron densities - from TIMED/GUVI airglow measurements (DeMajistre
et al., 2004)
- Pathfinder Project Longtime data record of sea
surface heights updating IRI with ionosonde data
(Bilitza, Bhardwaj and Koblinsky, 1997
Lillibridge and Cheney, 1997) - ERS Quick-look data (ERS Products User Manual,
1996) - Work with Geosat Follow On (GFO) data (Zhao et
al., 2002.
- Comprehensive Ring Current Model (CRCM)
- Ebihara, et al., 2004, 2005
- Ionospheric Conductances for Rice Convection
- Model (RCM) DeZeeuw et al. 2004
- Baseline against which the predictive skills of
- physics-based models are compared
- Siscoe et al., 2004
45IRI Usage Statistics
JGR/GRL/RS/JSTP/AG papers using IRI
2005 51 2006 54
IRI ftp site downloads
5,000/month IRIweb online accesses
Dec06 6,058 Nov06 4,772
Apr07 4,470 May074,241