Title: Mrs' Alicia Shemon http:www'cvschools'orgwebpagesashemon
1Mrs. Alicia Shemonhttp//www.cvschools.org/webpag
- Use the Talents you possess, for the woods would
be very silent if not birds sang except the
best. - -Henry Van Dyke-
- Â
- Cumberland Valley School District-Silver Spring
Elementary 2006-Present - Elementary Classroom Music Teacher Grades K-5
- Elementary Choral Director Grades4-5
- Elementary Band Director Grade 5
- Â
- Harrisburg Dioceses-Holy Family
Elementary 2006 - General Music Teacher Grades K-8
- Â
- Hempfield School District 2005
- Student Teacher Middle School
Band/Instrumental - Elementary School Instrumental
- Classroom Music Grade 4,5, 6
- Â
- Harrisburg Dioceses-Bishop McDevitt High
School 2005-2007 - Assistant Band Director High School Marching
Band - Â
3Professional Memberships
- Music Educators Journal
- Teaching Music
4Professional Accomplishments
- Eagle Foundation Grant 2008
- -Hand Chimes
5Graduate Work at Shippensburg University2006-Pres
6Educational Leadership at Shippensburg
UniversityGraduate StudiesDepartment of
Educational Leadership  The Department of
Educational Leadership offers graduate programs
leading to the Master of Education degree in
Educational Leadership and post-master's degree
programs leading to the certification of K-12
principals and the Superintendent's Letter of
Eligibility. The department also offers
post-mater's degree programs leading to the
Supervisory I certificate in 12 fields of
specialization. Applicants who do not have an
overall QPA of 3.00 or greater will be required
to schedule a personal interview with the
Department of Educational Leadership prior to
admission to the degree program. Â Â Â Â Â In
addition to the regular requirements for
admission to graduate classes, the applicant for
admission to graduate study in educational
leadership must have an instructional or
educational specialist certificate. The
applicant must obtain from the Department of
Educational Leadership and have executed two
reference forms. One recommendation must be
completed by a chief school officer (district
superintendent or intermediate unit executive
director) in the school in which the candidate is
currently employed or has been most recently
employed. The second reference must be either
from a principal or immediate supervisor. The
recommendation of the chair of the educational
leadership program will be given following a
review of the applicant's credentials. Admission
to graduate study does not guarantee subsequent
admission to candidacy for the Master's degree.
7Professional Requirements at CV
- Classroom Music (grades K-5)
- Choral Director (grades 4-5)
- Band Director (grade 5)
- High School Marching Band Assistant
8Philosophy of Music Education
- Music Education Must
- Be Standards Based
- Be Cross Curricular Connected
- Be Accessible for all Students
- Go Beyond Knowledge Comprehension to
Application, Analysis, Synthesis and Evaluation - Be Differentiated
- Include Technology
- Encourage students to become life-long
participants, intelligent consumers and active
patrons and advocates for the arts
9Technology Experience
- Smart Notebook Software version 10 (Smartboard
trained) - Use of Clickers with Smartboard technology
- Pod Casting
- Finale Software
- Music Ace Software
- Website Creation
- Grade Machine (online grade book)
- Inspiration Software
- Powerpoint with Smartboard integration
- Stage lighting and Sound board technology
10Classroom Photographs and Procedures
11Classroom Management
- In music class students fill jars with marbles
throughout the school year to earn special days
in music class where they chose activities These
are called Free Music Days - Expectations for behavior rise as the school
year continus so earning the full amount of
marbles becomes more of a challenge - Techniques for getting student attention
- 1-2-3 Eyes on me
- Echo Clapping
- Eyes on me (click sound)
- 5-4-3-2-1 Countdown
- Give me 5
- Speak into the microphone
- There is a positive spin on rules for music
class - Everyone has to try and do their best, but no one
is ever expected to be exceptional.
- Follow a pattern (3 chances)
- 1st-Student is addressed verbally
- 2nd-Student is removed from the activity
- 3rd-I talk with the Teacher and card is flipped
in class (or some sort of classroom consequence
results) - 4th-I call home
- Note Students with special needs are not exempt
from this procedure, but are progress monitored
each class to track and modify behavior
- Free Music Day
- October Song books
- Old Mr. Rabbit
- Instrument/Rhythm Bingo
- Hershey Kiss Questions
- Caught Being Good Coupons
- Great Job Tickets
- Sticker Charts
- Extra marbles
- I am fully trained through CVSD in Learning
Focused Schools methods. If you are interested
in any of the information below or you would like
information on Learning Focused Schools methods
please feel free to contact me during the school
day at Silver Spring Elementary, or email me
anytime at the address included on the next
slide. - Sample Lesson plans from Lower and higher
Elementary - Graphic Organizers
- Word Wall examples
- Assessment examples
- Examples of Student work
17Contact Information