The Role of the Private Sector in Housing Supply and Environment Friendly Construction Practices on the Case Study of Post-War Reconstruction Techniques in Bosnia and Herzegovina - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Role of the Private Sector in Housing Supply and Environment Friendly Construction Practices on the Case Study of Post-War Reconstruction Techniques in Bosnia and Herzegovina


no external thermal insulation or plaster finishing although temp. ... for existing houses currently without plaster from collected old glass within and outside BiH ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: The Role of the Private Sector in Housing Supply and Environment Friendly Construction Practices on the Case Study of Post-War Reconstruction Techniques in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Role of the Private Sector in Housing Supply
and Environment Friendly Construction Practices
in regard to the Post-War Reconstruction
Strategy adopted by the IC in Bosnia and
IMG, Otto-Roman Barnert, Reconstruction Expert
and current Head of the IMG Field Office
Zenica Recommendations based on the Achievements
and Shortfalls of the Post-war Reconstruction
About IMG (
  • IMG (International Management Group) is an
    intra-Governmental Organization with a Steering
    Board made up of members of the IC (International
    Community) active in BiH, initially assessing the
    overall war-damage and later playing an important
    role in coordinating all reconstruction
    activities and recording these into a unique
    database, known as PIMS (Project Implementation
    Monitoring System)
  • While IMG today is also involved in additional
    technical activities in BiH, such as technical
    monitoring of the implementation process and
    Capacity Building of some of the Government
    Institutions, this paper focuses on the obtained
    experience in monitoring the reconstruction

The IMG Housing Standards
  • Following the requirement to provide a timely
    reconstruction assistance during and after the
    war, it soon became evident that the
    reconstruction assistance granted to BiH was not
    implemented in a unified way, paving the way for
    the adoption of the IMG Housing Standards for the
    reconstruction of privately and socially owned
    housing units
  • This simplified housing standard, adopted by all
    IC members, facilitated a unified damage
    assessment system which could be used to
    calculate the required reconstruction costs to
    achieve these minimum housing standards by
    assessing damage of the 4 main construction
    elements Roof, External Walls, Doors Windows
    and Internal Elements with its technical

Sample Contents of these Standards
  • IMG Standards

Current Situation
  • The reconstruction activities in post-war BiH
    have focused on maximizing the supply of housing
    space for returning refugees and displaced
    persons to their pre-war homes, with limited
    available funding of the IC, which led to a
    general decline in the applied technical
  • To-date some 105,000 housing units have been
    repaired/reconstructed from an estimated 450,000
    war-damaged units through grants of the IC. BiH
    had before the war some 1,300,000 housing units
    for a population of 4,4 mill.persons.
  • The high reconstruction demand with limited
    available funding per housing unit has caused a
    general decline in the achieved quality of living
    standards, sometimes emphasized by the use of
    inferior building materials and construction

Adopted Construction Practices have led to
  • no external thermal insulation or plaster
    finishing although temp. usually drop in winter
    to 15 deg. below freezing
  • external walls made either with materials which
    are under dimensioned, or of inadequate
    materials, r.c.columns and lintels remain exposed
  • chimneys made of inadequate materials and
    insufficiently dimensioned
  • no consideration of the type of heating system
  • no consideration of adequate sewage facilities
  • no consideration for sewage treatment or garbage
    disposal systems

Noted Shortfalls
  • the increased reconstruction effort with above
    stated deficiencies have however not managed to
    solve the housing needs of the post war BiH, as
  • the pre-war population can be described as having
    been rural with approx. 70 of the population
    living outside of towns
  • the war reversed this situation, partly because
    many of the pre-war urban people fled leaving
    their apartments empty for incoming rural people
    to occupy them, often beyond their planned
  • as the pre-war occupants return in large numbers,
    the illegal occupants have to vacate the
    apartments and return to their pre-war rural
    homes, many of which will still be damaged as
    only about 30 have been repaired (as previously
    mentioned )

Noted Shortfalls - continued
  • the social structure of families have also
    changed during the last 8 years, so there are now
    numerous young families requiring new
    accommodation which neither the public
    institutions nor the private market are supplying
  • people who have lived for the past 8 years in an
    urban manner will have got accustomed to the
    advantages of towns and therefore be reluctant to
    return to a rural type of life, hence given the
    choice would prefer to remain in the towns
  • houses in rural areas were in many cases without
    electricity or a sophisticated water installation
    so that sewage and garbage disposal was not
    considered adequately
  • the IC decided to fix the mostly rurally
    located war-damaged houses against supporting
    the development of the towns as ownership rights
    of existent apartments could not be solved.

Recommending a change of Strategy
  • Stop providing grants for the reconstruction of
    privately owned war-damaged houses but instead
    facilitate loan packages, to
  • construct new houses and apartment blocks with
    improved standards
  • improve the building physics of the incomplete
    housing units
  • install environmental friendly heating systems to
    reduce deforestation
  • incorporate use of alternative energy into house
    designs, e.g. glazed verandas, etc.
  • Establishing production plants of environmental
    friendly building materials to avoid aid
    dependency, in making e.g.
  • construction and insulation systems and/or
    materials as mentioned under examples

Goal and Objective
  • Provide sufficient user friendly and affordable
    housing space in towns
  • Improvement of the technical standards by
    introducing affordable and environmental friendly
    construction techniques and practices
  • Reduction in annual heating costs by optimizing
    insulation and heating systems and use of passive
    solar energy
  • Improving the environment by introducing sewage
    collection and treatment, as well as garbage

A Possible Way Forward
  • The use of environmental friendly construction
    techniques and practices will largely depend on
    the information made available to the civil
    society as well as their representatives, which
    could be achieved by
  • conducting media campaigns throughout BiH by
    internationally recognized organizations and
    experts to address
  • Local Architects, Designers and Contractors,
    Building Material Producers and Suppliers
  • Local authorities and other Law makers
  • Raise public awareness in Schools and
  • A change in the reconstruction strategies of the
    IC working in BiH

Recommendation to the IC (International
  • change approach towards the support of
    reconstruction in BiH
  • instead of grants provide interest free loans to
    individuals who intend to provide for their own
    housing needs
  • low interest rate loans to commercial developers
    (which should keep the housing unit price low) if
    tightly monitored by international experts
  • IC to carry the interest rates and guarantee
  • provide technical expertise and assistance as
  • monitor implementation and provide on demand
    corrective measures
  • provide training at all levels as and when

Recommendation to the Private Sector
  • venture into the development of the urban housing
    stock throughout BiH
  • establish links to internationally recognized
    companies in dealing with
  • housing development
  • sewage / garbage collection and disposal /
  • economical and ecological central heating systems
  • energy networking
  • establish links to companies established and
    experienced in producing environmental friendly
    building materials to enter into joint-ventures
  • re-vamp existing desolate factories to produce
    environment friendly products for the local
    construction market

Examples of Construction Systems/Materials which
could be produced within BiH
  • 3D building system which incorporates insulation
    material into external walls for new construction
    to reduce import requirement of bricks
  • insulation material of old glass for existing
    houses currently without plaster from collected
    old glass within and outside BiH
  • coating timber roof structures with inflammable
    coating made of used nappies collected from
    within and outside BiH
  • making briquettes locally from saw dust collected
    from the numerous saw mills within BiH
  • making solar panels with locally available
    resources such as silicium

Recommendation to the BiH Authorities
  • facilitate all of the above mentioned
    recommendations by
  • incorporate the use of environmental friendly
    construction techniques, garbage management and
    sewage disposal into the local building
  • provide incentives to individuals who show
    interest in improving the standard of their
    houses by facilitating tax reduction measures
  • provide incentives to private investors to
    develop new housing space
  • provide low interest rated loans to the private
    building industry
  • as an environmental friendly attitude towards
    development is in all our interests, raising
    public awareness to be incorporated into the
    national curriculum

Main Contacts within IMG
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