Title: Concluding Panel: What Next for Transformational Government
1Concluding Panel What Next for Transformational
- - Paul Kilner, e-DT, Cabinet Office
- Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Is that you?
- - Bill Sproul, Chief Technology Officer, Gandlake
Technology - Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Who are you? Where do you want to go?
- - Colin Cram, Director, NWCE
- Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Service delivery future scenarios?
- - Nigel Bates, Head of Local and Regional
Government, Microsoft - Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â I go to work with my team between 9
and 5 whats wrong with this statement?
2Is that you15th November 2006
Paul Kilner Head of Business Relationship
Management eGU Cabinet Office
3What is EDT ?
- New EDT on 1 Slide
- Moved to Warrington from Central London
- A new management team and structure
- Secured a Pan-Government 5 year funding package
- Signed a five 47m MSP arrangement with ATOS
Origin - Has the number 1 Pan-Government IDM Common
Infrastructure tool the Government Gateway - A new commitment to working hand-in-hand with
Partners in order to develop/exploit and nurture
the Identity Verification market within and
around the Public Sector
4What is the Government Gateway and what has it
achieved to date?
- "The Government Gateway is a clear example of IT
enabling the transformation of Government. This
also demonstrates how private and public sector
can work together to provide great public
services to citizens. - Ian Watmore
- Permanent Secretary Head of Unit Prime
Minister's Delivery Unit - I consider that the Government Gateway is a key
component of common infrastructure and supports
the public sector response to the ambitious
challenge for shared services set out in the
Transformational Government paper, presented to
Parliament in November 2005. - John Suffolk,
- CIO for Government
5What is the Government Gateway and what has it
achieved to date?
- The Gateway provides the UK Governments
e-services agenda with - Cross-Government identity management
- Registration and Enrolment
- Authentication and Authorisation
- Delegated rights and roles for citizens,
businesses, intermediaries and Government
employees providing a common credential across
all online services - Reliable and secure messaging and transaction
facilities for - Citizen-to-Government (C2G)
- Intermediary-to-Government (I2G)
- Business-to-Government (B2G)
- Government-to-Government (G2G)
6What is the Government Gateway and what has it
achieved to date?
- Key Milestones
- August 2006 Since the launch of the Government
Gateway in 2001, it has processed over 9 million
active service enrolments, Â over 13 million
submissions and over 32 million in payments - May 2006 The HMRC Self Assessment peak
processes over 1 million submissions processed
through the Government Gateway in a single month - March 2006 Cabinet Office e-Delivery Team, who
deliver the Government Gateway, commences moves
from Central London to new location in the North
West of England - December 2005 Fenland District Council Payment
Engine becomes the 100th live service enabled via
the Government Gateway - October 2003 Government Gateway Payment Engine
launched - July 2001 Government Gateway wins its first
major awards - Government Computing Innovation
award and the Digital Britain award for joined-up
government - January 2001 Government Gateway launched,
heralding the start of the Government's online
secure joined-up service delivery agenda. It
provided multiple government departments and
agencies with a common Authentication Engine,
Registration and Enrolment Engine, Transaction
Engine and Helpdesk Tools
7What services are on the Government Gateway?
- High volume services enabled via the Gateway
- HMRC - Corporation tax (Online payment of
Corporation tax) - Pension Real Time Forecast (Online service)
- New Tax Credits - (Benefits for families with
children and low paid employees through payments
through the wage packet) - Self Assessment (Payment of tax online)
- PAYE - P6/P9 and P35 notifications (Online
services) - DWP - Edon (Employers direct online job
8Current Government Gateway Services - Central
9Current Government Gateway Services - Local
10How many people use the Government Gateway?
- Key recent delivery milestones
- Over 9 million active enrolments on the
Government Gateway - Over 13 million submissions now processed through
the Government Gateway - Over 32 million in payments have passed through
the Government Gateway Payment Engine. Over
450,000 settled transactions since October 2003
11How many people use the Government Gateway?
- A month to remember May 2006
- The month of May was the busiest ever for
Government Gateway. For the first time since it
was launched, Government Gateway processed over a
million submissions in a single month, with a
total of 1.23 million. Just over a million of
these were for the PAYE. The PAYE peak also led
to a record number of authentications with 2.74
million for the month. - In the busiest hour the number of requests to the
Government Gateway from departmental portals was
triple those seen during the busiest hour of the
January 2006 Self Assessment peak. The average
number of requests to Government Gateway during
this hour exceeded 800 per minute.
12Any Questions
- Paul Kilner
- Head of Business Relationship Management
- paul.kilner_at_cabinet-office.x.gsi.gov.uk
13T-Gov 15 Nov 2006 www.gandlake.com tel 01635
14Who are You? Where do you want to go?
T-Gov 15 Nov 2006 www.gandlake.com tel 01635
William Sproul
W. Sproul
Mr. W. Sproul
Bill Sproul
Mr. B. Sproul
??? Sproul
??? Sproul
??? Sproul
LA Website
Central Government ID
T-Gov 15 Nov 2006 www.gandlake.com tel 01635
16Plan and Implement
- Determine an Identity Management Strategy
- Develop Your IM Strategy into an Implementation
plan - Normalize Identity within your Authority
- Extend this identity to partnerships
- Extend this identity to central government
T-Gov 15 Nov 2006 www.gandlake.com tel 01635
17- Thank You!
- Bill Sproul
- bill.sproul_at_gandlake.com
T-Gov 15 Nov 2006 www.gandlake.com tel 01635
18Service Delivery Future Scenarios?
- Colin Cram
- Regional Director
- North West Centre of Excellence
19(No Transcript)
20(No Transcript)
VALUE OPTIMISATION - Procurement strategy tied
to authoritys business strategy
INTEGRATION - Procurement viewed as key
contributor to business strategy
CONTROL - Procurement has some accountability
for overall cost reduction
- Focus on purchase orders
- Detailed reconciliation
- Back Office function
22With thanks..
- Colin Cram
- Regional Director
- North West Centre of Excellence
- colin.cram_at_tameside.gov.uk
- Telephone 0161 342 3301
23Transformational Government
Nigel Bates Head of Local Government
24PWC Research 78 People are most important
asset 91 Technology makes people do job
better 39 have IT strategy focused on their
- Why Go
- Work is Where?
- Home
- Mobile
- Who is team?
- Collaboration and Integration is key
- Multi agency working Telford Wrekin,
Stafford, LB Newham - 9-5 When is work?
- When demand for service exists
- Global business use people all over the world
empowered with Knowledge - Where do people spend Money
- Where they earn it?
- Where they want to be?
26(No Transcript)
The challenge for Partnerships is to enable
seamless service delivery using people
28Transformational Government
Nigel Bates Head of Local Government
29Concluding Panel 1510 What Next for
Transformational Government?
- Nigel Bates, Head of Local and Regional
Government, Microsoft - Colin Cram, North West Centre of Excellence
- Paul Kilner, Cabinet Office, e-Delivery Team
- Bill Sproul, Chief Technology Officer, Gandlake
30t-Gov Autumn EXPO Concludes
- Thank you
- and safe journey
- Slides and programme information available from
www.localtgov.org.uk - t-Gov procurement 3rd Annual NePP Conference and
Exhibition 6th / 7th December, London - t-Gov Shared Services 30th January, London
- t-Gov National EXPO 18th / 19th April 2007,
London - Events www.tgovseries.org.uk