Title: Client-Server%20Model
1Client-Server Model
- Client requests information from Server
- Examples Give me a web-page Give me my e-mail
- Server replies with the information to the Client
- Examples Here is your web-page Here is your
Note As a highway passes through many cities,
the path from the client to the server
passes through many computers
International Network of Networks that
Communicate with each other
- The traffic on the internet superhighway are
messages - Large messages are sent in small packets as large
deliveries on roads are sent in more than one
truck - Packets use different routes (packet switching)
- Traffic levels determines the packet shipping
Rules of the Road
Definition Rules of Communication
- TCP Transaction control protocol
- Establishes a connection between two computers
- Sends, receives, and puts message packets in
order - Handles lost, delayed, duplicate, or misread
packets - Gives up (TimeOut) if data not received in time
- Prevents data flooding a computer (Flow Control
and Buffer Overflow) - UDP User Datagram Protocol
- No flow-control or error-recovery
- Speed needed, not reliability (e.g. Streaming)
- IP Internet protocol
- Best-effort attempt to get packets through a
network - Routes messages towards their destination
4High Level Protocols
Closer to the user than low level protocols as
- Http Hypertext transfer protocol
- Transmit web pages over the Internet (WWW)
- Ftp File Transfer Protocol
- Transfer files between computers
- Email protocols
- Allows email to contain attachments
- Telnet Network Virtual Terminal Protocol
- Log into and use a computer that is far away
Every Internet Computer Needs an Address
- IPv4 Addresses (approximately 4 billion
possibilities) - Address
- Domain Name www.wikipedia.org
- 4 decimal numbers (0 through 255) separated by
periods - IPv6 Addresses (one for each grain of sand in
300 million earth sized planets) - Address 3ffe050100080000026097fffe40efab
- 8 hex numbers (0 through ffff) separated by
periods - Decimal numbers go from 0 through 9
- Hex numbers go 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,a,b,c,d,e,f
- Register New Domain Names (Cost 20 to 100)
- Registrars like www.netsol.com and
Key Point IPv6 and IPv4 can coexist on the
6Internet Components
- Router Device which forwards traffic between
networksDomain Name Servers Device that
converts human readable domain names into IP
addresses - Bridge Device to connect networks of the same
kind - Gateway Device to connect networks of different
kinds - Hub Device that is the connection point for
computers of a network - Web Server Device that hosts web pages
- E-mail Server Device that queues and distributes
e-mail - Firewall Device that prevents unwanted access
7Brief Introduction to the Internet
- 1960s - Creation of first national network
(ARPAnet) - Continue operating even if nodes sabotaged (led
to TCP/IP) - Text-based messages (led to E-mail)
- Share files (led to FTP)
- Remote access (led to Telnet)
- Only ARPA funded institutions
- 1970s - BITNET (Because its time) and CSNET
(Computer Science) - By organization left out of ARPA funding
- 1980s - NSFnet (National Science Foundation)
- Connect supercomputers at five universities
- 1992 NSFnet connected more than one million
computers - 1995 NSFnet became the Internet
8The World Wide Web
Definition Worldwide collection of software and
protocols Purpose enable retrieval of documents
linked to different sites
- 1984 Embed hyperlinks to text files (Xerox Note
Cards) - 1990 Tim Berness-Lee
- Designed Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
- Designed HTML and wrote the initial browser
- Created the first Web server
- Coined the term World Wide Web
- 1993 Mosaic
- the first graphical user interface (GUI) browser
9Key Definitions
- Internet
- Worldwide collection of networks, computers, and
other devices - Hypermedia
- documents information linked together using
hyperlinks - Web page - An individual web document
- Web site - A collection of related web pages
- Browser (Explorer, Navigator, Mosaic)
- Web client software to initiate conversations
with servers - Servers (Apache, Microsoft)
- Web programs that respond to client requests for
10URL Universal Resource Locator
- To communicate, we need to name things
- Domain Name Human readable computer or device
address (e.g. www.sou.edu) - Universal Resource Locator (URL) Location of a
web document - http//cs.sou.edu/harveyd/index.html is a web
document at domain cs.sou.edu within the public
home directory folder for the user harveyd (named
public_html by convention).
Note Lets review directory (folder) structures
11Programming the Web
- Markup languages sprinkle control tags through
the text - Client Side HTML, XML, XHTML
- Script languages computer language statements
typed in the text to perform special processing - Client Side - JavaScript, VBScript, PerlScript
- Server Side - PHP, ASP, Perl (Covered in cs260)
- Object-based language computer language
statements separate from the text to provide
extra processing - Client Side - Java Applets, Flash
- Server Side - Java Servlets, Visual Basic, C
Note We focus on the languages shown in bold.
There willbe some exposure to the languages
shown in italics
12Web-based Markup Languages
- HTML (Hypertext mark up language)
- Purpose Control the display of web-documents
- HTML quickly evolved without standards
- The World Wide Web Consortium finally establish
standards, but they werent followed - XML (Extensible markup language)
- Subset of SGML (Standard Generalized Markup
Language) - XML is a meta language (language to define
languages) - Defines syntax for compliant web-based mark-up
languages - Used to present and process web documents
- XHTML (Extensible hypertext markup language)
- Standardized HTML that conform to XML rules
- We focus on XHTML in this class
Dont worry, well see examples later
13Introduction to HTML
- What is an HTML source document?
- Answer Text with instructions for the browser
- What are the instructions for?
- Browsers interpret the instructions to properly
display the document (presentation instructions) - Browsers interpret the instructions to divide the
document into sections (structure instructions) - Different browsers often interpret HTML
instructions differently
14Our First HTML Source Document
XHTML tags (elements) and attributes define
the display
- Exercise
- Copy, paste into Notepad
- Use the save as option
- Use the extension .htm or .html and type the
file name in quotes (e.g. first.htm). - Display with a browser
- View source
- Use MS Word to make page
- Save as web-page
- Display in a browser
- View source
- Example Web Page
- lthtml gt
- ltheadgt
- lttitlegtA web-pagelt/titlegt
- lt/headgt
- ltbodygt
- lth1gtA headerlt/h1gt
- lth2 align "right"gt I go to the
rightlt/h2gt - lthr /gt
- lt/bodygtlt/htmlgt
The class web-site has examples of this page made
through word and through NotePad
15Lessons from the First Web Page
- Tags specify HTML browser instructions
- Enclose tags with lt and gt (e.g. lttitlegt)
- Most tags have a matching end tag (e.g. lt/titlegt)
- Tags that dont end finish with /gt (e.g. lthr
/gt) - Tags specify HTML document sections
- lthtmlgt The entire document
- ltheadgt A header portion with special
instructions - ltbodygt The section that has data to display
- A variety of tags
- lttitlegt title for the web-page
- lth1gtlth2gt Large bolded headings (lth1gt is bigger)
- lthr /gt a horizontal line
- A tag attribute (lth1 alignrightgt)
- align"right" Make the text go to the right
- align is the attribute name its value is right
16XHTML Compliance
- Case
- Tag and attribute names should be lower case
- Attribute values can be use upper and lower case
- Attributes (name "value")
- Spaces separate tags having multiple attributes,
any order is ok. - Enclose values in quotes Use "" and not
- Nest properly (End nearest tags first)
- Correctlth1gtltemgtlt/emgtlt/h1gt
- Incorrectlth1gtltemgtlt/h1gtlt/emgt
- Type the lthtmlgt tag as follows lthtml
xmlns"http//www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"gt - Start XHTML documents with (Note the html tag)
- lt?xml version"1.0" encoding"ISO-8859-1" ?gt
1.0 Transitional//EN" - "http//www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/x
html1-transitional.dtd"gt - lthtml xmlns"http//www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" gt
17Programming Tips
- Browsers will try to display HTML documents that
are full of errors - Browsers ignore tags that are misspelled of that
they dont recognize - HTML instructions are suggestions they are not
requirements - Some browsers can interpret the same HTML source
document differently - Browsers ignore extra spaces (white space)
- Indented web-pages are easier to read
18Paragraph and Line Break Tags
Exercise Create and display web pages with the
following text andtags. You can create a page by
cutting and pasting into our first web-page. What
do you notice about how these tags work?
- Paragraphs
- ltpgtThe White Houselt/pgt
- ltpgtlt/pgtltpgtlt/pgt
- ltpgtlt/pgtltpgtlt/pgt
- ltpgt1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NWlt/pgt
- ltpgtWashington, D.C.lt/pgt
- Line Breaks
- A sentenceltbr /gt
- Another sentence
- ltbr /gtltbr /gtltbr /gtltbr /gt
- A ltbr /gt third sentence
19Header Tags
Exercise Create and display a web page with the
following text andtags. What do you notice about
how header tags work? What about The ltpregt tag?
- lth1gtLevel 1 Headerlt/h1gt
- lth2gtLevel 2 Headerlt/h2gt
- lth3gtLevel 3 Headerlt/h3gt
- lth4gtLevel 4 Headerlt/h4gt
- lth5gtLevel 5 Headerlt/h5gt
- lth6gtLevel 6 Headerlt/h6gt
- ltpregtDisplay Exactly as typedlt/pregt
20Inline Versus Block
- Block Tags (e.g. lth1gtltbodygtltblockquotegt)
- Specify self-contained sections of a document
- Inline Tags (e.g. ltigtltemgtltstronggtltbgt)
- Apply to text in the current block of a document
- Blocks can contain nested blocks (e.g.
ltbodygtlth1gt) - Notes
- Inline tags apply to text in the current block
- Inline tags do not apply outside the current
block - Note that only one of the following emphasize
text - ltblockquotegtltemgtEmphasizedlt/emgtlt/blockquotegt
- ltemgtltblockquotegtPlain textlt/blockquotegtlt/emgt
21Structure Versus Presentation
- Presentation Tags (e.g. ltbgtltigtltsupgtltsubgt)
- These tags specify specifically how to display
pages - Browsers normally follow the specifications
- Structure Tags (e.g. ltstronggtltemgt)
- These tags indicate document structure to a
browser - ltemgt means emphasize
- ltstronggt means strongly emphasize
- Browsers on different devices present pages
differently - Good web-page designs use structure tags
22Illustrative Example
Exercise Create and display a web page with the
following text andtags. When you use notepad to
cut and paste, manually use the enter key to
split up the lines. What do you notice about the
tags? Note that some of these tags are
presentation and deprecated. Do you see them?
- Lincolns speech ltblockquotegt
- ltbgtFourlt/bgt score and seven years ago our fathers
brought forth on this ltigtcontinentlt/igt a new
nation, conceived in ltemgtlibertylt/emgt and
dedicated to the proposition that all
ltstronggtltstronggt men lt/stronggtlt/stronggt are
created equal. Now we are ltugtengagedlt/ugt in a
great civil war, testing ltbgtltigtltugtwhetherlt/ugtlt/igtlt
/bgt that nation or any nation so conceived and so
dedicated can long endure. - lt/blockquotegt Speech is over
23Fonts and Sizes
- Structure (Browser enlarges the font size)
- ltbiggtltbiggtTwo sizes biggerlt/biggtlt/biggt
- ltsmallgtOne size smallerlt/smallgt
- Presentation (HTML calls for Specific size)
- ltttgtTeletype Fontlt/ttgt
- ltfont size"20"gtSize 20 textlt/fontgt
- Notes
- Specific size might look bad on handheld devices
- User preferences can override HTML specifications
- Possible user preference default choices
- The Monospace Font all characters have the same
width - The Proportional Font Characters vary in width
- Size and color of text
24The Meta Tag
Define information about the page
- ltmeta name"xxx" content"xxx" http-equiv"xxx"
/gt - Information for search engines to look for
- Name"keywords" content"keywords separated by
commas" - Name"authors" content"authors separated by
commas" - Name"description" content"description of this
document" - Tell browsers to replace expire copy, redirect,
or refresh - http-equiv"refresh" content"15"
- http-equiv"refresh" content"15"
url"http//www.sou.edu" - Tell browser information about format or
expiration date - http-equiv"content-type" content"text/html"
- http-equiv"expires" content"31 Dec 99"
- http-equiv"charset" content"iso-8859-1"
25The Head Section
Contains general Information for browsers and
search engines
- ltheadgt
- lttitlegtAromatic Coffee and Tealt/titlegt
- ltmeta name"keywords" content"coffee,exotic,im
ported" /gt - ltmeta name "description" content"Coffee
Wholesaler and retailer" /gt - ltmeta name "author" content "John Webpage"
/gt - ltmeta http-equiv "refresh" content "5" /gt
- lt/headgt
- Comments
- Title Defines text to display in the Browser
title bar - Meta Tells search engines what is in the page
- Meta Tells browser to reload every 5 seconds
- Note The above meta tags have more than one
26HTML Special Characters
Character Symbol Character Symbol
" quot para
space nbsp copy
amp divide
lt lt times
gt gt times
cent õ otilde
not pound
¼ frac14 yen
¾ frac34 µ micro
Example TextnbspnbspnbspSeparated with 3
27Other HTML Tidbits
- Comments help make your HTML more readable
- HTML comments start with lt!-- And end with
--gtlt!-- This is a three line
comment --gt - Browsers ignore everything in a comment
- There are deprecated HTML tags and attributes
- Browsers still support these tags, but may not in
the future - There are better ways to do the same things
- Examples
- Strike through (ltstrikegt), Underline (ltugt),
Specify font (ltfontgt), and Center text (ltcentergt)
28Creating XHTML web-pages
- Use editors like NotePad, PsPad, NotePad, or
Word - Advantage easy Disadvantage can be error
prone - Save as web-page with office programs like word
- Advantage We can easily make complex pages
- Disadvantage Documents get very large
- We can use WYSIWYG HTML software
- Advantage Can be less error prone
- Disadvantages
- Less control over html
- The software can be expensive
29Which Tools Will We Use?
Must be free, simple to use, and allow us to
focus on course content
- WordPad, PsPad, or NotePad text editor programs
- Mozilla Tools (Under Tools/Web-Development)
- Mozilla HTML Editor (Composer)
- Mozilla JavaScript Console helps find JavaScript
errors - Mozilla JavaScript Debugger helps debug
JavaScript - Mozilla DOM Inspector shows document organization
- Meracl or ImageMapic utilities
- These utilities help us easily create image maps
Notes Mozilla, Meracl, and ImageMapic are
free downloads DOM stands for Document Object
Extensible Markup Language
- XML defines a class of markup languages
- Each XML language has different tags, but the
same syntax - Domain name spaces defines tags these languages
- XHTML is XML compliant
- XHTML compliant browsers must detect syntax
errors - Strict rules simplify browser complexity
- XHTML name space http//www.s3.org/1999/xhtml
- Web-services generally are XML languages
- Web-service programs are implemented over the web
- Each application defines its XML compliant
language - Best-practice applications
- Export files in XML format
- Avoid proprietary formats that become obsolete
- ACORNS example http//cs.sou.edu/harveyd/acorns/A
31Some Review Questions
- What are deprecated tags?
- How are line breaks in text treated by browsers?
- What are differences between ltpgt and ltbr /gt?
- What are HTML comments?
- What is a meta-language?
- What is XML? Why was it developed?
- Which header tags are smaller than normal text?
- Why are ltbiggt and ltsmallgt tags preferred over
ltfontgt? - How do browsers respond to the ltblockquotegt tag?
- What are some differences between XHTML 1.0 and
HTML 4.01?