Title: General Design Considerations for Bank Protection
1General Design Considerations for Bank Protection
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6Streambank Protection Basic Design Considerations
- Geomorphology
- Beginning ending points, and alignment
- Hydraulics
- Design Q
- Variations in stage and discharge
- Tractive force and secondary currents
- Toe Scour protection
- Top elevation of protection
- Waves and vessel forces
- Geotechnical Design
- Environmental considerations
- Toe Protection
- Surface Drainage
- Manufacturers recommendations
- Safety factors
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8Streambank Protection Basic Design Considerations
- Geomorphology
- Beginning ending points, and alignment
- Hydraulics
- Design Q
- Variations in stage and discharge
- Tractive force and secondary currents
- Toe Scour protection
- Top elevation of protection
- Waves and vessel forces
- Geotechnical Design
- Environmental considerations
- Toe Protection
- Surface Drainage
- Manufacturers recommendations
- Safety factors
9Where to start and stop protection?
10Flanked Bank Protection
11Alignment of Protection Works?
12Restoration of Old Planform?
13 Channel Restoration
14Streambank Protection Basic Design Considerations
- Geomorphology
- Beginning ending points, and alignment
- Hydraulics
- Design Q
- Variations in stage and discharge
- Tractive force and secondary currents
- Toe Scour protection
- Top elevation of protection
- Waves and vessel forces
- Geotechnical Design
- Environmental considerations
- Toe Protection
- Surface Drainage
- Manufacturers recommendations
- Safety factors
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16Variations in Stage and Discharge
17Permissible Tractive Force or Velocity
- Have been quantified for riprap and some
manufactured products, but not for most techniques
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19Toe Scour Protection
20Excessive Launching of Stone
21Failure due to excessive toe scour
22Top Elevation of Protection?
23Wave and Vessel Forces
24Streambank Protection Basic Design Considerations
- Geomorphology
- Beginning ending points, and alignment
- Hydraulics
- Design Q
- Variations in stage and discharge
- Tractive force and secondary currents
- Toe Scour protection
- Top elevation of protection
- Waves and vessel forces
- Geotechnical Design
- Environmental considerations
- Toe Protection
- Surface Drainage
- Manufacturers recommendations
- Safety factors
25Consider Geotechnical Stability
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27Streambank Protection Basic Design Considerations
- Geomorphology
- Beginning ending points, and alignment
- Hydraulics
- Design Q
- Variations in stage and discharge
- Tractive force and secondary currents
- Toe Scour protection
- Top elevation of protection
- Waves and vessel forces
- Geotechnical Design
- Environmental considerations
- Toe Protection
- Surface Drainage
- Manufacturers recommendations
- Safety factors
28Environmental Factors
29The Soft Touch Approach
30Too Soft?
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33Streambank Protection Basic Design Considerations
- Geomorphology
- Beginning ending points, and alignment
- Hydraulics
- Design Q
- Variations in stage and discharge
- Tractive force and secondary currents
- Toe Scour protection
- Top elevation of protection
- Waves and vessel forces
- Geotechnical Design
- Environmental considerations
- Toe Protection
- Surface Drainage
- Manufacturers recommendations
- Safety factors
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36Stone Launching
Longitudinal Peaked Stone
Longitudinal Stone Fill
Original height of stone maintained after stone
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39Streambank Protection Basic Design Considerations
- Geomorphology
- Beginning ending points, and alignment
- Hydraulics
- Design Q
- Variations in stage and discharge
- Tractive force and secondary currents
- Toe Scour protection
- Top elevation of protection
- Waves and vessel forces
- Geotechnical Design
- Environmental considerations
- Toe Protection
- Surface Drainage
- Manufacturers recommendations
- Safety factors
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44Streambank Protection Basic Design Considerations
- Geomorphology
- Beginning ending points, and alignment
- Hydraulics
- Design Q
- Variations in stage and discharge
- Tractive force and secondary currents
- Toe Scour protection
- Top elevation of protection
- Waves and vessel forces
- Geotechnical Design
- Environmental considerations
- Toe Protection
- Surface Drainage
- Manufacturers recommendations
- Safety factors
45Manufactured Products
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47Streambank Protection Basic Design Considerations
- Geomorphology
- Beginning ending points, and alignment
- Hydraulics
- Design Q
- Variations in stage and discharge
- Tractive force and secondary currents
- Toe Scour protection
- Top elevation of protection
- Waves and vessel forces
- Geotechnical Design
- Environmental considerations
- Toe Protection
- Surface Drainage
- Manufacturers recommendations
- Safety factors
48Factors That Influence the Safety Factor
- Designers experience (or lack thereof)
- With the protection technique being used
- With the stream itself
- Potential construction complications
- Sponsors capability
- To perform routine maintenance
- To perform emergency reinforcement
- Consequences of failure
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51Streambank Protection Basic Design Considerations
- Geomorphology
- Beginning ending points, and alignment
- Hydraulics
- Design Q
- Variations in stage and discharge
- Tractive force and secondary currents
- Toe Scour protection
- Waves and vessel forces
- Geotechnical Design
- Environmental considerations
- Toe Protection
- Surface Drainage
- Manufacturers recommendations
- Safety factors
52Final Thoughts
53River Engineering is not Rocket Science
Its much more Complicated!